On a cold, deserted night, a shrill howl echoed through the sleeping village, announcing the presence of the beast. The scent of fresh blood mingled with the night's frost sharpened its nostrils.
Through the empty streets, a young woman walked hastily, wrapped in a fur cloak that hid her long, night-black hair. The wind lifted the cloak, revealing the jaguar-skin pants that she herself had hunted days before. She quickened her pace, feeling the impact of her steps on the ground and the baby in her womb stir with discomfort.
The sound of breaking glass came from the alley in front of her, making her heart race. She wanted to scream for help, but her lips remained sealed. No one would help her, for everyone feared the night and its mysteries, feared the howls that seemed to come from inside their ears.
Suddenly, a small, dirty white dog emerged from the darkness, bringing momentary relief to the 20-year-old's heart. The poor animal didn't seem to have an owner, and it trembled with fear at every howl that ripped through the silence of the night. The young woman took it in her arms, kicked off her shoes, and ran again. The puppy looked scared at the distant mountain, from where figures seemed to fly towards them.
The brunette saw the church a few meters away and ran inside, seeking refuge from the Lord. Legends said that the unholy could not enter the creator's house, but she did not feel safe there. She huddled at the altar, where the replica of Christ the Redeemer lay, covered by a cloth. Her eyes fixed on the door, waiting for the worst.
The environment was lit by candles scattered around, giving her a somber view. It was possible to see the drawings and statues that represented each saint and each moment in the story of the child conceived by a virgin woman. Then, the doors flew open with a crash, and the light of the full moon flooded the place.
The church pews were thrown everywhere, announcing that the hellhounds had entered the house of God.
Terrified, the young woman clutched the puppy to her chest and ran again, looking for a way out. She found the door behind the altar and went in, locking it behind her. It was the priest's room. There was a table by the window with three chairs. Two of them were in front, and the other was facing them.
The red carpet was as soft as rabbit fur, but it hurt the young woman's wounded feet. She went to the window and opened the red curtains with one hand, trying to see something outside. But the creature that was chasing her was invisible. The young woman opened the window, thinking of escaping and trying to get to her hotel room, protected by strange symbols that prevented that thing from entering. She understood why the priest didn't stay late at church. There was no protection there.
With the window finally open, the girl released the little animal outside and leaned on the ledge to jump. But the door was flung open by something that grabbed her leg, ripping her pants and skin. She let out a shrill scream but threw herself out with her arms wrapped around her eight-month belly, to protect the baby.
The puppy barked and rubbed against the young woman, trying to get her to get up. But her leg was burning so badly that it felt like someone was trying to rip it off. The white dog licked the deep scratch, causing a tingle in the wound.
A bark came from inside the church, and a huge creature the color of darkness emerged, leaping through the window. It stood up, revealing itself to the black-haired girl. It was a wolf, two and a half meters tall, maybe. She got up quickly, picking up the little creature, and ignoring the pain. She ran limping, dragging her injured leg, still tingling from the lick.
The black wolf followed closely behind, playing with its food. It was possible to hear a sound coming from the monster's throat, as if it were laughing.
The sound of paws vanished into the air, and that made the brunette look back, searching for the creature. Nothing. There were no shadows of a being, no tracks. Even so, the young woman didn't stop, for she had already understood that the beast could become invisible, hidden in the shadows of the houses that the moonlight illuminated.
After a few minutes, the young woman saw her home. She crossed the square in front of the hotel doors and touched the large wooden object. The puppy in her arms growled, and the girl's body was thrown into the air, even before she could open the door. The tree was the only thing that stopped her from flying. Her body hit the thick branch of the white oak hard and she fell to the ground.
The sound of paws returned, and the brunette panicked, looking in all directions. The creature was shrouded in darkness, and the little white dog barked incessantly into nothingness, as if it were seeing something. The girl tried to get up, but it was useless. Her body had hit so hard that a warm liquid was running down her legs. Her water had broken.
A loud howl quickened the girl's heart. It was so close that you could almost feel the wind from the animal's breath blowing through her hair. The little dog didn't stop barking until something threw it against a wall in the hotel alley. A snort made the brunette's hair stand on end.
The scream echoed through the heavens, a scream of terror and supplication. The growls mingled with pain and despair. And, finally, the creature had vanished as it had appeared. From nothing.
The icy body lying on the ground showed the marks of the brutality of the hellhounds. And the child in the young woman's womb was gone.
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