Episode 15

“She told you that she can use all elements?” Zain

“No, we were in the water village it was after the tests Spanx had an

injury on her ankle that kept bleeding so I used fire to seal the

skin. She said to me that after she had encountered fire that’s

when she became able to use it. She said she acquired the use of air

when she was seven by a passing air villager.” Rexen says

“Are you sure you both saw her use three of the four elements when she

saved all of you from the servant of Asriel?” Kai

“She also spoke to it. I don’t remember what she said but it wasn’t a

language that I have ever heard spoken before.” Rexen

“Why have you gone Quiet Maxen?” Kai

“It’s just strange to think that she’s had such a secret. She and I grew

up in the same village and I never once felt she was hiding such a

huge secret about herself.” Maxen seems to be remembering


“Has she changed much sense she was a child.” Zain asks looking at


“We have always been friends; besides she was pretty much kind to

everyone. And if someone did something wrong that she saw shed make

sure they knew they were wrong. She was always helping someone.”


“Are you sure you only see her as a friend?” Zain gives him a

questioning look.


“Ok we are drifting off the topic at hand.”

“Kai if you believe that Spanx is Ari’s daughter why don’t you just

tell him?”

“He says it’s a bad idea because there is still the possibility that

she is not his daughter.” Zain speaks before Kai has the chance

“If only we knew what Myra looked like, it could be possible that Spanx

looks like her mother. I mean my mother used to always tell me I look

just as my father did when he was my age.” Rexen says as he thinks

about something

“The guard’s hall it’s full of paintings of each person who has become

a castle guard. Myra should be among them.”

“This is starting too added together.” Kai says out loud to himself

“What do you mean? We still have to find out who the other half of the

Gemini is.” Zain looks at Kai

“At least we know we’re looking for a male.” Rexen

“To bad we don’t know who the doctor’s assistant during the delivery

was. One of you two could use your title as a prince to get them to

speak what they know.” Maxen

Kai opens the book and reads through the report given from the doctor

“Due to not have his personal assistant at the time of delivery Myra asked

to have her personal maid to provide the needed assistance. Myra had

called this maid by the name Chime.” Kai reads the passage aloud.

“We now know that Chime must know what has happened to the other child.”

Kai points at the passage in the book.

“Chime had dropped an entire tea tray the first time she had saw Spanx.

Chime seemed to be nervous around her as well.” Zain says quickly

as he remembers the event.

“Do you honestly think you can just walk up to her and demand she tell

you everything she knows that happened the night Myra had given

birth?” Maxen asks as he looks at Zain.

“Ok, let’s just stick with this; Spanx is Ari’s and Myra’s daughter.

We need to figure out what happened to their son.” Kai closes the


At the same moment, the morning waking bell sounds off.

“Maxen you should use that tracking trick to keep an eye on all the people

who visit Spanx’s room. Rexen it’ll be less strange for you to be

seen in the hall of guards look for anyone who has some resemblance

to Spanx. Zain just try your hardest not to do anything that could

cause a mess of things. I’ll go talk to Chime and find out what she

knows. We should all keep an ear out as well the castle is usually

bustling with chatter.” Kai picks up the book.

The four of them leave the room each heading into a different direction.

Kai stops at the servant’s quarters.

“When you see Chime could you have her bring a set of tea to my chambers

please?” Kai says

“Yes of course Prince Kai.” The servant gives a bow.

Kai nods then walks away. When Kai enters his chambers, he sets the book

onto the small side table then sits at his desk.

Only a few minutes have passed when the door opens. Kai turns his head.

“Myreal, what are you doing?”

“You healed quickly because she healed you. She left the castle fearing

she would only hurt those she cares for most. There is only one

person that can help her, but sadly that same person wishes to turn

her so she becomes just as he.” Myreal says

“Myreal are you alright, you’re talking such non- sense.”Kai asks as he

stands up from the chair.

“She’s left to find the enemy. She believes he’s the only one to help

her.” Myreal has a small smirk.

Kai goes to put his hand on Myreal’s shoulder, but his hand is stopped

midair by Myreal grabbing onto his wrist. Kai looks at Myreal’s

hand he notices a small mark on the back of his hand between the

pointer finger and thumb knuckles.

“Myreal your acting stranger than Zain normally does.”

Before Myreal has the chance to say anything else he’s knocked out. As he

falls to the floor he loosens the grip he had on Kai's wrist. Kai

looks at the one responsible for sending Myreal to the floor and to

his surprise standing there holding onto the tea pot is.


“Prince Kai I’m sorry. I would have had the tea to you sooner but I was

making the rounds to wake everyone who missed the morning bell. He …

I mean Myreal was in his chambers saying that Asriel’s plan is

working. I thought he may know something, but then I noticed he had

the mark on his hand.” She says as she points to the spot on her

own hand.

“Do you know what the mark means?” Kai asks

“I don’t know if it has a meaning. I do know I have seen that same

mark before and it rested in the same spot as the one on his hand.”

She says as she looks at Myreal lying on the floor.

Kai uses air to lift Myreal off the floor he places him into the bed. Kai

then returns his attention to Chime.

“What exactly do you mean Chime?” Kai asks

“The first time I ever saw that mark it was on a very young child.”

“Do you know what happened to the child?” Kai asks

“I’m so sorry Myra.” She places her hands together as if she’s


“When Myra gave birth she gave birth to Gemini. I noticed the boy had a

mark on his hand while I held him I was excitedly waiting to tell

Myra she birthed a boy. Until King Ahriman had ordered me to take the

boy to the kingdom border and I was to leave him there. I couldn’t

do that to a child. I called out for anyone that’s when this hooded

guy appeared. He asked if it was the child of Myra but the way he

asked seemed as if he already knew it was her child. The child was

better to be given to someone so he could be raised and have a

future. I couldn’t let the child lay there to die. So, I gave the

child to the man. He didn’t give me a name he just said he was the

son of Elena Alue.” Chime sits on the floor as tears stream down

her face.

“I’m sorry that I have asked you to talk about something that has hurt

you. If I may ask you one more question that is if you are able to

answer the question I need to know anything you remember about Myra

and Ari’s daughter?” Kai hands her a small cloth.

She uses it to wipe her face.

“Thank you, I only saw the girl for the briefest of moments… oh but she

bared the same mark as the boy only hers was on the lower right side

of her back. It’s as the saying goes two children born… Gemini

they are given a matching mark to show they are partly the same. In

another way, they both share a special bond.” She continues to wipe

the falling tears.

“You are not at fault for the acts that have been pushed down upon you

from a king that seems to have been a heartless being.” Kai says as

he places his hand onto her shoulder.”

She looks up at him, her eyes swollen from crying.

“You can take as much time as you need to regain your composer. I owe you

a favor so when you need something that your position in the castle

cannot grant you access to please come to me and I will return the

favor. Your courage in speaking with me about something you had been

forbidden to speak of has been helpful to me. I prince Kai Dreems

thank you greatly Chime.” He bows to her.

Kai leaves his own chambers.

“So Myreal is the other half of the Gemini, I just need get confirmation

if Spanx has the same mark.”

Kai walks the halls running through his mind what Myreal had said to him.

He finds Maxen, Rexen, and Zain they all head to the room of records

from separate directions.

Once they are all there they each take a seat.

“Did your brain explode yet brother?” Zain asks

“That only happens to you when you try to think Zain.” Kai says as he

draws the mark that Myreal has.

Rexen glances over at what Kai is doing and he stands up.

“I’ve seen that mark before.” Rexen says as he points to the sketch.

“What is that?” Zain asks

“Do you remember where you saw it?” Kai looks at Rexen

“It was on Spanx’s lower back on the right side.”

“How would you know that?” Zain looks at him with widened eyes.

“I saw it because of an accidental encounter.” Rexen looks down at his

feet for a moment.

“Did you and Spanx?” Zain stands up from the chair.

“We don’t have the time for this, if what Myreal had said was the truth

that means Spanx is on her way to see Asriel, which means she is

walking into a trap or even to her own death.” Kai

“Did you learn anything else from what Chime told you?” Zain

“The son of Elena Alue, we should look her up we could find out something

useful.” Kai

“So we have to read? Zain says as he lets out a sigh.

Ignoring him they each take one of the books that Kai had placed onto the

table. Sitting down each of them read one of the books.



“What’s wrong Selima?” Spanx turns to see Selima sitting next to her.

“Good morning Spanx.” Felicity says

“Oh I over slept we should have already been walking.” Spanx jumps to

her feet she grabs her bag.

“Where do we need to go?” Felicity asks as she gets to her feet.

“The map I have indicates a faster way if I pass through the smoky woods.”

Spanx says as she bends so Selima can hop onto the bag.

“You want to go through the smoky woods?” Felicity asks as she looks at

Spanx with surprise.

“What’s wrong it’s just the woods besides if we don’t have to stop much

it will only take two days’ time Rather than four-days going

around.” Spanx puts out the last of the smoldering embers with

water and turns to leave the cave. Felicity follows behind.

They leave the cave and start towards the smoky woods.


1 Episode 1
2 Episode 2
3 Episode 3
4 Episode 4
5 Episode 5
6 Episode 6
7 Episode 7
8 Episode 8
9 Episode 9
10 Episode 10
11 Episode 11
12 Episode 12
13 Episode 13
14 Episode 14
15 Episode 15
16 Episode 16
17 Episode 17
18 Episode 18
19 Episode 19
20 Episode 20
21 Episode 21 - Where it begins -
22 Episode 22
23 Episode 23
24 Episode 24
25 Episode 25
26 Episode 26
27 Episode 27
28 Episode 28
29 Episode 29
30 Episode 30
31 Episode 31
32 Episode 32
33 Episode 33
34 Episode 34
35 Episode 35
36 Episode 36
37 Episode 37
38 Episode 38
39 Episode 39
40 Episode 40
41 Episode 41
42 Episode 42
43 Episode 43
44 Episode 44
45 Episode 45
46 Episode 46
47 Episode 47
48 Episode 48
49 Episode 49
50 Episode 50
51 Episode 51
52 Episode 52
53 Episode 53
54 Episode 54
55 Episode 55
56 Episode 56
57 Episode 57
58 Episode 58
59 Episode 59
60 Episode 60
61 Episode 61
62 Episode 62
63 Episode 63
64 Episode 64
65 Episode 65
66 Episode 66
67 Episode 67
68 Episode 68
69 Episode 69
70 Episode 70
71 Episode 71
72 Episode 72
73 Episode 73
74 Episode 74
75 Episode 75
76 Episode 76
77 Episode 77
78 Episode 78
79 Episode 79
80 Episode 80
81 Episode 81
82 Episode 82
83 Episode 83
84 Episode 84
85 Episode 85
86 Episode 86
87 Episode 87
88 Episode 88
89 Episode 89
90 Episode 90
91 Episode 91
92 Episode 92
93 Episode 93

Updated 93 Episodes

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21 - Where it begins -
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47
Episode 48
Episode 49
Episode 50
Episode 51
Episode 52
Episode 53
Episode 54
Episode 55
Episode 56
Episode 57
Episode 58
Episode 59
Episode 60
Episode 61
Episode 62
Episode 63
Episode 64
Episode 65
Episode 66
Episode 67
Episode 68
Episode 69
Episode 70
Episode 71
Episode 72
Episode 73
Episode 74
Episode 75
Episode 76
Episode 77
Episode 78
Episode 79
Episode 80
Episode 81
Episode 82
Episode 83
Episode 84
Episode 85
Episode 86
Episode 87
Episode 88
Episode 89
Episode 90
Episode 91
Episode 92
Episode 93


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