“We are being followed.” Spanx says at the same time Selima lets out a
loud roar as she changes into the earth form.
“Selima Wait.”
Selima starts to walk. Spanx and Felicity follow Selima. Spanx takes a
higher path so she can get a look at who is following them.
Then there is an echo. Spanx moves faster she sees Maxen, Kai, Rexen, and
Zain standing in an attacking position Selima walking right for the
center of then. She remembers what Felicity said about creating a
water shield.
“Be ready its almost in front of us.” Kai says.
Spanx jumps off the hill she’s on as she starts to fall the water air
wings appear she lands and creates a water shield over Selima,
Felicity and herself seconds before Kai and the others send their
“Spanx is that really you?” Zain yells out
“Don’t attack Selima she’s only trying to protect Felicity and I” Spanx
drops the shield and he wings fade off too.
“Hey she really did grow wings” Zain looks at the others.
“Why did you leave the castle?” Rexen looks at her
“You left without saying good bye, what kind of friend does that?” Maxen
walks up to her.
“I’m sorry I need to find someone for reasons I shouldn’t say.” She
bows her head.
“We already know you can use life and death, thanks to you I healed in
one day.”Kai says as he touches his side.
“Spanx your heading into a trap Asriel only wants to take your gift for
himself he doesn’t intend to help you.” Maxen says.
“How would you know that?” She takes a step back.
“Spanx we have learned so much in your absence about you and who your family
is.” Kai says
“Come back to the castle with us.” Zain holds a hand out to her.
“Spanx don’t listen to them!”
Everyone turns to where the voice came from
“Myreal?” everyone says in unison.
“You’re the one who sent her on the path to the trap.” Zain says
“I was the only one that reached out a hand to help her.” Myreal
“You’re a servant for the bad guy.” Rexen
As the five of them fight Felicity takes hold of Spanx hand. She looks
at her and gives a small smile. Spanx sends two large bolts of water
into the air she then sends a fire arrow once the water is hit by the
arrow the water falls onto them like rain. Everyone stops talking
“Are we done arguing like children? Yes, I want to know about my family
but I also want to learn how to control when I use life and death and
the only person that can do that is Asriel. I don’t want to fear
being around the people I care about because I could hurt them with
the smallest touch.”
“Spanx we found who your family is. You’re the daughter of Myra…” Kai
“She could also be the child of Asriel. Didn’t you think that when you
realized she could use life and death Prince Kai?” Myreal
“You think I’m Asriel’s daughter?” Spanx asks
“Spanx I…”
“Well if I am the daughter of Asriel I should be with him, right?”
Spanx helps Felicity onto Selima’s back then she gets on too.
“Wait Spanx…” Kai starts to move towards her
“Selima Fire wall we can’t allow them to follow us.” Spanx says
With a roar Selima changes form to use fire her tail is a large flame of
fire, spinning it clock wise she slams it to the ground which creates
a large wall of fire. The three of them leave the five of them
“Are you sure that was a good idea?” Felicity asks as she holds onto
“I just know it’ll be a bad idea to allow them to follow us further.
It is already bad enough I am putting you at risk taking you along
with me. But I promise I will do everything to keep you and Selima
safe. We are almost there it’s just after that set of trees.”
“Spanx does that look like…” Felicity points ahead.
“Asriel’s servants, there are dozens of them. Selima stop.” Spanx says.
Selima stops some distance away.
“Both of you stay here. This may take a turn for the worst if it does use
your water shield and leave here don’t look back.” Spanx climbs
down from Selima. She faces the creatures while walking towards them.
“I am here to see Asriel. You will allow my friends and I safe pass.”
She says with a loud and demanding voice. The creatures let out a
loud squeal then they begin to lower their heads. Spanx waves over to
Felicity and Selima. They start to walk over to her.
“Well I must say you command my creatures pretty well.”
She turns around quickly at the sound of the voice she sees Asriel
hovering a few feet above the ground.
“I just wanted to pass through safely.” She looks at him with wonder.
“You look just like your mother. Only there are a few small differences.”
He says as he spins around her.
“You know my Mother?” she says a little excitedly
“I did know her very well actually.”
Felicity and Selima stand a safe distance away. As they stare at him Selima
“You did know her; does that mean she’s?”
“Sadly she gave her life protecting someone from me.” Asriel says
Her eyes go wide after she thinks for a moment.
“I will assume the look on your face means you have figured something
out.” he says with a knowing smirk on his face.
“Myra is my mother. The spirit I met in the smoky woods. What she showed
me… she was trying to warn me…”
“Yes she used her death to protect you; her death was the only way she
could keep me from finding you. What she didn’t realize was that by
doing so she kept the only man she truly loved from finding you as
“The only man she…?”
“Yes, the only man Myra had ever fallen in love with… the one who could
give her everything she ever wanted.”
Asriel looks at her angrily.
“No, she loved a boy named Asher, a boy she was willing to die for… Myra
did die, but you changed her fate when you became the Reaper.”
“Are you sure about that child?” he says now looking even angrier.
“Yes, she loved you, you where her first and only she went to you that
night for comfort. The two of you shared a night together wrapped
within the love you both shared for each other.”
“You speak of what you do not know girl…”
“The spirit of Myra showed me and I believe it’s true I felt her love
for you and the pain she felt when you pushed her away. You denied
the love you knew she had for you. When you pushed her away and she
was forced to marry another by the king’s order. She found love
within her heart once again. Then when she returned to you she was
with child, but you knew the moment you placed your hand on her
stomach she was carrying two. You also knew one child was yours the
other belonging to Ari.” Asriel looks at her with shock, but he is
fast to regain back to his anger
“Myreal is the son of you and Myra isn’t he?”
“Are you sure you feel that way? After all you are a child of Myra
yourself; you could very well be mine. You do control my creatures,
you can defeat them on your own and you are immune to their bites.”
Asriel says as he still circles around her.
She looks down thinking over everything she has learned.
“The child you healed, did you not say to Myra that part of the punishment
was that the child would bare traits of you? That doesn’t
necessarily mean the child you healed was yours. After all, how could
someone create a life if they were only alive because the reaper
changed their fate?” She stares at him once again with no hint of
“You are a smart child yet you are here standing before the one person
your own mother died to keep you away from. You came here willingly
on your own…yet you are still blind to the obvious truth that
eludes you.”
“What truth could possibly be held in this twisted and clouded past you
have with Myra?”
Asriel smiles and lands a few inches in front of her, his eyes glow red with
a faint cloud of black smoke coming from the corners of them.
“You could be my child; could it not be that Ari never was able to give
your dear mother the seed that was strong enough that she needed to
bear a child? What if I only saved the child’s life because I knew
you both were mine!” his words like venom sting in Spanx’s mind
as he goes back to floating before her.
“Is that the same way Asher feels after all he and Myra where each
other’s first love, they shared a love that grew like a blossoming
flower over many years, although I get the feeling a being such as
yourself wouldn’t understand the feeling of being loved.”
“You dare speak to me that way?” Asriel turns to her, a black aura forms
around him.
“You couldn’t possibly know anything about such emotions; I’m guessing
those died a long time ago. Pity a being with power over life and
death and yet you can’t keep your own emotions alive.” Spanx
smirks at him.
“Silence girl!” Asriel raises his hand and a black tentacle shoots from the
sleeve of his robe. Seeing it aimed directly at her she moves out of
the way just as the tentacle hits the ground, its impact shakes the
ground nearest to it Spanx loses her balance and falls as she hits
the ground all the items of her bag scatter around her along with the
single bread bun. She sits up quickly turning to see Asriel fall to
the ground himself. She gets to her feet taking a defensive stance.
“I won’t be able to fight him off long… you must know I did truly
love your mother… you must get as far away from here as you can,
find your brother and lead happy lives.” He raises his head.
“You are Asher Alue… that really worked?”
“The bread bun, it is the same bread that brought Myra and I together. I
must have fallen for her that first day… she gave me the bread with
the warmest smile I had ever seen. That rainy day was the best day of
my life... He is starting to fight his way back you must leave now go
please I don’t want to harm the daughter of Myra. Please keep your
brother safe from the grasp of Asriel as well.”
“Selima, Felicity we must go now!” Spanx yells as she runs to them.
“Thank you Asher.” She glances back at him to see Asriel has almost taken
over full control once again. Felicity helps Spanx onto Selima’s
“Selima we need to do something to hold him back. Let me down.”
Spanx faces Asriel as he fights with Asher to retake control. Focusing all
of her energy on where Asriel is she uses the water shield she
learned from Felicity, using the other elements as well she makes a
shield around him. She seals it so nothing can enter and he cannot
exit. Once he’s completely sealed within. She starts to turn away
but in that same moment she starts to lose consciousness.
“Whoa… there, I got you.” A guy not much older than her catches her as she
falls looking at him for only a moment she fully loses consciousness.
He supports her lifting her into his arms. He carries her some
distance away then Selima stands behind him she lets out a low growl.
“Whoa easy… easy, I’m not going to hurt her.” The guy says as he
turns around
“How would we know you don’t plan to hurt her?” Felicity says peering
out from over Selima’s head.
“If I wanted to cause any harm I would have done it by now don’t you
“You should just give Spanx to Selima and go back to where ever you
appeared from.” Felicity says as she points in a random direction.
“With what I just witnessed this girl do, she’s going to need some rest.
Maybe even some care from a doctor. Where did you three come from
“Why should I answer any of your questions, you’re just a guy that
appeared out of nowhere.” Felicity says and Selima growls again.
“I do apologize for not introducing myself. I go by the name Crysin
please allow me to assist you on your way back to the castle.”
Crysin says
“The Castle, what makes you think that’s where we came from?”
“Yes, I believe you called her Spanx, she has a cloak with a clasp of the
castle crest. I just assumed that’s where you would be returning
Fine you may come with, but if you try anything Selima may make a snack of
you. And once Spanx wakes up she’ll put you in your place. How old
are you anyway Crysin?”
“Anyone that knows about rabicat’s knows they are herbivore. Yet I will
take your word about this girl putting me into place. I am
twenty-three years old and you look as if you are eleven.”
“I’m twelve. My name is Felicity.”
“We should be moving if we wish to get back to the castle in good time.”
Still carrying her they head for the castle.
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Updated 93 Episodes