Episode 16

“Hey what about guard training wouldn’t it be really strange for the

five of us to miss?” Rexen

“How do you get Five?” Zain looks up from the book he’s holding.

“He’s counting the four of us along with Spanx.” Maxen says looking up

from his book for a moment.

“No need to worry about that I have already taken care of it. I told

Captain that I needed some help with preparing for a trip I’m soon

to take and the four of you are the ones helping me do so.” Kai

says without looking up from the book.

Then the door to the room of records opens slowly everyone but Kai looks

over at the door. Chime walks in with a rolling tray cart each tray

filled with food.

“I hope I am not interrupting I just thought you would all be hungry, I

figured you would be here I noticed Kai had one of the books from

here. I made sure no one knew where I was headed.” She says with a


Zain is the first one to head for the food.

“Thank you Chime this was very generous of you.” Kai says as he walks over

to her and the food.

“I will notify you if I come across any information that’s useful to

you within the gossip that travels the castle.” She gives another


Kai gives her a light pat on the shoulder. Then she leaves the room

Kai takes two of the pastries and goes back to the chair then returns to

reading as he eats. Rexen and Maxen also go back to reading.

“Hey this mentions a maid named Alue, she was a personal maid to king

Ahriman. It says she served him for three years then one day she just

disappeared from the castle no one ever saw her again until she was

reported deceased from one of the neighboring villages there was more

to this but it looks like ink was splattered over it.” Rexen says

he brings the book to the table.

Kai looks at the page.

“Hey why don’t we try that tracking trick of yours, it’s worth a try

to find out what someone didn’t want documented.” Kai says

“Alright I’ll give it an attempt I don’t know how well this is going to


Maxen places his hand onto the book as he concentrates he lifts the palm of

his hand then places it back down quickly.

“I got it, it reads Elena Alue had one child a son she called him Asher.

He was said to be missing the day before her death.” Maxen lets go

of the book

“Do any of you think that this Asher is a child of king Ahriman?” Rexen

“That would explain why she left the castle so suddenly. She must have

feared for the child. Considering then king already had an heir to

take the throne.” Maxen says

“This means our father has a half blood brother?” Zain looks to Kai

“I will set out to find Spanx in the morning you three should stay to

make sure things stay calm here.” Kai starts for the door

“Whoa… why are you going alone we helped with all this rather boring stuff

we should be helping out there as well.” Zain says as he stands in

the way of Kai.

“If I go alone I can make faster time less chances of being spotted;

besides I know what I face out there.” Kai says

“Shouldn’t that right there be enough to allow us to go along? Granted we don’t

have much hand on experience when it comes to what’s out there but

we will have each other’s back the way a team is supposed to be.”

Rexen says

“Spanx is like family to me I want to be out there helping even more so now

that she’s most likely walking to her own death as you said.”

Maxen stands next to Zain.

“We have to leave before first light. Let’s meet at the stables going

by horse is faster. Fail to be there before then I will leave without

you. I advise to pack lightly.” Kai walks out of the room.

The three of them start to leave the room as well. Zain takes the few

items of remaining food off the tray as he passes it.


“We have been walking for a long time. Do you have anything in that bag

to eat?” Felicity says as she keeps up with Spanx.

“Why don’t we stop here? We can eat some of the food I have in my bag.

We can rest up in that tree for the night. Then we’ll get up at

dawn to walk through the smoky woods.” Spanx points to a tall tree

little ways up ahead then she looks over at Felicity.

“Ok that sounds good. How are we going to get up into that tree? It has

no low branches for us to use for climbing.” Felicity asks as she

sits down on the ground. Selima jumps down from the bag and she sits

next to Felicity. Spanx takes off the bag then she sits placing it

into her lap. She opens it up and pulls out three of the four

remaining bread loaves. She hands one to felicity then pulls one

apart for Selima the three of them eat.

“Alright we should get up into that tree before it gets dark.” Spanx heads

towards the large tree.

Selima and Felicity follow behind.

Spanx touches the tree. As she concentrates a branch reaches down to them.

“Ok we need to hold on tightly.”

“This is so amazing; we are going to sleep in a tree that reaches the sky.”

Felicity grabs onto the branch Selima jumps onto Spanx’s shoulder

then she crawls into her bag. Spanx holds onto the branch with one

hand and uses the other to hold onto Felicity.

“Ok up we go.” She says and the branch pulls them up into the leafy

part of the tree.

“This is so fun.” Felicity laughs.

Spanx makes the branch they’re on wider also giving the sides a lifted

edge so they can lay and not have to worry about falling out of the

tree. The three of them sit Felicity pets Selima as she lays curled

up. Spanx looks over the map.

“Why do you plan to go through the smoky woods rather than staying on the

made path?” Felicity asks looking at Spanx.

“If we pass through the woods we can gain time, with it being a shorter

distance we can also save energy. We should get some rest the light

of dawn raises quickly and we should be moving by then.” Spanx

says. She stands up pulling a large leaf from the tree she rolls it

up and hands it to Felicity.

“Use that for your head. It’ll give you some comfort.” She smiles at


They get as comfortable as they can and they each fall asleep.


“Maid Alue, why must you be so absolutely beautiful, you tease me so.”

“My lord Ahriman I only try to do the best that I can to please you with

the work I do for you.” Maid Alue says as she makes the bed giving

a bow of her head.

Ahriman walks up to her, he places a hand onto her shoulder the other onto

her waist. He kisses along her neck softly.

“Ahriman we shouldn’t. What about the Queen?” she pulls away from him

“Are you saying you don’t wish to be with me?”

“I’m sorry my lord I didn’t mean for what I said to offend you. I don’t

want to upset you or the Queen.” She bows

“I am the King I don’t need to answer to anyone.” He says with a

firm tone.

He steps up to her. He places a hand under her chin and slowly moves her

face up so she is looking him into the eyes.

“You may be even more radiantly beautiful than the Queen my dear Elena. To

be wrapped up within your beauty that would be a great honor, your

beauty alone is desirable. Please don’t make me suffer a moment

longer.” Ahriman kisses her softly. He pulls her into him arms then

easily picking her up he places her onto the bed. She looks at him

with loving eyes then he kisses her again.

As if time is being forwarded, Elena is in the medical wing sitting with

the doctor’s assistant.

“With the symptoms you have explained to me it would seem you are with

child my dear congratulations.” The assistant says

“Thank you I should be going now.” Elena stands and leaves the room.

Elena is within the servant’s quarters. She makes sure she is alone then

grabs the few items that belong to her then she sneaks out the

servant’s entrance not looking back at the castle once. A few days’


“Have any of you seen maid Alue?” Ahriman asks a few of the other

servants as they bow.

“No sir, it’s been about a week.”

“The last I seen her she was feeling under the weather; I believe she saw

the doctor’s assistant though sense the doctor himself is out of

the castle.”

“Very well you may carry on with your duties.”

The two of them bow and leave.

Ahriman goes to the medical wing.


evening King Ahriman may I be of service to you?” the assistant

asks with a bow

“I was told that maid Alue came to see you, she wasn’t feeling well.

Could you tell me why she wasn’t feeling well?”

“My king she was showing the same symptoms that women would have when

they are a few months with child.”

“She was with child?” Ahriman looks startled.

“Yes king Ahriman I believe she was four months along.”

“As your King you are not to speak to anyone about this discussion no one

should know the reason maid Alue was really here.” Ahriman says

then storms out of the room.

Ahriman goes into a smaller version of the great hall. Only six men accompany

him. They wear armor and helmets with that have a large black feather

on the top

“You are to find maid Elena Alue, you must bring her back to me. This is

considered a secret mission. Now go find her quickly.” Ahriman

slams his fist down onto the arm of the chair as he yells out the

demanding order. The men quickly file out of the room.

“She thinks running while bearing my child. She will receive her penalty.”

He says as he watches the men leave the castle on horses.


“No!” Spanx screams as she sits up

“What’s wrong?” Felicity also sitting up looks at her worriedly Selima

stands with her back arched looking at her as well.

“I’m sorry it was a dream I seem to be having them quite often now.” She

rubs her forehead.

“Should we start moving it would be pointless in trying to go back to sleep,

now wouldn’t it?” Felicity lets out a yawn.

“It would be wise to start moving. The sun should be resizing as we head

into the smoky woods. We should keep a look out for things to eat as

well.” Spanx stands and puts her bag over her shoulders. They head

down the tree the same way they went up. They head for the smoky



“Zain wake up. Why are you sleeping there?” Kai asks as he nudges Zain in

the leg with his foot.

“You couldn’t leave me behind if I was here before you. I slept here so

I wouldn’t be left behind.” Zain gets to his feet

“You do know you smell like the horses, now right?” Rexen says as he

makes his way into the group.

“Who smells like the horses?” Maxen comes from the other side of the


“Well it looks like we’re all here.” Kai says as he gets onto the


Once they all have a horse they leave the kingdom border.

“So what’s the plan?” Zain asks

“We should follow the main trail until we get closer to where we know

she’s going to be.” Kai

“Kai you never told us where you got that symbol from. The one Spanx has.”


“Spanx and Myreal are the Gemini that Myra gave birth to.” Kai slows his

horse to a steadier pace.

“Wait Spanx and that odd character are the Gemini?” Zain says with great


“That is rather strange the two of them are nothing alike, at least not

that I have noticed.” Maxen

“What is our destination for sleep?” Zain

The three of them look at Zain at the same time.


The horses run fast along the path


1 Episode 1
2 Episode 2
3 Episode 3
4 Episode 4
5 Episode 5
6 Episode 6
7 Episode 7
8 Episode 8
9 Episode 9
10 Episode 10
11 Episode 11
12 Episode 12
13 Episode 13
14 Episode 14
15 Episode 15
16 Episode 16
17 Episode 17
18 Episode 18
19 Episode 19
20 Episode 20
21 Episode 21 - Where it begins -
22 Episode 22
23 Episode 23
24 Episode 24
25 Episode 25
26 Episode 26
27 Episode 27
28 Episode 28
29 Episode 29
30 Episode 30
31 Episode 31
32 Episode 32
33 Episode 33
34 Episode 34
35 Episode 35
36 Episode 36
37 Episode 37
38 Episode 38
39 Episode 39
40 Episode 40
41 Episode 41
42 Episode 42
43 Episode 43
44 Episode 44
45 Episode 45
46 Episode 46
47 Episode 47
48 Episode 48
49 Episode 49
50 Episode 50
51 Episode 51
52 Episode 52
53 Episode 53
54 Episode 54
55 Episode 55
56 Episode 56
57 Episode 57
58 Episode 58
59 Episode 59
60 Episode 60
61 Episode 61
62 Episode 62
63 Episode 63
64 Episode 64
65 Episode 65
66 Episode 66
67 Episode 67
68 Episode 68
69 Episode 69
70 Episode 70
71 Episode 71
72 Episode 72
73 Episode 73
74 Episode 74
75 Episode 75
76 Episode 76
77 Episode 77
78 Episode 78
79 Episode 79
80 Episode 80
81 Episode 81
82 Episode 82
83 Episode 83
84 Episode 84
85 Episode 85
86 Episode 86
87 Episode 87
88 Episode 88
89 Episode 89
90 Episode 90
91 Episode 91
92 Episode 92
93 Episode 93

Updated 93 Episodes

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21 - Where it begins -
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 63
Episode 64
Episode 65
Episode 66
Episode 67
Episode 68
Episode 69
Episode 70
Episode 71
Episode 72
Episode 73
Episode 74
Episode 75
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78
Episode 79
Episode 80
Episode 81
Episode 82
Episode 83
Episode 84
Episode 85
Episode 86
Episode 87
Episode 88
Episode 89
Episode 90
Episode 91
Episode 92
Episode 93


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