“Wait something is happening to the fire wall.” Rexen says
“It’s falling down.” Zain says
“This could mean something has happened to Spanx.” Kai says
“Don’t worry she’s still alive.”
Everyone turns to look at Myreal.
“She and I are after all siblings, we share a bond if she or I die we
would know it right away. Asriel always said if I were to meet my
twin I would know upon contact. I knew who she was the day at the
banquet thanks to you Kai.” Myreal smirks at Kai
“If only you were not her older brother.” Zain says as he turns to him
clenching his hands into fits.
“How could you even do that to your little sister, purposely sending her
to the enemy?” Maxen asks
“I don’t need to answer to your questions. You should pay attention
that way someone is coming this way.” Myreal points passed the
falling wall of fire.
“Hey it’s that rabicat. That means Spanx is coming back.” Zain says
The five of them wait as Selima comes into view. Then they notice someone
walking behind Selima.
“Who is that odd guy, and why is he carrying Spanx?” Zain
“What happened to Spanx, who are you, and why are you carrying her like
that?” Zain walks up to the guy
“This girl has trapped Asriel in some type of shield. She passed out after.
She needs rest and maybe even a doctor’s care.”
“I don’t know who you think you are but you should stop there; you
don’t know anything about Spanx.” Zain says
“Call me Crysin; I have gotten a pretty good idea about her after the
display back there.”
“Where are you from Crysin? I am Kai the one with all the questions is my
brother Zain, this is Rexen, Maxen, and Myreal.” Kai say’s as he
looks at him.
Spanx breathes in deeply, then opens her eyes
“Thank you for catching me, you… you can put me down now.” She says as
she looks up at him
“Are you sure you’re alright to walk on your own?”
“Yes, I um… I am fine really.”
He lets her legs down, while still supporting her he gives her a smile.
“That was a very interesting show back there Spanx, please call me Crysin.”
“I think we should get moving.” She looks around at everyone then she
starts on her way without another word.
“We have horses up the way. Traveling that way is faster.” Zain says as
he starts walking
They walk to the horses. The five horses look at them as they walk up.
Selima has returned to her normal size.
“How are we all going to get back on only five horses, I won’t be
sharing a horse unless it’s with Spanx.” Zain says.
“Don’t worry I can assist with that” Crysin takes out an object then with
it a whistling noise comes out. From the trees emerge two more
“That was awesome.” Felicity says excitedly.
“Come on Selima you can ride in my bag, you must be tired, you did very
well I should get you something special.” Spanx says as she holds
the bag open. Selima jumps in.
“There you are Felicity.” Crysin says as he helps her onto the horse.
“Would you like some help?” he asks as he turns to Spanx
“I… no I can get on myself thanks though.” She shares the horse with
“Very well.” He then gets onto the last horse
Once they are on the horses, Kai leads the way they ride quickly back to
the Castle.
“Why haven’t you tried talking to her?” Maxen asks Kai as the horses
walk side by side.
“She thinks I believed she was the daughter of Asriel. I betrayed the
trust she had for me. I ousted her as an enemy before I had all the
“We all had our doubts about that don’t put all the blame on yourself
Spanx isn’t the type to hate someone. She’s a very forgiving
girl, trust me just try talking to her.”
“Is that the castle?” Felicity asks pointing ahead.
“Indeed it is.” Spanx looks at the castle as it comes into view.
“Why do you look so worried?” Felicity asks as she looks at Spanx.
“I have a bad feeling about going back. After the way, I left.”
“You shouldn’t fear something like that. After all what I have come to
know. You left to protect your friends, along the way you have saved
this interesting animal a young girl from being alone. You even
risked your own life to seal away the greatest enemy of everyone.
Also, you are not the only one to have left the castle.” Crysin
says while the horses are next to each other.
“Crysin… I … your words are... Thank you.”
They all enter through the castle Gates. Kai and Zain at the head of the
group, they take the horses to the stable.
“You should stay in my bag Selima; I’ll let you out when it’s ok to.”
She ducks further into the bag
“Spanx allow Kai and me to talk to the king first.” Zain says as he
lightly pats her shoulder.
“Thank you Zain. Kai… please wait… I want to… I want to thank you, and
I’m sorry for my actions.” She bows to him
“I am sorry too, I will do my best to speak with my father the king and
clear up this whole mess. You should wait in the corridor.” Kai
says then he and Zain head into the castle everyone else follows
Felicity holds onto Spanx’s hand to give her some comfort. Spanx looks over
at her and gives a smile Felicity smiles back. They come up to the
king’s council room doors.
“Maxen and Rexen you two are to join us.” Kai says
Zain opens the door and the four of them enter the door closes behind
Myreal leans against the wall as he stands with his arms crossed. Felicity
has fallen asleep sitting on the floor the wall keeps her from
falling. Crysin stands next to the wall as he watches Spanx pace in
front of the doors she doesn’t take her eyes off them.
“It’s going to be alright. You’re going to make yourself dizzy doing
that.” Crysin
“That’s impossible there are too many bad outcomes to this that my mind keeps
finding an even worse one before it even finishes the outcome to the
She stops pacing and looks to him with widened eyes.
“Oh my I even told the only mother I’ve had that I would be careful and
I wouldn’t cause trouble.” She puts her hand on her mouth then
starts to pace again.
“You should take in a deep breath.” Crysin says as he stops her from
pacing gently holding on to her shoulders.
“You have nothing to be worried about. Your Journey may have started out
being a selfish act, but in the end of it you have done more for the
ones around you than yourself.” He says as he looks at her
She looks back at him silently
“Why don’t you just kiss her already stop staring at each other that
way.” Myreal says as he lets out a long annoyed sigh as he turns
his back to them.
Spanx pulls away quickly realizing how close together they are, as she’s
stepping back her feet get twisted and she starts to fall. She closes
her eyes bracing herself to hit the floor but it never happens she
slowly opens her eyes to see who caught her.
“I really don’t see how the two of us are to be siblings you are
rather clumsy.”
“Myreal how did you?”
“Just because one has their back turned doesn’t mean they are not paying
attention to what surrounds them.” He helps her back to her feet
then the council doors open. The four who entered exit, Kai waits
next to the door.
“Spanx the king would like to speak with you.” Kai says
She walks into the room the king sits with his queen next to him. Spanx
walks up to them Kai next to her. She kneels onto the floor then
gives a bow
“My drear please rise to your feet.” Surprised to hear the voice of the
queen she looks up then she gets to her feet.
“Kai has told us about why you left, and what he knows you have done
within your absence from the castle. You have performed many selfless
acts; you have saved a young child from being left alone in the
wilderness. I heard that you even risked your life’s energy by
concealing our most feared enemy within a barrier. For this it would
seem we should be bowing to you my dear.” The queen says then she
takes the kings hand within hers
“Tomorrow night my dear we shall celebrate the concealment of our greatest
enemy, and you will be our honored guest. As our way of giving you
thanks and letting the people know you have been the one to save
their future.” The king says as he stands from his chair.
“I really don’t know what to say to all of this, but thank you.”
She looks over at Kai who is smiling at her. She gives a small smile back
They leave the council room felicity still asleep in the same spot.
“Is it possible to put another bed in the chamber I sleep? I think she’ll
feel better being with me until she gets used to all the faces within
the castle?” Spanx looks over to Kai.
“I don’t see that being a problem.”
“Hey I’ll go find someone to do that right now.” Zain cuts in
“I’m just going to let her sleep in the bed that’s there, there’s no
need to rush. Everyone has had a long few days shouldn’t it be time
for rest now?” she says trying to sound cheerful.
“Yeah I agree, after all there is no major threat anymore, thanks to Spanx
we can be worry free now.” Zain
“Spanx you should meet us at the dining hall when it is time to eat.”Rexen
looks over at her
“Um... Alright I'll be there. Well we’ll see you all later then. This
little girl needs some good sleep.” She picks up Felicity and
starts to carry her. While the others talk among themselves Crysin
follows Spanx
“Would you allow me to carry her for you? You have also been through a lot;
I still feel you should see a doctor.” Crysin asks as he walks
beside her
“I’m fine really.”
“Here I’ll carry her you can lead the way.” He stands in front of her
and lifts Felicity from her hands.
“My bed chamber is just around the way over there to the left.” She
says as she points in the direction of the room.
“How did you do that back there; make that barrier I mean that was
different?” he asks as he glances over to her.
“To be truthfully honest I don’t know, there was so much happening and
so many people that could have been hurt or even worse, I just want
to keep them all safe, but I didn’t want to harm him either.” She
looks down
“Do you mean Asriel?”
“That’s only one half of the person, there is another side within. It didn’t
feel right to harm him.” She looks over at Crysin
“Do you think there is a way to save the soul trapped within the evil
“I would like to believe that.”
She opens the door to the room; Crysin walks in and places Felicity onto
the bed. Spanx uses fire to light the candle on the table. She writes
a note for Felicity.
She sets her bag onto the floor opening it to see Selima.
“It’s safe now, you can lay up there with Felicity I’ll be right back
with some food.”
Selima meows and jumps out of the bag she hops onto the bed circles in a
small spot then she curls up lying next to Felicity. Crysin and Spanx
leave the room closing the door behind them.
“Well we should go get something to eat.”
“I’ll follow you.” Crysin says
The two of them head to the dining hall walking in silence, when they get
to the opened doors Spanx stops as she looks through the door way.
“What’s wrong?”
He touches her shoulder and she jumps
“I’m sorry, that man right there is my father.” She says as she points
“If he’s your father why are you afraid to see him?”
“I just found out he was my father.”
“Well he’s coming this way.”
She turns to look and sure enough Ari is walking towards them. Not having
the courage to face him she grabs onto Crysin’s hand and they hide
behind one of the pillars using the shadow as cover. Once Ari has
completely passed by, Crysin looks down at Spanx as she looks up at
“I’m sorry.” She walks out from behind the pillar only to bump into
Myreal looks at her then sees Crysin step out from behind the pillar.
“Well I’ll just act as if I saw nothing and move on.” Myreal heads into
the dining hall.
“Am I mistaken or did he not say something about the two of you being
Siblings earlier?”
“We are still getting used to being siblings. Why don’t we go get some
food?” Spanx smiles then walks into the room heading straight for
the food.
She grabs a tray and starts adding food onto it. Once it’s full she
leaves the hall making sure no one has seen her.
“What’s with all the bread?”
“I like bread, I can’t explain why. Would you like to share with
Felicity, Selima and I?”
“Why not, I’m enjoying getting to know you.”
“I see.” Spanx walks ahead.
When they get back to the room Felicity is sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Did you have a good rest?”
“Is that food?” her eyes widen at the sight of the trey
“It sure is.” Spanx sets the trey in the middle of the bed the four of
them sit on each side of the trey eating the food together.
At the other end of the castle Chime carries a tray of tea. She knocks
onto the door then opens it slowly.
“I brought some tea.” She walks over and sets it on the table
“Thank you Chime.” Ari says as he stares out the window at the moon.
“Ari, could I have a moment of your time? There is something I must tell
you for it has been killing me inside for many years.” She looks
over at him with tears in her eyes.
“What is it chime, are you alright?” Ari turns to her.
“The night Myra had given birth; she delivered you a son along with a
daughter. King Ahriman had forbidden me to speak of the delivery and
that Myra had birthed two children. He had also ordered me to take
the boy… your son to the kingdom border I was to leave him there,
but I couldn’t. I was going to tell Myra what happened but before I
could Asriel had started the attack. When I heard, Myra had passed on
and your daughter was missing and I had given your son to a random
person. I went to confront King Ahriman I asked how many other
children he had put to death, but he had just become angry…
everything had happened so fast I didn’t realize what I had done
until his blood was staining the floor. I ran in fear I thought I was
avenging all the innocent children along with your family. I am so
sorry Air it is my fault you lost all your family in one night.”
Chime falls to the floor as heavy streams of tears flow from her
“Chime you did avenge all of those lost children. King Ahriman was lost
within his power as king. He lost sight of himself because of the
power he gained by becoming the king. I do not blame you for your
actions for I may have done the same if placed in your position. Not
all of my family was lost after all I have found my daughter.” Ari
says as he helps Chime to her feet.
“Ari your son is within the castle as well. Both of your children have
returned.” Chime says as she wipes the still falling tears on her
“Your secret is safe with me.”
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