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Madre Soltera a los 18

Madre Soltera a los 18

Status: Terminada
Nilai: 4.7
nombre de autor: Natalia França

Rebeca quedó embarazada pero ante la decisión de su novio de abortar, ella tuvo que irse, ¿qué sucederá?

NovelToon tiene autorización de Natalia França para publicar essa obra, el contenido del mismo representa el punto de vista del autor, y no el de NovelToon.

capítulo 20

Augusto was having lunch with his mother, he found her at the restaurant, they had lunch and went for a walk in the mall, Iolanda bought a beautiful dress for Analu, it was for the baptism, Augusto took the opportunity to buy another doll for Analu, now it was a doll that spoke when squeezed.

Analu was very happy, she held the huge box in Augusto's lap, after shopping they went back to the hotel, Augusto was already prepared for Rebecca's scolding, he smiled imagining her getting mad.

Upon arriving at the hotel, Rebecca was attending to a guest, she was showing the bar and a small dining area so she didn't see them arriving, Augusto went up to the rooftop, his mother just laughed.

Rebecca had already eaten, she was wondering about their delay but Carol had told her they had arrived, so she worked more calmly.

A very beautiful woman arrived at the hotel, she entered and took off her glasses observing, Rebecca went up to her and offered help.

Woman: I am Augusto's girlfriend, can you let him know I'm waiting for him at the bar?

Rebecca: Y-Yes.

Rebecca felt a shock in her body, she thought he was single, not that she was interested but... it's complicated. Rebecca without any reaction went to the elevator, she just kept staring ahead trying to process everything, she was very confused, she wondered if he was in a relationship? She didn't even know the answer herself.

Rebecca composed herself, she arrived at the rooftop and Augusto approached her smiling.

Augusto: I need you to see-...

Rebecca: Your girlfriend is waiting at the bar, I came to bring you the message.

Rebecca didn't even leave the elevator, she stepped back and the doors closed, she swallowed any feelings she was experiencing and went back to work.

Everyone on the rooftop was shocked, especially Augusto, he didn't know what was going on, and who is this girlfriend?

His mother looked at him angrily thinking he had found someone, after all Rebecca is the favorite, when the elevator returned he hurriedly went down, in his head he couldn't get Rebecca's voice, her confused and unreactive face out of his mind.

A bad feeling came over him, it was as if he had hurt someone very important, he felt the need to explain himself.

Upon arriving at the reception he went to Rebecca but she was helping a guest, the woman got up from the bar and went to him.

Woman: Hi my love, I missed you so much.

Augusto pushed her away, his eyes met Rebecca's, she turned her back and helped the guest.

Augusto: What are you doing here, Nair?

Nair: Is this how you welcome me?

Augusto: How did you want me to welcome you?

Nair: Maybe with a hug?

Augusto: Don't be like this, Nair, we broke up a long time ago precisely because of your trips, now you come back and think everything's fine?

Nair: I know we broke up but...

Augusto: There's no "but" anymore, don't treat me like that because we're not close anymore, I already have someone so go back to where you were, if you want to stay at the hotel then behave properly. We're exes, not friends.

Augusto left her alone, he went to Rebecca but she accompanied the guest to the elevator to take him to his room, Augusto couldn't enter, so he went to the rooftop with his mind spinning.

Iolanda: Who was that?

Augusto: Nair.

Iolanda: If you don't get rid of her, I will do it myself.

Rosana: I can go in your place.

Iolanda: Introducing yourself as a girlfriend especially to Rebecca is too cheeky.

Rosana: Poor thing.

Augusto: You guys are talking as if she has something with me, do you want to make things worse for me?

Rosana: You're an idiot, my grandson, you can see in her eyes the way she looks at you, you like each other but aren't brave enough to admit it. She's a romantic dreamer who's hurt, she can't trust men, she uses a barrier to protect herself because she has suffered a lot and is afraid. You're a man who knows what he wants but you see it in front of you and do nothing, you're dumb, nothing falls from the sky. Now she is sad, thinking you're taken, feeling deceived and once again hurt, she was speechless and you're just standing there.

Iolanda: El asunto no es simplemente llegar y hacer que suceda, hijo, es conquistar, inspirar confianza, mostrar interés, ser sabio y actuar con el corazón. Ella está herida por dentro, demuestra que eres diferente, que te importa y que quieres conquistarla, muestra autenticidad y sinceridad con ella. Ella necesita alguien que cure sus heridas en lugar de causar más.

Augusto: No sé cómo hacerlo, no sé si funcionará, ¿cómo saben ustedes que estoy interesado? Ni siquiera yo sé si lo estoy.

Él se va confundido, su madre y su abuela sonríen viéndolo angustiado.

Yusbelys Marquez
me perdí no se k paso para k ella se ponga así con el
Belen Berriel
Tomi Herrera
porque está en inglés?
Carmen Chirinos
por Dios escritora nos puede repetir el capitulo en español por favor no puede ser es un capitulo completo
Lerys Del Valle Granados
LAS fotos de los protagonista es muy importante que las publique.
Lerys Del Valle Granados
Lerys Del Valle Granados
Lerys Del Valle Granados
Espero que ese tal Mio no se aparezca en l vida de Rebeca por que el no quería que la niña viniera a este mundo
Yasmeli Perdomo
está historia estuvo increíble te felicito sutors
Yasmeli Perdomo
que no le vaya a pasar nada a Carol y su bebé
Maribeth Minotta
no entendí nada que pasó ?
Maribeth Minotta
ya cuajo el bb
la verdad nosé que pasó esperaba en español.lastima
Salomé Páez
Bajado el sueldo??? no será subido
Salomé Páez
Un jefe no hace eso x sus empleados a no ser q se interese y ella le está interesando
Graciela Fernandez
Estoy atrapada con esta historia
Graciela Fernandez
Me fascina tu novela ,es hermosa,felicitaciones
Lea Ordaz Escobedo
Step Into A Different WORLD!
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