Episode 17

“Zain wake up. Why are you sleeping there?” Kai asks as he nudges Zain in

the leg with his foot.

“You couldn’t leave me behind if I was here before you. I slept here so

I wouldn’t be left behind.” Zain gets to his feet

“You do know you smell like the horses, now right?” Rexen says as he

makes his way into the group.

“Who smells like the horses?” Maxen comes from the other side of the


“Well it looks like we’re all here.” Kai says as he gets onto the


Once they all have a horse they leave the kingdom border.

“So what’s the plan?” Zain asks

“We should follow the main trail until we get closer to where we know

she’s going to be.” Kai

“Kai you never told us where you got that symbol from. The one Spanx has.”


“Spanx and Myreal are the Gemini that Myra gave birth to.” Kai slows his

horse to a steadier pace.

“Wait Spanx and that odd character are the Gemini?” Zain says with great


“That is rather strange the two of them are nothing alike, at least not

that I have noticed.” Maxen

“What is our destination for sleep?” Zain

The three of them look at Zain at the same time.


The horses run fast along the path


“I suppose you never heard how these woods came to be called the smoky

woods.” Felicity

“What do you mean they became known as the smoky woods?”

“The smoke or the fog is not what we believe it is. My father told me the

fog we see surrounding the woods is the spirits of those who lost

their lives, but still hold secrets they need to tell before they can

move on. They have been damned to walk within these trees until they

are given permission to pass on to the next world.”

“Why do they need permission to pass on, and who is the person they need

it from?”

“My father told me the only way a damned spirit could pass on to the next

life was for them to somehow let their untold secret be known to a

loved one. Then after they would have to see the Reaper for he is the

only one who can open the door for them to pass on.” Felicity looks

ahead seeing the smoky woods only a few more steps away.

“Are you sure that wasn’t just a story parents told their children to

keep them away from the woods so they wouldn’t get lost?”

“I’m not sure; I just know that these woods even had my father fear them

he kept from walking within them. And he was the bravest man in the

small village we used to live.”

“Nothing will happen to us if we stick together and we don’t stop.” Spanx

says as she walks into the smoky woods Felicity and Selima following

closely behind.

They walk quickly while being careful of their footing.

“Spanx I need to stop my legs are starting to feel numb.” Felicity says as

she stops walking to rub her legs.

“Ok just for a few minutes. I’m starting to get a bad feeling about

this place.” Spanx glances around only seeing a grey fog and the

outlines of trees.

“Spanx I don’t think cutting through her was the best idea.”

“Why do you say that?”

Felicity points behind her. Not looking away or even blinking. Spanx turns

around slowly.

“It’s her; I know I’ve seen her before. I followed her maybe it was more

of her leading me somewhere though.” Spanx says

“Spanx where are you going you said we should stay together.”

Felicity calls out to her and Selima growls. Spanx moves slowly towards the


“Spanx you need to stop. You shouldn’t get that close to the spirit.”

Felicity tries to stand but she’s unable to get up.

Selima growls as she goes in a circle.

“Why are you unable to move on to the next life what was the story you

couldn’t tell before you died?” Spanx asks still following the


The woman spirit reaches out a hand to Spanx, Spanx reaches out her hand

as well as their hands touch Spanx and the Spirit become one. With a

flash of light Spanx falls to the ground.

“Spanx!” felicity’s scream is the last thing heard as she loses conscience.


Spanx stands in a small town. The spirit points to a young girl that could

be about seven or eight years old the girl enters a bread store as

she’s paying for the bread it starts to rain she leaves, she goes

through a small alley seeing a boy about the same age she is she

takes one of the loafs of bread and gives it to him. The boy looks up

at her with surprise she smiles at him then she starts walking again.

This same event happens as the time passes. There are a few days at

random the young girl doesn’t show. One of the days the girl passes

by she doesn’t wear that cheerful smile.

“I’m sorry I can only give you half this time. Taking the broken half, she

hands it to him.

“What’s wrong you’re not smiling like you normally do?”

The girl looks down then she forces as smile as she looks at him

“I am alright; I must go I shouldn’t be late.” She then walks away


As a few years pass she still stops to give him food to eat. There are

only a few times she doesn’t pass through. The girl is now at least

fifteen years old she buys food then heads down the same ally.

“Asher!” she calls out to him happily as she runs to him.

“Myra.” The boy stands and smiles back at her.

“I have the food for you as I always do. I am unable to stay too long

today I must be back I have a… it’s a family thing.”

“Could you stay to eat with me?”

“Of course I’ll stay to eat with you.” She smiles and sits down.

They eat together quietly.

“I must go now. I can’t be late getting back. I don’t know if I’ll

be here tomorrow.” She leans over to him and kisses him on the

cheek. Then she gets up lifting the bag of food she leaves.

He finishes the bit of food she left him then touches his cheek, sighing

he leans against the building he puts his hand onto the ground but

instead his hand lands onto something else. He looks to see what it


“A money pouch?” he holds it up looking at it.


He gets up then heads the way Myra had gone. He spots her as she makes

her way through the crowded streets. She’s too far to hear him

calling for her. He starts to make his way through the crowd. He’s

unable to get to her before she goes into a small run down house.

Turning his attention to a window on the house he sees a gruffly

looking man pull on Myra’s hand roughly.

“Where is it Myra?” the man yells with a deep and angry voice.

“I don’t know what you are talking about Butch.” She looks down as

she says it.

“The money pouch Myra you had it to buy the food. Did you think I wouldn’t

notice that it was missing?” he forces her to look at him.

“I…I don’t know. I might have left it at one of the stores in the


“You are lucky you’re talented, and I may have found a buyer to take you

off my hands. Once I sell you tonight I’ll have even more money

than what measly change was left in that pouch.” He lets go of her


“How are you so sure I’m what the buyer really wants?”

“Your young, you have a pretty face you can handle the work of a man. Now

go prepare dinner for the buyer and I he should be arriving soon.”

“What if I was to refuse?” she looks at Butch her stance unchanging.

Butch makes as if he’s going to hit her, he stops a centimeter away from

her face she stands unflinching at his hand. She just stares at him


“Look at how brave you’ve become. Just another reason you are worth a

shiny token.”

Butch grabs onto her shoulder spins her and roughly pushes her towards the


Asher looks at the money pouch he holds in his hand.

“You left this for me on purpose knowing you may be leaving the village


Then a carriage carried by horses makes its way to the front of the house.

Looking at it you can tell it’s from the castle region due to its

well-kept details. Then a man gets out of the carriage he makes his

way to the door. Butch welcomes him into the house with great joy.

Myra brings plates of food into the room.

“This is a delicious meal Butch.” He eats the meal quickly emptying the

plate of any food.

“Myra our guest would like seconds bring him more food.” Butch says with

his normal demanding voice.

She takes the plate she bows then heads into the kitchen.

“Myra, do you really have to leave with that scary man?”

Myra turns when she hears the soft voice.

“Star… you shouldn’t be down here. If Butch sees you down here, you’ll

be in trouble. Please go back to your room.”

“Myra if you leave it will be so scary here if you leave us here alone.”

Star says with teary eyes.

“I promise I will do everything I can to get you and Miyo out of her

safely, but right now I need you to please stay in the bedroom out of


“Ok Myra I will.”

“Thank you; here you and Miyo can share this.” She hands star a small

plate of food then she hurries back to the room.

“Myra!” Butch’s voice echo’s through the small house

She quickly adds food to the plate and returns to the living room. She

sets the plate in front of the man.

“I have to give it to you Butch she really is just as beautiful as you


“So does that mean we have a deal?” Butch looks at the man excitedly.

The man looks Myra up and down as she stands by the wall. For a moment,

he holds his chin. Then he stands walks over to her. He forces her

head up so she’s looking at him. After a few minutes, he turns to

look at Butch.

“Tell me do you think she’ll be able to birth children?”

“Is that not the main purpose of a woman?” Butch says

“I believe we have ourselves a deal Butch.” The man then turns to look

at Myra again.

“You my dear are going to come with me, my son needs a bride and someone

to mother his children. After all you are a true beauty.” He says

as he puts a hand onto her shoulder. He tosses a large pouch at


Then Miyo and Star run into the room.

“Please don’t take Myra away!” the two of them run to Myra and hold onto


“What’s the meaning of this Butch?” he yells as he glares at Butch.

Butch goes to grab Miyo and Star but Myra places herself in front of them.

Butch grabs onto Myra and shoves her out of the way. She stumbles she

miss places her foot and trips. As she falls she lands onto the table

breaking the dishes. She stands up.

“Myra you got hurt.” Star points to her side.

One of the pieces from the broken plates is stuck into her side. She

looks at it.

“I’m alright. Don’t worry.” She says as she pulls the piece from her

side. Blood quickly stains her clothes. She holds her side as she

falls to the floor. Seeing her fall to the floor he runs as fast as

he can to get to her side.

“Myra! You are going to be ok we can get you out of here. I’ll take you to

the town doctor.” He looks at her worry all over his face.

“Asher please save Star and Miyo, there is no way I will make it to a

doctor.” She takes his hand with her free one.

“You must be the rat she’s been stealing the food for?” Butch looks at


“Butch, please don’t.” Myra says so softly

“Did you not notice she was punished for every bit of food she stole?”

Asher turns to Myra looking at her with wide eyes.

“I wouldn’t… change any of it… I would go through it all again.”

“Myra, just hold on a little longer I’m taking you to the doctor right

now.” Asher goes to pick her up.

“I won’t make it Asher, he’s already here.” Myra says as she looks

past Asher. He turns to see the reaper.

Asher holds onto her hand tightly as the reaper gets closer to them their

surroundings seem to fade into darkness.

“You took my mother from me I will not allow you to take Myra as well.”

Ignoring him the reaper reaches out to take Myra. Asher grabs onto the reapers

arm and is pulled into the reapers realm himself.

“I am the reaper how do you plan to defeat me?”

“I have to try.”

They begin to battle Asher barely evades the attacks the reaper sends at


“The longer you linger here the more of her you will lose for time is not

on your side.” The reaper says

“Time?” as he whispers it to himself he sees the hour glass hanging from the

reapers neck.

“I only have one chance to pull this off.” He whispers to himself.

The two make their moves at the same time.

“You would give up your own life for the likes of love?” the reaper asks

as he looks down at Asher.

“It is not entirely for love this is for the revenge of my mother.”

“I collected your mother after she was killed by her own hand. She only

wished for the pain to go away. You have given your life for

nothing.” The reaper says

“No, I haven’t… you won’t be taking another person that has cared

for me away either.” Asher smiles

That’s when the reaper notices that he’s taken the hour glass from him. He

smashes it the sand is carried away as the wind takes it.

“Do you realize what you have just done?”

“I defeated you.”

“Because of what you have just done, your fate is now sealed.

The darkness starts fade, and then the last event seems to be rewinding


“Stop!” Asher yells

“You will come to regret this one day. The reaper then turns to dust and

vanishes just like the sand from the hourglass.

Asher looks around he sees Myra giving the plate of food to Star as she

sends her back to the bedroom. Then Butches loud voices yells for

Myra as she returns with the plate of food.

“It hasn’t happened yet. I can still stop it.”

He runs to the house and burst through the door.

“Leave Myra alone.” Asher says as he looks at Butch

“There will be no sale Butch I’m out of here.” The man makes his way

past Asher. He quickly goes out the door.

“This is your fault boy.” Butch says angrily

“No! Leave Asher alone this is my fault take it out on me.” Myra says

“Myra.” Asher now even angrier

That’s when his hands start to light up.

“No way, you couldn’t possibly be one of those who can use the


“Use the Elements?” Asher looks at his hands with surprise.

“Yeah, you could work for me. I’ll pay you, and you can also have Myra to

tend to you however you would like her to. What do you say?”

Asher becomes even more enraged that he accidentally uses fire. It spreads

through the small house quickly. A beam falls onto Butch as Myra runs

to get Miyo and Star she leads them both outside.

“Stay here I’ll be right back. Stay together ok. I promise I will be

right back.”

She heads back into the house. She goes into the room and grabs Miyo’s

lucky charm and Stars stuffed bunny. As she makes her way back out

beams fall blocking her path to get out. She looks for another way

out she sees a small opening that she can fit through so she heads

for it her vision goes blurry she pushes herself to go farther until

her body doesn’t move any more. The last thing she sees is a figure

coming towards her.

Asher carries her out.

“Myra!”Star and Miyo run to her.

“She’s ok she just passed out because of the smoke.” He lays her down onto

the ground. She’s holding on tightly to the stuffed bunny and


“Asher?” Myra says weakly as opens her eyes.

“Myra you are ok!” Star and Miyo hug her as she sits up

“Myra what were you thinking going back in there? That was a reckless move

you know. Please don’t do things like that again. I can’t live

without you.” Asher says as he looks at her a little frustration in

his eyes.

“I’m sorry I thought I could get these and get out quickly.” She hugs


They find somewhere safe to stay. A year passes the four of them are still

together. Then Myra and Asher find a good home for Star and Miyo

shortly after Myra discovers she’s able to use all the elements

just like Asher can, the two of them practice together learning

tricks with the elements.

“Asher the other night I heard people talking about others who can use all

the elements like we can.” She says excitedly

“You should know by now that you cannot believe everything you hear,

besides most of that is the beer talking anyway.” Asher says while

he uses the earth element to bend the tress so they can have a place

to sleep.

“They said people who can use all the elements are guards at the castle.

Those who protect the castle are also allowed to live there. Don’t

you think protecting others would be a greater use of our time?”

“I know you are missing the time you spent with Miyo and Star, but

you’re the one that said they needed to be a part of a real

family.” Asher turns to her for a moment then goes back to what he

was doing.

“I do miss them yes, but they did need a real family we could barely get

enough food for them to eat. Asher, I just feel like I should be

protecting innocent people. It would be a good thing to become


She touches his shoulder and he roughly pulls away from her. She looks at

him with surprise.

“That castle is a bad place; we are better off staying as far away from

there as we can.”

“Asher I just don’t see how protecting people is a bad thing.”

“We are not going to that castle; you need to stop talking about it. You

and I are a team. We need to stay together.” He says with mild


“Fine!” she walks away, heading back into the town.

She stays out of sight as she watches the towns people make their way to

each of the vendor's. Then she sees a family as they walk together.

The two parents walk with their child as they hold hands together

smiling happily.

“Mama, Papa, look at that!” the little boy cries out with joy as he sees a

cat sitting at one of the vendors up ahead.

“Why must your tears be my weakness? If you feel that strongly about

becoming a guard that it makes you cry you should go, but I cannot go

along with you. Just don’t forget about me.”

“Asher… that’s not why I…”

“You should go before I change my mind.”

“I could never forget about you.”

She hugs onto him tightly. The next morning, she makes her way to the


Six years pass by quickly as he sits alone on the hill next to a tree

that has a view of the entire landscape of the castle. He notices

something moving within the trees.

“A woman?”

He sees the woman fall, as she gets back on her feet her hood falls.


Using the gifts of the reaper he disappears then reappears next to her.

“Asher is that you?”

“Why are you crying Myra?” he asks as he looks at her

She looks up at him he holds out his hand she places hers into his. They

stand and then walk to a flat part of ground.

“Asher you seem different somehow.”

“That’s what you have to say to me after six years?”

“No that’s not I’m sorry... Asher I came because I had to see you…

I.” She looks down

You should just tell me what’s bothering you and don’t try to code

it. I know you better than anyone.”

She looks up at him as he gives her a small smile she kisses him on

impulse, she moves back quickly surprised by her own action.

“Asher I’m sorry…”

Before she’s able to take another step back he’s pulled her into him

kissing her back. They both pull away just enough to see one another.

“Asher?” she whispers softly

“Myra.” He pulls her in once more kissing her more passionately this time.

The two of them share a warm and passionate night together under the


Myra goes back to the castle before first light. Asher waits next to the

tree at the top of the hill. Shortly after sundown he sees her

walking. He vanishes then reappears next to her. He goes to kiss her

but she looks away sadly.

“I’m sorry.” She says keeping her head down.

“You’re crying again, why?”

“The king wants me to marry one of the other guards. He says he and are

the perfect match.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“Please come to the castle with me. Maybe the king would change his mind when

he sees you and me together.” She looks up at him.

“If you are that unhappy with what the king wants you to do, leave the

castle come back with me?”

“I like being able to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Asher

if you would just come to the castle with me you would see the castle

is not bad like you think it is. I want to be with you as well don’t

you see that?”

“I can’t and I won’t go to that castle with you Myra.”

“Asher I…”

“Myra… just go, go be a guard.”

“Asher I’m trying to tell you how I…”

"Go Myra!” he yells

Looking at him she goes to reach for him but she stops herself.

“Go Myra you have a chance to be a guard and to marry someone. You could

have a family and be happy. That’s something I will never be able

to give you. Now go you must leave. I don’t want to see you!” he

yells and turns his back to her.


“Asher is no longer her I am the Reaper you can call me Asriel. I can take

your life without flinching. I will only tell you once get out of


With tears running down her face she runs as fast as her feet will carry

her back to the castle.

Seven and a half months go by. He sits on the hill next to the tree once

again. Seeing a familiar figure with a hooded cloak he stands. He

already knowing it is Myra he fights the urge to go to her. She falls

when he sees her struggling to sit up he knows she hurting, so he

goes to her.

“It’s been to long since our last time with each other.” Asher

“I need your help.” Myra says looking up at him

“You left me to become a guard, and then you marry another man. Now you

come to me because you need help. Asher

“Please you are the only one that can help me. I’m sorry for the past… I

will never be sorry for falling in love.”

“I will be on my way then.”

“Please… the help I ask for is not for me; I ask for my unborn child. I’ll

lose it if you do not help me.”

The man stops.

“You are with child?” Asher turns towards her.

“Yes; I am with child. Are you going to help?” she looks up pleadingly.

“Do you know what you are asking of me?”

“Yes, and I have accepted what my punishment will be upon death for doing

this as well. I just… I…can’t bear to lose my child. Will you

save my child please?” She says bows her head.

“You also know that part of the consequence will be that the child shares

traits of mine.”

“I understand.” She slowly raises her head.

Asher helps her to her feet; he places his hand on her stomach. His eyes

widen for a moment. As a slow glow builds from the palm of his hand

he looks at Myra their eyes don’t separate.

“Within this Woman is a wilting life; reverse the effects on this vesicle. I

give the power of life to thee.”

Myra passes out Asher catches her. He picks her up he gets as close to the

castle as he feels is ok, he makes sure she’s in a safe spot to be

found by one of the guards he looks back at her one last time.

“I’m sorry I let you go. I could have given you what you truly wanted. My

last wish is that they look like you. Good bye Myra.”

“Myra?”Another man calls out her name as he runs to her after seeing her lying on

the ground. He lifts her into his arms gently rubbing her face. Then

she opens her eyes.

“Ari?” she says softly as she touches his face softly.

“Let’s get you inside to your bed.” Ari says lifting her into his arms he

kisses her then carries her into the castle

Asher feels himself becoming angry and he vanishes. Asher turns fully into



1 Episode 1
2 Episode 2
3 Episode 3
4 Episode 4
5 Episode 5
6 Episode 6
7 Episode 7
8 Episode 8
9 Episode 9
10 Episode 10
11 Episode 11
12 Episode 12
13 Episode 13
14 Episode 14
15 Episode 15
16 Episode 16
17 Episode 17
18 Episode 18
19 Episode 19
20 Episode 20
21 Episode 21 - Where it begins -
22 Episode 22
23 Episode 23
24 Episode 24
25 Episode 25
26 Episode 26
27 Episode 27
28 Episode 28
29 Episode 29
30 Episode 30
31 Episode 31
32 Episode 32
33 Episode 33
34 Episode 34
35 Episode 35
36 Episode 36
37 Episode 37
38 Episode 38
39 Episode 39
40 Episode 40
41 Episode 41
42 Episode 42
43 Episode 43
44 Episode 44
45 Episode 45
46 Episode 46
47 Episode 47
48 Episode 48
49 Episode 49
50 Episode 50
51 Episode 51
52 Episode 52
53 Episode 53
54 Episode 54
55 Episode 55
56 Episode 56
57 Episode 57
58 Episode 58
59 Episode 59
60 Episode 60
61 Episode 61
62 Episode 62
63 Episode 63
64 Episode 64
65 Episode 65
66 Episode 66
67 Episode 67
68 Episode 68
69 Episode 69
70 Episode 70
71 Episode 71
72 Episode 72
73 Episode 73
74 Episode 74
75 Episode 75
76 Episode 76
77 Episode 77
78 Episode 78
79 Episode 79
80 Episode 80
81 Episode 81
82 Episode 82
83 Episode 83
84 Episode 84
85 Episode 85
86 Episode 86
87 Episode 87
88 Episode 88
89 Episode 89
90 Episode 90
91 Episode 91
92 Episode 92
93 Episode 93

Updated 93 Episodes

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21 - Where it begins -
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 63
Episode 64
Episode 65
Episode 66
Episode 67
Episode 68
Episode 69
Episode 70
Episode 71
Episode 72
Episode 73
Episode 74
Episode 75
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78
Episode 79
Episode 80
Episode 81
Episode 82
Episode 83
Episode 84
Episode 85
Episode 86
Episode 87
Episode 88
Episode 89
Episode 90
Episode 91
Episode 92
Episode 93


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