Right on the Monday after Gael’s rest period, Dona Iris would have another chemotherapy session, so he would take her, since he didn’t have any interviews or any odd jobs.
He folded the wheelchair and carried it when they left the house.
"Oh! You didn’t return the chair, dear?"
"We fought for so many months to get one for you, that man got this one in two seconds. IF he misses it, he can send someone to get it. At least one good thing he will have to leave behind."
Gael and his mother took two buses until they managed to reach the hospital where Dona Iris would receive her treatment.
This is the first time that Gael has accompanied her; the other times, he was too busy trying to earn at least the minimum for them not to go hungry.
Dona Iris was already visibly tired when they got off at the last stop, seeing his mother’s state, Gael offered:
"Mom, it’s best to sit in the chair; it’s still two blocks to the hospital."
"No way, I’ll have to go all the way back in that thing, so don’t make me."
"But, Mom…"
"No more, let’s go, I don’t want to be late."
Without Gael insisting further, they slowly made their way to the hospital. When they got there, they found a considerable line at the reception.
It was about half an hour before they reached the counter; halfway there, Dona Iris gave up and sat in the chair; it was too long for her to stand.
A very grumpy woman, annoyingly chewing gum, said:
She said very loudly, even though they were very close to her.
Gael said, picking up his mother’s documents:
"Iris Silva."
The woman typed something into the computer, which Gael thought was his mother’s name. Soon after, the woman told them:
"I’m very sorry, but her session has been canceled."
He looked at the woman in disbelief and said:
"How is that possible? This treatment is very important to her."
"Look, kitten, don’t freak out, everyone after you is in the same boat."
"Which only makes it all the more absurd, can I at least know why?"
"We’ve run out of supplies, wait at home until we let you know you can come."
Gael would continue to insist, but Dona Iris pulled at the sleeve of his shirt.
"Son, don’t insist; it’s not the first time it’s happened, and it won’t be the last."
He never knew about that, apparently his mother didn’t want to worry him. However, how would she get better if she didn’t do the treatment correctly?
Gael gave up, as he realized that this situation was very upsetting for his mother, so he just took her home.
On the way back, they ended up not using the chair, as he allowed himself the luxury of a taxi; his hand had already gone through too much that day to face two more buses back.
As soon as they got home, he took a shower and got dressed, he had already decided something in his head and he was confident it was going to work, because this time, he would not resist, he would surrender his soul to the merciless Ravier Valente.
But, he would gladly go, if it meant that his mother would not go through the humiliation they went through earlier again. Health is supposed to be everyone’s right, but the reality is quite different.
When he was about to leave, he went to see Dona Iris and she was asleep, Gael thought it best, so she wouldn’t try to dissuade him from the decision he had made.
He retraced the same path as the other two times. However, this time he is much more determined than before.
This time, when he arrived at the reception, he knew where he was going and said:
"Good afternoon!"
The receptionist looked at him and immediately recognized him.
"Hey! You’re the guy from the other day, the sick one, are you better?"
Gael blushed, a little embarrassed by the word she used, but the young woman was being quite nice.
"I apologize for the other day, I think I caused some trouble the other day."
"Imagine, I’m happy to help."
"Well, you’re my savior and I don’t even know your name."
"My name is Gema."
"That’s a very different name."
"It is, I love it. How can I help you, Mr. Gael?"
"I would like to speak to Mr. Valente, if possible."
"Ah! Of course, I see here that there’s a notice of your presence, it also says here that you can go up immediately."
Gael was not expecting this and he was speechless when he accompanied Gema to the elevator where she dispatched him to the CEO’s floor, with a huge smile.
As soon as the door opened at his destination, he went to the reception on that floor and after identifying himself, he was informed that Ravier was in a meeting and that he should wait in the boss’s office.
This time, Gael was quite aware of everything around him and he had never seen such luxury in his life. Everything there screams opulence and “glamor”.
The woman offered him something to drink and he asked only for water, which she brought immediately, very efficient. Now he would work there and would have to show the same efficiency.
Of course he was getting in because of the accident with Ravier, however, since he signed the contract, he is just one among all the employees.
About an hour went by, Gael was not anxious, by his own choice, he would never see Ravier Valente’s face in person again.
He mentally slapped himself, as he should never call this man Ravier, as casually as he does in his mind, from now on it is just Mr. Valente.
When Ravier entered the room, Gael couldn’t resist observing him and seeing that he was dressed in an expensive, unwrinkled black suit. He had as arrogant an expression as always.
What Gael couldn’t understand was the small smile of satisfaction.
"So you accepted my offer."
Gael didn’t like the smug way he said that, but he has no other choice, from today on, for the woman he loves most, if Ravier tells him to lick his shoes, he’ll do it.
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