“Ah!” Spanx breaths in deeply and she sits up quickly.
Seeing the spirit of Myra in front of her she slowly backs up.
“Spanx you ok! What happened?” Felicity asks as Spanx moves towards her.
“I don’t even know how to being to explain what happened. I do know
that, that spirit is Myra Arrows. And she sacrificed her life for the
future of the children that lived in the castle and she was once in
love with Asher, but he… he turned into Asriel right before her.”
“She showed you her story?”
“I don’t know but before it can happen again we need to get out of
“Spanx I still cannot move.”
Spanx picks her up Selima jumps into Spanx’s bag. Spanx starts running
through the trees. She starts to move even faster.
“Spanx How are we going so fast?”
“I don’t know I don’t even feel the ground under my feet anymore.”
Felicity looks down.
“You don’t feel it because you’re not touching it.” Felicity looks
at Selima who has her head barely inside the bag.
“Spanx did you know you could fly?”
“I could what?”
“You have wings they look like a combination of water and air.”
“Let’s not question that, we should probably figure out how to stop. The end
of the woods is just over there.”
“Just concentrate on what you want the wings to do.”
“I can’t stop we are going to hit that huge rock.”
The two of them scream as they get closer to the rock Selima meows as she
watches the rock get closer. Selima jumps out of the bag she grows
six times her normal size, she’s green and her tail is vines with
tons of leaves. She beats the girls to the rock then as they get
closer to it she grabs Spanx’s bag she flips once through the air
the three of them land safely on a field of soft grass. Spanx and
Felicity look at Selima.
“Selima how… how did you do that?” Felicity asks
“Ah! Owe.” Spanx calls out.
“What’s wrong Spanx?”
“My leg it feels like it’s on fire.” She turns her right leg so she
can look at her calf.
“It’s glowing.”
“Selima has the same mark on her shoulder and thy.” Felicity says
“I have two of that mark as well the other is on my stomach. This is
really weird.” Spanx says
“Hey I know what this means. The two of you are bonded now. Selima is a
rabicat now that she and you have made the bond she can use all the
elements you do.”
“I was thinking about using earth to try and make the rock crumble maybe
that’s why Selima turned green. Selima you saved us.”
The two girls smile happily. Selima meow’s then she goes back to her
normal size and goes back to being grey.
“We should keep moving. We have to head to the darkest parts of the
woods.” Spanx stands she holds out her hand for Felicity then she
helps her to her feet.
“Felicity I owe you an apology for what happened back there, I put you in
danger by acting stupidly. I’m sorry.”
“I forgive you, after all you did come back and you didn’t leave me
behind. We’re like family now.”
“You are like a little sister.”
The two of them smile at each other. They walk towards the dark woods
“Whoa…” the four of them say as the horses stops quickly.
“Maxen are you sure that she went through the smoky woods?” Kai
“Yes, the tracking trick indicates that she walked right through.”
“No one just walks through the smoky woods. Are you following the right
foot steps?” Zain
Maxen redoes the tracking trick but this time he concentrates then everyone
can see the foot steps taken by Spanx.
“Whoa that’s awesome.” Rexen
“So this is what you see when you use that trick?” Zain
“Wait did any of you notice there are two sets of foot prints?” Kai asks.
“They are smaller than Spanx’s foot print. This means she’s not alone
she has someone with her.” Rexen
“Those are small like an eleven-year-old child’s foot print would be.”
Maxen says and everyone turns to look at him.
“What? I know this because I’m an older brother to four younger sisters.”
Maxen says
“Should we continue on foot or should we try to meet with them on the other
side in that meadow opening?” Zain asks
“That’s a good idea. With the horses, we can beat them to the other side,
right?” Rexen
“Unless they grew a set of wings and flew out they wouldn’t beat these
horses.” Zain says
“The normal Zain returns.” Kai says
The three of them laugh as the horse’s start to run along the trail.
“Maxen how could there not be foot prints there but then start again over
there?” Kai asks as they reach the meadow opening at the other side
of the smoky woods.
“Give me a minute.” Maxen redoes the tracking
“What kind of animal would leave a foot print that large?” Maxen asks as
he stands up.
“Those prints sort of look like…”
Before Kai has a chance to say they hear a load roar from some distance
“That came from this way!”
Maxen gets back onto the horse then they ride until the horses stop.
“Why won’t they go any further?” Rexen asks
“They can sense something ahead and they fear it. It looks like we’ll be
on foot from here.” Kai gets off the horse once they are all on
foot they head into the woods.
“What left the foot prints we saw back there?” Maxen asks
“I only know of one animal that can leave that big of a foot print, it’s
called a rabicat. It can only grow that size if it has made a bond
with someone who can use at least one element. I believed they all
had been killed off. Someone was truly lucky to have been bonded with
it.” Kai says
They walk at an even pace keeping a look out in as many directions as
“Bonded with it what do you mean?”
“A rabicat is an animal that can use the same element as the person it
shares the bond with. Once the bond is made it can only be broken by
one of the two dying. The rabicat becomes a protector for the one it
shares the bond. I’ve heard that rabicat’s have unique attacks
for all the different elements.” Kai
“So what is the plan if we see this rabicat?” Rexen asks he takes a
step and he trips on something he falls landing in a pile of dead
leaves. As he stands the leaves crumbling echo’s
“I’m sorry I didn’t know there was a root there.”
They hear the roar. Each of them stands ready to make an attack.
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Updated 93 Episodes