Episode 11

“Prince Zain, I’m sorry to inform you that lady Spanx was already gone from

her chambers. What would you like me to do with this tray of

breakfast?” maid 2

“You can set it over on the desk.”

She sets the tray on the desk then she turns towards him.

“Prince Zain this was on the floor by your door when I entered your room. It

only has your name on it.” She holds out the letter.

“Thank you.” He takes the letter. The maid leaves and he opens the letter.

Dear Prince Zain,

    First I want to apologize for hurting you by thinking your feelings were

just an act. I feel I have misjudged you. By doing that I think that

I was the reason you and Kai have now gained this huge ripple within

your relationship as brothers. Family should always be treasured

dearly; for they can be lost or even taken away without any warning.

I didn’t get to grow with my real family; yet I refuse to give up

on hoping they are out there. I know I was blessed to have been

raised by a loving lady. So please make amends with your brother. I

want you to know the reason for this letter; before you have found

it, I’ll be gone from the castle I have gained information about

someone who can possibly tell me about my family. This is good bye

for a short time. Thank you for the kindness and the friendship

you’ve given me.


Dropping the letter, he runs out of the room.


Kai sits up and holds his head. Then he remembers what had happened and

he touches the wound.

“It doesn’t hurt to touch it.” He goes to take the bandage off but

then he notices the letter; he picks it up and opens it.

Dear Prince Kai,

We didn’t have a lot of time to get to know one another; I do want to

thank you for the dance and the beautiful flower. I apologize for

acting strangely after you had given it to me. I also want you to

know that I take the blame for your injury; if I would have just

noticed how Zain was truly feeling sooner maybe the two of you

wouldn’t have fought. If I may ask this one favor; please forgive

Zain, you can place all the blame upon me. To lose one’s family is

the worst thing to ever have happen. You told me about what happened

to Ari and I was touched by it. Before I get carried away I only have

two things left to tell you. Before you read this, I’ll have left

the castle; there is someone who may know about my family. So, this

is goodbye for a short time.


Kai hides the letter under his pillow when he hears quick paced footsteps

in the hall way.

“Ah Doctor good morning. How is Kai doing?” Zain asks loudly as he

hurries over.

“What do you say we have a look together?” the doctor says without his

expression unchanging.

The two of them enter the room together.

“You’re awake?” the doctor says with wide eyes.

“You sound surprised.” Kai says

“It’s just that with the type of injury you should have been asleep for at

least two days.” The doctor says.

“Shouldn’t we just be thankful he’s awake?” Zain asks while looking at the


“Yes you are correct; my apologies.” He says with a bow.

“Well I should check the wound.” The doctor looks at Kai

“Of course doctor.” Kai

The doctor unwraps the bandaging.

“It’s already healed but that’s… that’s highly impossible.” The

doctor looks between the two of them wide eyed.

“Doctor; I hate to have to do this but I feel I need to use my title as a prince

to ask a favor of you. You are not to report this to anyone only the

three of us will know of this.” Kai says

“Yes Prince Kai you have my word on my silence.” The doctor gives a bow.

“Doctor I need to speak with my brother alone. Could you step out?” Zain


“Understood” With another bow the doctor leaves the room.

“She’s gone none of the maids or servants have seen her and she wasn’t

even in her chambers.” Zain says as he walks in a small circle.

“I’m just going to assume you are talking about Spanx.” Kai says as he

watches him quickly stop walking.

“How did you… did you receive a letter as well?” He asks

“Yes I also received a letter but you should know that’s not the only

thing that gave it away on whom you had been speaking of.” Kai says

with a chuckle.


“Never mind, anyway inside the letter she took all the blame for my now

nonexistent injury. She even asked me to forgive you; followed by the

news of her leaving the castle.”

“She truly is something else.”

“What is it Zain?” Kai asks

“She must have come to give you the letter last night.”

“The letter was left here but anyone could have delivered… wait I

thought I heard her voice whispering to me. Then a very quick light

touch on the top of my hand.” Kai looks at his hand remembering

what happened.

“I remember when they had all arrived at the castle. Captain and Ari

gave their reports to the King. I remember Ari saying that there was

an appearance of a creature and that the four of them had taken it

out. Spanx had survived a bite from the creature; the even stranger

part the bite had healed within hours of being bit.”

“Are you trying to imply that Spanx had healed me last night?” Kai

“Are you saying you don’t think it’s a possibility?”

Kai sits quietly thinking.

“Do you know the names of the four who took out the creature?” Kai

looks at Zain

“Ari said the four who faced it was Fields, Blue, Rivers, and Chains. I

also believe that Ari said Chains was knocked out for a period; why?”

“So we need to talk with Rexen, Syi, and Maxen; it’s possible they may

know more than they are letting on; at least about that night any


“What are you thinking in that head of yours?” Zain asks with a smirk.

“Spanx might be Ari’s lost child. She could even be a child of Asriel or

just another of his pawns.” Kai

“Shouldn’t she be able to use all elements if she was a child of Ari or even

Asriel? I have only ever seen her use water.” Zain

“If she really is able to use the forces of life and death; it’s more

likely she is Asriel’s daughter. She is the right age to be.” Kai

“Spanx came from the water village could that be the reason she can only use

water?” Zain asks

“She came from the Water village?”

“Yeah; that’s what Ari said in his report to the king.” Zain

“Go find a map.” Kai says seeming to have realized something.

Zain leaves then he returns with a map

“What do you need a map for?” he asks as he watches Kai open it.

“The story of Myra Arrows” Kai says as he straightens out the map by his


“The story of whom” Zain looks at Kai

“Do you ever pay attention?” Kai

“When the speaker is worth listening too; or if the speaker is very

beautiful. You should know that.” Zain says with a smile.

“Eighteen years ago the castle was attacked. Myra went to save the children us

included. It was Myra, Ari and one maid I believe Myra called her

Chime. Myra had turned back to go get her new born child. Once the

other children where safe with the maid at the willow tree; Ari

turned back to help Myra. They had fought off many creatures then Ari

became separated from Myra and the child. Myra had returned to Ari

after facing Asriel, she had died in Ari’s arms. Everyone believes

that she had given her child to a family in one of the neighboring

villages. I remember reading over the old reports and the report from

the guards who had found Myra said she was coming from the south west

which would mean she had been able to leave the child in the water

village.” Kai says as he points at the water village on the map.

“I thought Ari had searched for an entire year for his child he should

have been able to find her, right?”

“I don’t think Ari knew the gender of his child at the time he was



do you mean he didn’t know the gender of his own child?” Zain

looks at Kai confusion all over his face.

“When our Grandfather was king he had this regulation that when the woman

was giving birth; only the doctor and one helper could be in the

room. Once the child was born the king would be told and he would go

to see the child and that’s when he would pair two of the children

he thought fit as a pair and they would marry when they became of

age. The attack from Asriel happened on the night Ari’s child was

born and the death of our grandfather.”

“Our grandfather was a rather strange man.” Zain says he makes a crazy


“Is that really all you gathered from all that?” Kai rubs his forehead.

“Do you think we should tell Ari that Spanx is possibly his daughter?”

“We can’t do that.”

“Well why not?”

“All we have is possibility. We have no actual hard proof. We can’t just

walk up to him and say Ari we ‘think’ that Spanx is your lost

child; and we also think she is on her way to a trap. We need to do

this without drawing attention to the matter.”

“Well we do know she has gone alone. For one it wasn’t in my letter that

she asked anyone to go with her. If I think about I don’t even, see

her as the type to ask for help.”

Then the morning bell that signals breakfast is over sounds.

“I completely forgot about training today.” Zain says with a slightly

guilty smile.

“We should get ready to go.” Kai says as he stands up.

The two of them make their way to the training field after they have


1 Episode 1
2 Episode 2
3 Episode 3
4 Episode 4
5 Episode 5
6 Episode 6
7 Episode 7
8 Episode 8
9 Episode 9
10 Episode 10
11 Episode 11
12 Episode 12
13 Episode 13
14 Episode 14
15 Episode 15
16 Episode 16
17 Episode 17
18 Episode 18
19 Episode 19
20 Episode 20
21 Episode 21 - Where it begins -
22 Episode 22
23 Episode 23
24 Episode 24
25 Episode 25
26 Episode 26
27 Episode 27
28 Episode 28
29 Episode 29
30 Episode 30
31 Episode 31
32 Episode 32
33 Episode 33
34 Episode 34
35 Episode 35
36 Episode 36
37 Episode 37
38 Episode 38
39 Episode 39
40 Episode 40
41 Episode 41
42 Episode 42
43 Episode 43
44 Episode 44
45 Episode 45
46 Episode 46
47 Episode 47
48 Episode 48
49 Episode 49
50 Episode 50
51 Episode 51
52 Episode 52
53 Episode 53
54 Episode 54
55 Episode 55
56 Episode 56
57 Episode 57
58 Episode 58
59 Episode 59
60 Episode 60
61 Episode 61
62 Episode 62
63 Episode 63
64 Episode 64
65 Episode 65
66 Episode 66
67 Episode 67
68 Episode 68
69 Episode 69
70 Episode 70
71 Episode 71
72 Episode 72
73 Episode 73
74 Episode 74
75 Episode 75
76 Episode 76
77 Episode 77
78 Episode 78
79 Episode 79
80 Episode 80
81 Episode 81
82 Episode 82
83 Episode 83
84 Episode 84
85 Episode 85
86 Episode 86
87 Episode 87
88 Episode 88
89 Episode 89
90 Episode 90
91 Episode 91
92 Episode 92
93 Episode 93

Updated 93 Episodes

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21 - Where it begins -
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 63
Episode 64
Episode 65
Episode 66
Episode 67
Episode 68
Episode 69
Episode 70
Episode 71
Episode 72
Episode 73
Episode 74
Episode 75
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78
Episode 79
Episode 80
Episode 81
Episode 82
Episode 83
Episode 84
Episode 85
Episode 86
Episode 87
Episode 88
Episode 89
Episode 90
Episode 91
Episode 92
Episode 93


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