17 Years Later
“Captain, Ari the king wishes to see the both of you.” A servant says with a
“I wonder what this is about.” Ari say’s
“Why don’t we just go find out?” Captain says
They both head on their way to the main chambers. Upon entering the grand
hall, they see all the other castle guards are already there. Seeing
the two of them enter King Hayden stands.
“Now that everyone has been gathered together, I would like to announce
that this castle will be recruiting new guards, at least two from
each neighboring village; we shall prepare for harsh times. I have
already sent out servants to place notices in the villages I entrust
Captain and Ari to oversee the process of the recruits’ tests;
after all the two of you will oversee their training as well. I for
one am looking forward to a long and happy future. This meeting is
now over everyone can return to your prior duties.” The king walks
over to Captain and Ari.
“Captain, Ari I would like for the two of you to get ready to leave, I have
full confidence that the two of you will bring back potential castle
guards; Oh, and please if you could start with the fire village.”
The king says before they leave.
Fire Village
“So the King needs more guards.” Garret says
“I thought that the only ones who could become castle guards are those
who can use all elements.” Kent says
“Who cares; it’s a chance to see the castle.” Zora says as she brings
the tray of drinks to the table.
“Are you just going to sit there talking about it or are you going to sign
up to try out. I’m going to sign; it beats being stuck here in this
village. I need the chance to show my true potential. Rexen says from
the next table over.
“You’re always looking for a reason to show off.” Kent says as he picks up
his glass.
“You’re just jealous that he looks better than you doing it.” Zora says as
she longingly watches Rexen leave.
“Why waste your time fawning over Rexen, he’ll never like you that way.”
Garret says.
“Yeah, the only thing that Rexen seems to have any feelings for is his ego.”
Kent says.
“Then I suppose I’ll have to step up my game; show that I’m worth it.
I’m going to sign up and try to be a castle guard myself.” Zora
says then she runs out of the restaurant.
“Hey it’s probably worth a try; what do you say we go sign up too?”
Kent gets up from his seat.
“I’ll be right behind you.” Garret swallows the last of his drink; he
places his glass on the table. He and Kent leave the restaurant.
They all sign the sheet. Each of them head home. Morning comes quickly as
the sun rises, the sound of a horn echo’s and all the villagers
watch as Captain and Ari enter the village. Captain takes the sheet.
“Rexen Fields, Zora Westines, Kent Smoke, and Garret Mills I need the four
of you to step forward.” Captain says as he looks over the crowd.
They all step forward.
Alright there will be five tests each of you will take; at the end of these
tests we’ll tally the scores then the two with the highest scores
will move on to the next village with us. Now let’s begin.”
Captain says.
The four of them try their best at each test. Each test takes thirty to
an hour. Once every one is done with the tests the four of them head
to eat at the restaurant. Captain and Ari go over the scores.
“By the look of these scores only two of them matched the score.”
“I will go tell them who is going with us to the next village.” Ari
Ari walks into the restaurant the four of them look over at him as he
makes his way over to them at the table.
“Based on the scores you set with the tests the two who will be moving with
Captain and I will be Rexen Fields and Zora Westines. Please be ready
to leave at first light.” Ari leaves just as quickly as he came.
“I can’t believe I get to become a guard.” Zora smiles happily.
Rexen gets up from his chair and leaves.
“Mr. Ego has left.” Garret calls out.
“Don’t be a sore loser Garret.” Zora says.
“You know he’ll just become more in love with his ego, you should give
up on your feelings Zora also good luck becoming a guard.” Kent
gives her a shy smile.
She smiles back.
“Thanks Kent.” Zora takes the empty dishes to the counter then she heads
Morning comes fast. With the loud ring of the signaling horn Zora and Rexen
head on to the next village with Captain and Ari.
Air Village
“Can you believe that there will be castle guards here soon?” EL
“I wonder why they are looking for more guards.” Nellen says
“Maybe the king has lost it.” Luna chimes in.
“Why do you feel that it’s ok to only ever say rude things?” Syi asks
while she sweeps the floor.
“Why do you even care about what I say?”
“Well if one thing is definite by your continuous rudeness you’ll never
find love.” Syi says
“Will the two of you ever stop arguing with each other?” EL calls out to
the two of them.
Before anyone can make a reply the signaling horn echoes through the sky.
“Well they sure traveled fast.” EL
“As of a few minutes ago when I signed up there was only four who
actually signed the sheet to try to become castle guards.” Syi says
as she puts away the broom.
“I feel that it’s very unlikely that they would take all four of us.”
Luna says while she leaves the room.
“We should probably go meet the guards who are leading these tests.”
Nellen speaks up, and then makes his way out of the room.
The four of them stand outside to see the two guards and the two others
who had been chosen from the first village.
“Wow he is very good looking.” Syi says as she looks at Rexen.
“You may want to ask for a handkerchief; you seem to be drooling.” Luna
says then pushes past giggling.
She quickly whips her face only to realize she’s fallen for a trick.
“Oh… it is so on.” Syi clenches her hands into fits.
We need the Four who signed up; Luna Skies, Nellen Spar, EL Mathews and
Syi Chains to please step forward. We will start the five tests now.
With the tests started and each one just as competitive as the other; the
tests are completed rather quickly.
“Because of a tie set between two of the signers; we will be taking three of
the four with us. The highest score was Nellen Spar, then Luna Skies
and Syi Chains. We advise that you get some rest we will be leaving
at dawn to head to the next village.” Ari says.
“You’re so lucky to be leaving to get to go to the castle to become a castle
guard.” EL says to Syi as she past her on the shoulder.
“Don’t be so down EL, I’m going to miss you too.” They both smile
“You don’t have to be worried about me; I know you’ll become a great
castle guard. You should go get some rest you have a long journey
ahead of you.” EL gives Syi a hug.
They all head to their homes to pack a few things and get some rest before
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