Spanx is woken by the sound of Selima’s growl.
“What is it Selima?”
Selima growls once again. Then in the distance there is a whining squeal.
“It can’t be one of those things again.” Spanx quickly rises to her
feet holding Selima in her arms.
“We should move from here it may not be safe. We should also see if there
is someone in need of help.”
Selima Lets out another growl.
Spanx grabs her bag and puts it over one arm she moves Selima to her
shoulder so she can put the bag around her other arm as well. Selima
moves so she’s sitting on top of the bag. They head on towards the
noise of the creatures.
“We should be seeing them soon.” Spanx says as she stops to look.
Then in the distance something comes into view.
“Is that a…”
Then a young girl runs a little bit past them.
“There are two of them. They are not far behind.” The girl says as she
catches her breath hiding behind one of the trees.
“Ok just stay there.” Spanx says as she returns her attention to the
direction the girl had just come from.
Selima arches as she lets out another growl.
“There is only one chance for this.”
The two creatures come into view Spanx readies herself once she knows
they are close enough to hit.
“Ego mundavero vos ex hoc mundo!” (I scrub you out of this world.) Spanx yells then all at once she uses
all four elements taking both out with the one hit.
“Whoa how did you do that?” the girl asks
“To be honest I really have no idea; my name is Spanx what’s yours? Are
you out here all on your own?”
Spanx looks at the girl with a smile. The girl is looking back at her with
a mixture of surprise and confusion.
“I’m sorry for all the questions; this is Selima she found me.”
“You took out two creatures with one hit, speak funny languages and you
even have a pet rabicat. My name is Felicity and yes I am out here
all alone.”
“You have a really interesting name Felicity. I spoke a funny language?
Selima is a rabicat?” Spanx turns to look at Selima and she meows
at her.
“I have a place that we can go to keep us safe from those creatures
through the night. At least it will be safe to get some real sleep.”
Felicity says as she looks at Selima then at Spanx.
“Follow me; it’s over this way.” She starts walking.
They walk until they come to a wall of rock. Felicity goes over to the
patch of vines covered with leaves. Moving them she goes into an
“Allow me to light up the way.” Spanx concentrates for a moment then she
has a floating fire ball above her hand.
“Light up our path as we walk.” She says. It glides over their heads and
as they walk it follows.
After a few minutes, they walk into a rounded area. Spanx looks around
seeing a small amount of supplies lying at one end.
“It’s nothing too fantastic but it has kept me safe.”
“How long have you been here by yourself?” Spanx asks as she uses the
fire ball to make a small fire with the sticks that lay on the ground
in the middle.
“I don’t know, I thought about keeping track but then it just seemed
like it would be a painful reminder.” Felicity stares into the
“I’m sorry; I know how you feel. I’m sure Selima knows how you feel as
well. Why don’t we talk about something you’d like to talk
about?” Spanx says
“Is your element Fire? I’m able to use water I’m only really good at
making a shield around myself.” Felicity says
“I can use all the elements but I don’t think I’m better at one or
the other. There’s always more that can be learned. Oh, I know a
neat trick with water. If you teach me how to make the water shield,
I will teach you the tracking trick.” Spanx says with a cheery
“Ok. You just need to keep your mind at its center and feel yourself being
within a bubble of water. I start it by making a circle with my foot
as you spin and then you’re within a water bubble.” Felicity says
as she smiles back at Spanx
“I must remember that.” Spanx
“For the tracking trick, you touch the ground and picture the animal or
the person you want to follow and then lift the palm of your hand
leaving only your fingertips. Then say allow me to see the steps
taken; that’s where you say the animal or the person’s name as
you push your palm back to the ground and the footprints will fill
with water. The fun part is only you can see the prints.” Spanx
seems to be lost in thought after she explains the trick.
“Spanx are you ok?”
“Yes sorry was just thinking about a friend I showed that water trick to
some time ago.”
“Did something happen to that friend?”
“Nothing has happened it’s just that I left without saying goodbye.” Spanx
looks down sadly.
“Oh I’m sorry. Why did you leave though?”
“I’m looking for someone that could help me find out where my family is or
what has happened to them.”
“Could I go with you?”
“I’m not going to say no because you shouldn’t be left out here alone,
but I’m not going to lie we may come to see many more of those
creatures along the way.” Spanx
“I will not get in your way if we see one of those things.”
“It’s not that you’ll be in my way I just don’t want you to get hurt.”
Then Spanx uses her bag to prop her head as she lies down.
“Oh I see.” Felicity lies down as well
“Let’s get some sleep it’s still a few days’ worth of travel before we
get there.”
With the glow of the fire they fall asleep.
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Updated 93 Episodes