The Noble Wife of the President

The Noble Wife of the President

Episode 1

3 months after the wedding, a completely unknown vehicle parked in front of the Villa. Susan immediately knew that someone from the Lacronte family had arrived, based on the initials printed on the vehicle. However, she had not expected it to be Andrea Lacronte, her mother-in-law.

During the three months of marriage, Susan hadn't crossed paths with Arturo even once, although she knew that he spent every night in the study and left the Villa before sunrise. Despite Arturo's disappointment with Gabriela and her sudden departure, he had agreed to marry Susan, although both had very different thoughts about this union that was supposed to last 365 days.

When Susan descended to the living room, she found herself face to face with Andrea, whose look was full of disdain.

"Mrs. Andrea," Susan spoke softly, a small smile appearing on her face.

"The staff shouldn't address me, so go back where you came from, you cursed opportunist, fiancé stealer!" Andrea accused, causing the young woman to pale and widen her eyes in shock.

"Mother!" Arturo Lacronte arrived, and Susan found herself breathless as she observed the man dressed entirely in black, exuding elegance and presence.

"I didn't realize the staff had privileges," Andrea Lacronte spoke again.

"Enough, mother. Susan is my wife, not a member of the staff," Arturo's serious expression filled the room, his aura dominating even the grand Villa. After expressing those words, he headed to his study. Susan swallowed nervously, while Andrea made it clear that she did not like her.

Everything seemed to dissipate as Susan retreated to her room. Andrea went shopping, and Susan didn't know if Arturo was still in the study. But before she could dwell on it further, her cell phone rang, revealing it was her mother calling.

"Mom, is something wrong?" Susan was afraid, as she used to visit her parents every afternoon, and it was only midday. Being close to her parents was comforting, even though her father never spoke or moved.

"Yes, darling, your sister has returned." Susan didn't understand why hearing this caused discomfort within her. A few seconds passed before she could form some words.

"Is she at home?" her voice was barely audible.

"Yes, she is at home. And your father managed to utter some words with her return." Gema Fontaine seemed sad, as it was no secret that Gabriel Fontaine had a favorite among his daughters, and that was often Gabriela. Susan herself had been rejected by him many times, but she tolerated it due to her daughter's kindness and nobility. She was willing to accept small crumbs of affection from her father.

"I understand, Mom. It's better if I don't go today," Susan whispered. "I don't want to make Gabriela uncomfortable."

"Little Susan, this is your home, just like hers. You have every right to come here."

"I know, Mom, but I prefer not to go today. I'll talk to you later." Susan didn't give her mother a chance to react before ending the call.

It was midnight when Susan realized she had fallen asleep. Her throat felt dry, and she had slept for more than 8 hours. Her stomach growled, furrowing her brow. She carefully left the room, finding the hallway dark and deserted. Susan didn't want to make too much noise, especially considering her mother-in-law was in the house, and the last thing she wanted was to cause any inconvenience.

When she entered the kitchen, the lights were off, as expected. She poured herself a glass of milk, her hazel eyes gazing out of the window that overlooked the garden, adorned with large glass panels that accentuated the beauty of the flowers. Minutes passed in silence, bringing a sense of calmness to her heart. This had been her favorite spot for the past three months, always positioned to observe the garden from the same window. However, inexplicably, there was now a small sofa placed there, thirty days after her arrival.

"Are you thinking about me?" Arturo's voice caused the young woman to quickly stand up from the sofa, accidentally dropping the glass of milk she held in her hand.

"What are you doing here?" Susan was not accustomed to Arturo's presence. In fact, she was used to being alone. Her father always told her that she didn't fit in anywhere and that it was best for her to stay at home. This gave her an even greater appreciation for her solitude, rather than seek acceptance in a hypocritical society.

"This is my house." Arturo approached her, causing Susan to step back, unaware that the spilled milk on the floor was the same area she was now stepping on.

Susan lost her balance and slipped, but the expected impact never came. A strong arm encircled her small waist, and instinctively, she wrapped her arms around Arturo's neck. This action seemed like a scene from a romantic telenovela, where the protagonist saves their beloved from some danger. As their bodies came together, Susan gazed into the gray eyes of the man, his perfect face, his eyebrows. Arturo Lacronte had been chosen as the most elegant and handsome man in all of England for good reason.

"T-thank you." Susan attempted to separate herself from Arturo, but his grip intensified. "Let go of me. I didn't mean to hold onto you." Susan quickly apologized, knowing from the house staff that Arturo had a cleanliness fetish and couldn't stand people being close to him. The clothes he wore had to be sterilized, and the ingredients for his meals were exclusively imported.

"Are you aware that if you move, you will trigger a reaction in my body?"

"I don't have any bacteria; I won't cause any reaction in your body, Mr. Lacronte. I was just scared. I didn't expect you to be here. It wasn't intentional, I promise it won't happen again."

"You need to expand your mind a little." Arturo's voice was hoarse, and Susan panicked, thinking that Arturo might be experiencing an allergy to the moisturizing products she used or the low-quality garments she was wearing.

"I truly apologize." Her eyes were already filled with tears. She had heard that Arturo was ruthless when something bothered him, of course, all of this from the cleaning staff, as she didn't speak with her sister. Gabriela had always discriminated against her, although Susan was too kind to ever hold it against her. She revered her family, and that wouldn't change.

"Do you regret it?" Susan trembled in Arturo's arms as she looked into his shining eyes. "You are sexually stimulating me."

Susan turned pale upon hearing Arturo's words.

"What are you going to do to me?" Susan squirmed once more, causing Arturo to growl. She wasn't foolish; she knew perfectly well that she was arousing Arturo. However, her new doubt was: Did he like her? Susan shook her head in denial, as it couldn't be true. But she could feel Arturo's masculinity, which frightened her even more. She snapped out of her thoughts upon hearing the sound of fabric tearing, her back hitting the sofa, and the excruciating pain as she was penetrated.

Susan was on the verge of screaming, but Arturo covered her mouth. Tears welled up in Susan's hazel eyes. Arturo had become wild, and with each thrust his body reacted. His hands caressed every part of Susan's naked body. When it was over, Susan couldn't move. She sobbed inconsolably, her clothes in shambles. Arturo, seeming unaffected, adjusted his pants with the air of a king.

"Why did you do this?" Susan mustered the courage to ask.

"Because this is what spouses do, they have sex. Wasn't that what you wanted? Besides, it seemed like you enjoyed it," Arturo replied.

"You're a beast," Susan covered herself with her torn clothes, or at least attempted to.

"I'm not trying to prove I'm a saint. You're my wife, you can't refuse," Susan knew Arturo's words were technically correct, she couldn't refuse, but she never expected him to do such a thing. "Go to your room," Arturo commanded.

This time, the man's voice evoked a strange feeling in her. Susan stood up, feeling an unfamiliar discomfort in her intimate area. She bit her lip and made her way to the stairs, ascending to her room. The kitchen remained cloaked in darkness, but Arturo flicked on a switch that illuminated the area around the sofa with a dim light. There, the bloodstain became visible, hardening Arturo's features as he observed the crimson liquid.


















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