Spanx sits up quickly.
“There were two.” She rubs her eyes.
“Ah you’re finally awake.”
She turns to see a young man; he couldn’t be much older than she.
“Who are you?” she asks with a guarded tone.
“Well aren’t you a lively one; things shall be fun.” The young man
gives her a mischievous smile.
“Um… Please tell me where I am… also who you are.”
Before he can reply the door opens and a maid walks in with a try of tea.
“Prince Zain I have brought the tea you have asked for.” As she walks in
she looks over at Spanx, upon seeing her she drops the tray. The tea
set shatters staining the floor.
“I’m so sorry, I will clean this right away and I will have a new set of
tea brought up to you straight away.” She kneels giving a bow then
starts to clean the broken pieces.
Spanx is quick on her feet as she walks over to the maid she’s stopped.
Blocking her path with his arm he looks at her. She looks at him with
surprise at his action.
“I believe that you have been brought here to learn how to be a guard
for the castle; but if you wish to work as a maid I could make it
possible. After all you would look pretty nice in a maid’s
uniform.” Zain say’s this as he looks her over.
She takes hold of his arm and moves it so she can pass by.
“You may have been born a prince at the highest level of royalty, but that
shouldn’t give you the right to act so spoiled and rude. A great
prince helps those who are in need.” Spanx kneels and starts to
help pick up the broken pieces.
“My lady you really don’t need to help me. You are as the prince said
to be here to become a castle guard. A protector of the castle has no
need to worry about the duties of the servants; besides it’s a true
honor for us to serve those who risk their lives to protect the
kingdom.” The maid says with a bow
“The guards should be protecting the people in and around the castle.
Please tell me your name; and you can call me Spanx.”
“My name is Chime, Lady Spanx.”
“Your Name is Spanx?” Zain asks.
“Yes, my name is Spanx; Prince Zain has anyone ever told you that your name
means the opposite of how you present yourself?”
“What are you talking about?”
“The name Zain means beauty and grace; you may have the beauty aspect. As
for the grace, I haven’t noticed it yet.”
After she finishes a bell starts to sound off.
“What does the bell mean?” Spanx looks between Zain and Chime.
“The king wishes to have an audience. You have to attend now that you are
Before she’s able to protest he’s taken her hand. He pulls her to her
feet then together they start walking to the main hall.
“I do know how to walk; you don’t need to hold my hand.” She tries
to pull her hand from his.
“I think that this is better than letting a cute thing like you get
lost.” He says with a teasing smile.
“I am not a child.”
He stops and pulls her into him as he uses his other hand to lightly
touch her chin, moving her head so she’s looking at him. Caught by
the way he’s looking at her; she’s unable to turn away.
“If you keep looking at me with that look on your face I may actually
kiss you.” He says with a very mischievous smile.
“For a prince you sure don’t act like one.” She pushes herself from
his hold and starts walking Zain stands in disbelief for a moment.
“Hey wait; you have no idea how to get to where we are going.” He calls
out as he catches up to her.
“Then why don’t you lead the way?”
He starts walking and she follows. They make their way into the main
“Well it looks like someone has already gotten close with the prince.”
Luna says as she rolls her eyes.
Rexen and Syi look in the direction that Luna had just been.
“She’s awake.” Rexen says
“She’s really ok.” Syi says relief in her voice
“I wonder why the Prince is escorting her though.” Maxen
“Prince Zain has always taken a liking to pretty things even more so when
it’s a pretty young woman.” Remigen says from behind them
“So that means the rumors about him are true?” Specura asks
“Indeed they are very true.” Remigen
“There are a lot of people here.” Spanx says as she looks around at all
the faces
“Do you not like being in crowds of people?” Zain asks turning his head
slightly to look at her
“Crowds of people don’t bother me. I think knowing that they are all
watching me is what gets to me.”
“You are with me pay no mind to their staring.” He says
“I feel like that may be the exact reason they are staring.”
“Should we give them a show to stare at?” he gives that same mischievous
“I don’t think that would be a very good idea.”
“Too bad; well any way now that you are awake I know father would love to
meet the girl who survived the bite from one of Asriel’s servants.”
He takes her hand once again and pulls her along with him; until they
are standing in front of the king.
“You may speak my son.”
“Father this is Spanx; she is the one who survived being bitten by the
Feeling embarrassed Spanx kneels before the King and Queen
“Please rise to your feet lady Spanx.” The Queen says
Nervously Spanx gets to her feet
“Tell us; How are you feeling?” the king asks
“I…I am feeling well. I owe it to everyone who took care of me while I was
asleep; also to you for the comfortable sleeping quarters I rested
in. I thank your highness's.” She says with a bow
“You are welcome; I did however hear about how you acquired the injury.
You showed bravery through courage, and it is a great honor to have
you as one of the castle guards.”
“Your highness I don’t…”
“To welcome you and all the other new guards that have come to the
castle; I propose we have a welcoming banquet tomorrow evening; a
celebration to get know each other, before we start the training.”
“Unable to reply she gives another bow.”
Captain makes his way over to the King.
“Your highness, didn’t you have other news you wanted to share as well?”
“That matter can be dealt with later.”
“Yes your highness.”
“She looks so much like her, doesn’t she?” Chime asks standing next to
“What; who are you talking about?”
“Lady Spanx, she looks so much like Myra.”
“Does she really look that much like Myra?” Ari watches Spanx while she
stands next to Zain
“She truly does, I thought I was looking at Myra; she even respects life
just as much as Myra possibly more.” She also looks over at Spanx
“You must be proud and so relieve to have found her.”
“Chime could you do me a really huge favor; I need you to keep what you know
about Spanx to yourself. No one else knows who she truly is and I
feel that it’s better kept that way.” Ari says keeping his gaze
on Spanx
“Sir” Chime looks up questioningly
“I fear that if it became known who she is; she would be placed in
danger. Myra gave her life to keep her safe all these years.”
“I understand; I promise to keep what I know secret; it is safe with
“Thank you Chime, you have always been loyal to serving Myra and I.” Ari
turns and give Chime a smile.
“You are more than welcome. Please excuse me I must go to help prepare for
tomorrow.” Chime gives a bow then heads into the servant’s
Ari also leaves the main hall.
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