They travel until sun down.
“We will make camp her.” Captain
While everyone is choosing the place, they will sleep Ari starts a fire
using the fire element. Ari takes a seat everyone else starts to
follow suit.
“It will take us two days and one night before we reach the castle
grounds. We should take some time to get to know each other.” Ari
says as he looks at everyone.
“So who would like to start?” Captain says as he takes his own seat by
the fire.
“I’ll start.” All attention turns to the cheerful voice.
“My name is Flora Blooms. My element is earth my family has passed down
the Chrysolite gem. I really love growing flowers.”
“My name is Zora Westines. My families gem is Jasper; I can use the
element fire.”
“My name is Luna Skies. My family passes on the Moonstone, and it allows
us to use the air element.”
“Ok it looks like it’s my turn I’m Nellen Spar, and like Luna my
element is air my family gem is the Diamond.”
“I’m Argo Grin. The gem that has allowed my family to use the earth
element is the Peridot.”
“My element is water the gem my family has is Turquoise, and my name is
Specura Smiles.”
“My name is Syi Chains I’m from the air village my family gem is the
white Alabaster.”
“Well I’m Rexen Fields and because of the Ruby gem I can use fire.”
“I’m Maxen Blue. My family gem is the Sapphire which allows me to use the
water element.”
“Hello everyone my name is Spanx Rivers my element is water; I don’t know
my family gem though.”
“How do you not know your own family gem?” Luna
“Don’t you think that was a bit rude to ask?” Syi
“Do you always have to point out what I say as rude?” Luna
A loud noise sounds before anyone can say anything else.
“What could have made a noise like that?” Zora asks
“A falling tree or wild dogs maybe?” Nellen
“Stay here and be on guard.” Captain stands.
Everyone stands so they can be ready to act. Captain and Ari go to see where
the noise came from and its cause. Once they are out of sight there
is another noise.
“That noise came from all directions.” Flora
“It only seems that way because it was an echo.” Luna
“If it was truly an echo it would have started out loud then gradually
gotten softer.” Syi
“It wasn’t an echo. The first noise wasn’t one either.” Maxen
“We are defiantly stronger if we stay together.” Specura
“We are also safer if we stay together.” Nellen
Before anyone can do or say anything else two large trees fall dividing them
into smaller groups. Luna, Argo, and Zora; Nellen, Flora, and
Specura; Maxen, Syi, Rexen, and Spanx.
“Is everyone ok?” Spanx yells as she faces the fallen trees.
They each call out to say they are ok, while staring at the trees which
separate them.
“Should we try to gather back together?” Zora
“Maybe we could walk around the trees.” Syi
“If we go around the trees, we will be separated farther apart.” Argo
“These trees are even too wide to climb over.” Rexen
“Your element is earth; trees are a part of earth why don’t you try to
move it?” Luna
“Anything is worth a try, right?” Argo
“Wait, it’s not going to work. I think there is a stronger energy here. I
believe that it separated us on purpose.” Spanx
“You can’t possibly be serious.” Luna
“I can feel the stronger energy too.” Rexen
“What could have such a strong energy that we all feel it?” Specura
“I don’t want to be the one who starts a panic but does anyone else
feel like the ground is moving?” Nellen
“Maybe we should run.” Flora
should all run now.” Argo
They all run doing their best to stay in the smaller groups. Luna, Argo,
and Zora meet up with Specura, Flora, and Nellen. As the six of them
catch their breath Ari and Captain show up.
“Why are there only six of you; where are the other four?” Ari
“Didn’t we tell you to stay together?” Captain
“We tried to but…” Zora
“There were more noises.” Flora
“Some tress fell.” Nellen
“Not to mention the ground started shaking.” Luna
“We were unable to use our elements; it was a fantastic time for them to
be useless.” Argo
“Let’s not forget they were only useless because of the stronger energy that
was there.” Specura
“It’s as if something wanted us separated.” Nellen
“Well if that’s true whatever it was has just made its job easier.”
“That is if it’s trying to single out one target.” Argo
“So it could be after one of the other four.” Captain
“Who are the four who are missing?” Ari
“Do you think the others are ok?” Spanx
“Let’s hope so.” Syi
“Yeah, let’s keep moving though.” Maxen
“Guys I don’t want to sound rude; but maybe we should be a little more
worried about ourselves.” Rexen points to a creature that’s a
small distance away eating something on the ground.
“What is that thing?” Maxen
“Something ugly that’s for sure.” Syi says making a disgusted face
“Whatever it is, maybe we shouldn’t disturb it, by asking it questions or
making it mad.” Rexen
“If we must we should make our stand together, we’re stronger if we
fight together.” Spanx
“We have two water one air and one fire. How do you suppose that makes us
stronger?” Rexen
“Maybe Spanx is right though.” Syi
“I don’t think we have the luxury of time to make up a plan of
action.” Maxen
As if cued the creature runs at Syi Spanx pushes her knocking her out of
the creature’s range. The creature uses a tree to kick off and goes
towards Maxen. Spanx moves quickly placing herself between it and
Maxen in return getting bit herself.
“Ahhh” Spanx screams from the painful bite as the creature still holds onto
her leg.
Rexen uses a constant fire stream until the creature lets go of her. It
moves to a spot some distance away using one of its legs to scratch
at its wounds.
“What about Syi; is she ok?” Spanx asks worriedly.
She looks over to see her lying on the ground only a few feet away.
“She’s alright, she’s just knocked out. You’re pretty strong for a
girl.” Rexen says with a smirk.
“We cannot leave her unguarded.” Spanx tries to move towards Syi and
almost falls. Maxen catches her.
“I got you. Let me help you.” Maxen
Rexen keeps his attention on the creature keeping it at a distance with
fire while Maxen supports Spanx as they make it over to where Syi
lays on the ground.
“I’ll be ok. Go help Rexen I will do what I can from here.” Spanx
“Ok.” Maxen goes to help Rexen. They work together to fight the creature. Spanx
keeps trying to stand so she can help but each time she falls.
Suddenly the creature stops moving and falls over.
“Did we defeat it?” Maxen
“I hope so.” Rexen
“We should try to find our back to the others.” Maxen
The two of them start walking over to Syi and Spanx. They get three steps
away when Spanx stands up; they stop where they are.
“Ego mundavero vos ex hoc mundo!” (I scrub you out of this world) Spanx uses water, air, and fire all at
once it hits the creature as it jumps into the air. It hits the
ground and doesn’t move again.
“Are you guys ok?” she says with a step forward.
“Yes.” The two of them say in unison.
“I’m glad that you to are ok.”
“How did you use air and fire?” Rexen
“I… I don’t… know.” Spanx loses consciences and starts falling the
two of them catch her.
“Will she be ok?” Syi sits up rubbing her head.
Then all the others show up.
“What happened?” Captain
“Hey shouldn’t we tend to Spanx she was bitten by that thing over
there.” Maxen points to the remains of the creature
“Ewe what is that horribly disgusting thing?” Luna says while a
high-pitched voice.
Ari and Captain walk over to see what it is.
“I’ll take Spanx, you three stay with Ari while he takes care of that give
him your reports on what happened. The rest of you come with me.”
While carrying Spanx, he starts back to where they set up camp the others
follow Captain once they are out of sight Ari turns to the creature
once more.
“Give me the story about what happened out here.” Ari
“Could you tell us what that thing is first?” Syi
“This is one of the many servants created from the dead remains of other
animals by Asriel; I’m finding it really surprising how the four of
you were even able to take it out.” Ari says still looking at the
“Well for one everything happened really fast.” Rexen
“Tell me what you remember.” Ari
“I’m sure you have already been told about how we became separated in the
first place. After we ran because of the ground shaking we stopped
because of that thing. Spanx, Maxen, and Rexen were going on about
having and not having a plan. That’s when Spanx had pushed me I
don’t remember anything after that… why did she push me anyway?”
“She pushed you out of the way so the creature couldn’t attack you.
Right after that she stood in front of Maxen like a shield and took
the bite herself.” Rexen
“After Rexen forced it to let go of her leg I helped her over to Syi she
wanted to be able to protect her. Then I went over to help Rexen
fight it off. It fell to the ground so we thought it was dead but
then…” Maxen
“Then what happened?” Ari
“We all took it out together after all we are stronger together.” Syi
Ari looks at the three of them questioningly.
“Alright stay together and go catch up with the others. I’m going to take
care of this so Asriel cannot reuse its vesicle.” Ari
The three of them leave. Ari examines the remains a little more closely
seeing something glint with the moon light he picks it up; he looks
at what he’s picked up.
“Spanx; this must be some type of jewelry.”
As he goes to put it into his carrying pouch the wind blows and carried
with it a scent he knows and misses.
“Myra, is that you?” he looks around.
“Who am I kidding I watched you leave.” He goes to put the pendant into
the pouch and once again the wind blows carrying with it that same
He opens his hand to look at it again,
“What could this item of jewelry possibly have to do with me?” as he asks
he notices a small gem in the top right point of the X.
“That couldn’t be…” he uses the fire element so he can see the gem
better. At the same time, he also notices an engraving.
“That’s a black onyx and it reads Arrows. Does this mean I’ve found my
daughter?” he looks to the stars. The wind blows softly still
carrying that same scent.
Looking over at the creature again then using the fire to turn it into ash.
“Now it makes sense why you seemed to have been taken out by a combination
Once the creature has completely vanished Ari looks up at the sky.
“Thank you Myra. You opened my eyes to see that our child was in front of
me. We have a daughter.” He grips the necklace and heads back to
where the others are.
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