Chapter 14

The car pulled over at David's house and they alighted from the car. Ayo marveled at the sight of the building. It was Amazing! Bigger than Ivonne's but with less cars.

He hurried to her side and locked hands with her. Thankfully, she didn't pull away. When they reached the door, he paused.

" You're sure your brother won't eat me alive?". He couldn't help but ask.

Her lips twitched as she shook her head " He won't. Now calm down".

" alright. Can I get a kiss to calm my racing heart?". He blinked innocently at her.

She looked away as a gloomy expression clouded her face " stop teasing" and his smile fell. He guided her hands to wrap around his neck and he pulled her into a hug. Ivonne gasped at his sudden action but didn't pull away. When she had told him to stop teasing, she really meant that he should act instead of tempting her. She really was tired of it.

" oh waw!". A familiar voice said and they pulled away in shock, facing the already opened door where Kemi and David were staring at them with gaping mouth.

" I did not see that coming". Her brother said as he smirked. Their eyes shifted to Ayo, and both eyed him from head to toe.

David stretched his hand to Ayo " Nice to meet you, I'm... ".

Ayo didn't let him finish as he shook the hand and interrupted him, a beaming smile on his face "... David Johnson".

David arched a brow, his eyes flickered to his sister and back to her man.. Uhm.. Ayo " I can see that my little sister already did the intro".

" oh no. I listen to your radio station everyday. I'm your biggest fan".

Kemi could feel David's head swelling " uh oh. You shouldn't have done that. If there's one thing you shouldn't do, it's praising David". She laughed.

" ugh! Well you've just met his twin". Ivonne said and pushed her way inside.

" uh oh".

They moved to the living room and Ivonne left with Kemi to the kitchen, giving the boys room to get to know eachother.

" so... That's Nelson". Kemi said as she sat on a stool.

" Mmm". After a while, she looked up to see her best friend giving her a weird look.

Uh oh.

" What?".

" I don't know. I'm thinking if I should be mad at you for not telling me this earlier or excited".

" I apologize for not telling you about it earlier, so don't be mad anymore. You should be excited, I'm gonna get the company". Ivonne squealed and stopped only when she noticed that Kemi's expression had not changed.

" why are you not celebrating with me?". Her smile still plastered on her face.

Kemi shrugged " Tell me everything. How you met, what he said when you told him, what he asked for in return, where you both went to yesterday. Everything".

Ivonne sighed and checked her watch. It was 3pm. "ok... Where do I start? After... ".

She talked and talked for a very long time, she could feel her mouth hurting but somehow, she loved the faces that Kemi was giving so she continued, not leaving out a single detail... Well except the part where he tried kissing her .  After saying everything, she heaved a sigh of relief.

"oh" was all Kemi could say before her lips curled in a smile " I'm sorry, it's just... I'm surprised that's all".

" why?".

" You did not just ask me that question. You told me he said he just wanted a place to stay for the month. Some guys would ask for money, some even part of the inheritance. You've got a good one in your hands Ivonne".

"yeah". She rolled her eyes.

" please tell me you haven't been a bossy bitch to him, that you've tried to control your tongue and temper". Her expression softened as she begged.

Ivonne widened her eyes and looked everywhere but Kemi. When she heard her groan, she grinned.

" Stop that". Kemi said. " he seems like a great guy, don't push him away".

" Kemi, I don't know if you've noticed but I don't need him to stay. I've been single for 9years... ".

" doesn't mean you should be single for 9 more years. Have you seen that guy? He is so gorgeous!".

She paused. " I know ". She sighed as her shoulders slumped.

" No you... Wait what?". She never expected her to admit. She turned to face Ivonne who's eyes were filled with sadness and longing. " oh".

Ivonne gave a weak smile.

Kemi snapped her fingers " Full details, now! I know you're holding something back".

" What's there to tell? The guy is hell bent on teasing me to death. How can we stay together? In the same room when he teases me each and every minute. I swear I'll break his head". She laughed.

" oh my God. This is amazing. You are trippin' ".

" I'm not". She defended.

" You like him". Kemi accused.

" No I don't ". She denied without even thinking.

Kemi gave a sly smile " oh c'mon, I saw it when I opened the door. He had his arms wrapped around your waist and yours around his neck. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were dry humping".

Ivonne gasped " now you're exaggerating".

" so tell me, have you guys kissed?".

Her cheeks reddened.

Kemi squealed "  Oh my God. David's got to hear this. You're blushing. Ivonne blushes. And here I thought I wouldn't live to see this day".

" come on, answer the question. Have you... ".

" No we haven't.. Yet". She covered her face.

" Why?".

" oh dear! How do I know? Something always comes up when we're about to".

"about to what?".

She continued to look at her feet " you know, about to do it".

" er... Do what?". She could hear the smile in Kemi's voice and she looked up.

" You tease!". Ivonne yelled " leave me alone".

She laughed clutching her stomach " You've turned into a shy baby. What has this guy done to you?".

" I don't know, Kems. Just... Ugh!". She began to pace the huge kitchen.

They were both silent for sometime.

" what do you think of Nelson?". Kemi asked.

"mmm". She said as she said thought " well one thing is for sure, he is super good looking. He's funny, smart. Oh, from what his Mother said, he's really good with computers. Oh oh and he has a super amazing Mom. She's so friendly and welcoming and has a cute and warm smile like Ayo. She doesn't like the fact that I'm rich though... ".

" say what now?". Kemi wasn't sure if she heard well.

" yeah I know. She doesn't like the fact that I'm rich. I mean the minute she found out I was the daughter of the Mr. Johnson, her smile disappeared, she became so cold and asked me what a girl like me was doing with her son, a complete and total nobody. Her words". She raised her hands in defence.

"oh my!". She smiled " That is so cool. At least we know that your Mother in law is not a gold digger".

Ivonne shrugged " True. And even she is a gold digger, I wouldn't mind spending my money on her. She's so young there's no way you would see her and not think that woman is Nelson's sugar mommy".

" well I'll take your word for it".

The boys came in almost immediately, chattering and laughing to... Whatever that was making them laugh. Ivonne stared at Ayo for a while and when Kemi cleared her throat, she held her gaze before looking away.

" Alright then, how do we draw your parents attention?". Kemi asked as the boys took their seat. She continued "I'm thinking Instagram because Daniella must've seen those photos of you guys and would check my page. So if we can take a picture, all four of us and post it on our pages, she'll most likely cry to your mother".

" Good idea". David said " after that we should pick a date and go over to your parents house or... ".

" My Dad will be taking Mom out this weekend. I'll find out where and then, by accident we'll run into them. Spend a few days there, maybe three days, while we're there, we'll make them believe that Ivonne and Ayo are a couple and when they do believe... Then my Mom will definitely break the good news to your Mom".

"wow!". Ayo said " You guys have got this all planned out. If I weren't here right now, I'd say that you planned this week's ago".

Kemi smiled at him " I might not be computer smart but I am smart".

"I can see that". He grinned and she gasped, facing Ivonne, she whispered " he is so damn cute!".

Ivonne rolled her eyes as David took out his phone " Say cheese!". They all took their pose. Kemi dragged Ivonne so that their hips bumped and smiled up at the camera. The boys moved forward, closer to each other, with David and Ayo giving a cool expression.

After the picture was taken, David posted it on his Instagram page. Kemi took a picture with Ivonne laughing and Ayo sticking out his tongue. They looked so good together but she didn't say it. Ivonne would eat her head if she said anything in front of Ayo. From the looks of it, her Bestie was turning shy.

" Ok now, kiss". Kemi said as she faced the camera to Ivonne and Ayo who looked at each other before facing her.

" say what now?". Ivonne said.

" Great idea!". Was Ayo's comment.

"oh c'mon. We're trying to fool People here. You gotta gimme some love".

" Not getting any". Ivonne turned to leave.

" don't be shy". David said with a smile and she glared at him.

" I'm sorry but I honestly can't do that with your sister in front of you ". Ayo laughed and Kemi followed.

" We've got shy couples here. If you can't even do it in front of us, what are the chances that you'll do it in front of My parents?". Kemi asked suddenly pulling David down.

" Close your eyes Ayo. You could get scarred for life seeing my brother and best friend kiss. It's just.. Wow". She said without humour as she dragged him to the sitting room.

" I like that they surround you with sweetness. But I'm jealous that they make you smile so easily when I have to work for it". She could hear the pout in his voice.

She didn't say anything as a small smile crept up her face.

" see? I can't even get a full smile". He accused. She didn't know how he knew she smiled but she couldn't help laughing at the whine in his voice.

" quit being such a baby". She sank down on the couch and he followed suit. He inched closer to her.

" what are you doing?". Her body was high on alert at the sudden closure.

" Nothing. I just want to stay close to you that's all". The innocence in his voice was convincing.

She rolled her eyes " Whatever you say. It's getting late, we need to go home". She checked the clock hanging on the wall. Just then, Kemi and David walked in.

" We'll be on our way now so as to save you the trouble of holding it in". Ayo said and they laughed.

They headed outside with David and Ivonne behind Kemi and Ayo watching as the two talked about... Stuffs.

" so your plan to get Dad's company is going smooth, good for you". He stopped in front of her. " You know that Dad won't give the company to Daniella even if she gets married first right?".

" I know that". He searched her face for something she didn't know. Whether he found it or not, he continued.

" If Dad gives you the company even without you getting married, what will happen to Ayo? You don't plan on sending him packing right?". He joked and she looked away.

" let me know as soon as you get word from Kemi's parents". She changed the topic.

" will do. Take care of yourself and your man, little sis". She shook her head as she hurried towards Ayo who was waiting for her beside the car. She hugged Kemi who made her promise to send her a text once she got home. They entered the car and zoomed off.

" what would you like for dinner?". She found herself asking immediately they got home. The ride to the house was quiet as neither said anything to each other.

Ayo followed her into the kitchen and sat on a Stoll, watching her do her thing " I'm not picky about food, trust me. I can eat anything… and yes I mean everything".

Ivonne gulped. She didn't dare look back to see his expression but she could feel his eyes roaming her body and darn her body for reacting to his words. It was a good thing she wasn't wearing a lace bra for her nipples were so tight already.

She cleared her throat " Go freshen up, before you get down, I'll have something ready". It was a miracle her voice didn't falter.

" alright then. But only because you said it nicely ". She rolled her eyes as his footsteps were out of earshot. This guy was a headache and her body didn't realize the fact that she didn't like headaches seeing how she craved him like air.

She couldn't stop her mind from wondering. What he said earlier... About er.. Eating everything... She really was curious. Was he trying to say… oh boy!

Her cheeks were hot. Don't wander there. Don't wander there. She chanted in her head. Would he eat her down there too?

"ouch". She screamed in pain as her hand touched the hot frying pan but thankful it didn't burn her.

Darn it Ivonne. Thinking about a guy going down on you, now look what happened.

Not her fault. She'd never had a guy go down on her before with the intent of giving her complete pleasure. They always got greedy and wanted their turn hence she was left hanging. But oh well, the things we do for sex.

His voice was filled with great promise and that ignited a fire in her. A fire that needed to be quenched.

She served the food right there in the kitchen and ate hers quickly. But yet again, hearing him moan with her food in his mouth was a wonderful sight and a pleasing sound.

" What's got you smiling?". She looked up to see him leaning by the door. As she ogled his bare chest, she squeezed her legs tighter. He was shirtless, with a white towel resting on his shoulders down to his chest. He wore a light blue shorts that was very big and rested on his knee.

He cleared his throat and she held his gaze "you're shirtless". She blurted out. When he arched a brow at her, a smile hidden behind those gorgeous eyes, she stood and moved to the sink with her already empty plate.

" leave it, I'll do the dishes. You go freshen up. Join me in the living room when you're done or I'll come up there and drag you out" naked. Say naked.

Without another word, she hurried out of there.

Checking the mirror for the hundredth time, she still wasn't sure if this was a good idea. She was wearing his shirt and boxers. When she'd come inside the room, the clothe had been waiting for her. How amazing and it was so comfortable. Unlike the last time she wore it, she wasn't wearing a bra. Still didn't know if that was a good thing to do or not, clearly seeing how her nipples were pointing out of the material like scissors wanting to cut. He would know she was affected by him. But this was payback. He had been teasing her all along, it was her turn.

She walked down the stairs with butterflies in her tummy. Yeah she was nervous but didn't let that show as her head was held up high and her expression blank. Tonight, she would play Miss. Innocent.

As expected, when Ayo saw her, he gulped and to make matters worse, her body did its thing. Slowly, he undressed her with his eyes. The look he gave as he eyed her from head to toe was so intense, she suppressed a moan. She was on the verge of making an ocean in his shorts. His shorts. He had worn this one point in time. Naked underneath.

Good grief. Take a break Ivonne Amaka Johnson.

When his eyes searched her face, she gave a confused look and he gave a small smile. His lustful intention evident in his eyes. His shorts, not so much.

" Thank the Lord for tight briefs".

Dangit! He caught her staring.

" what are you doing?". She asked walking closer to him, not missing the way his eyes followed her hands when she brushed them against his shirt. His shirt. He had worn this one point in time naked underneath. Those muscles filling up the places that sagged on her. His bare chest to her boobs. Mmm.

Take a hike.

" Ayo". She called when he didn't answer. He gulped, holding her gaze.

" Sorry. Er... What was the question again?". She smirked and sat down on the couch. Good.

" oh ok. I was searching through the channels, maybe we could find something to watch". He shrugged as he talked, and she nodded. When he pulled the towel from his shoulders, good Lord, seems like the tables were turned against her. He might not be really built but there was no denying the obvious muscles.

Oh Lord, his nipples, his skin. That brown skin made her want to lick him all day. No wonder Beyonce and Wizkid sang that song ' brown skinn girls'. Well in her case, it could be applied to a guy.

Oh, Have you looked in the mirror lately,

Wish you could trade eyes with me,

There's complexities in complexion,

But your skin, it glows like diamonds.

She felt his eyes on her and her nipples hardened. Seems like tonight would be a very long and torturous one.

" So er what are we watching?". She focused on the TV.

" I- I...". He paused "Wow!". His hand rubbed his hair and down to his smooth face.

She almost smiled as she was feeling so proud of herself for making him confused.

" What's wrong?". She asked innocently.

" I just... Uhm. Ok... Let me turn of the lights". Did she think he was cute before? Now he's way cuter. He had this shy look on his face.

Once the lights were turned off, he sat down far from her as if her body were a magnet that would draw him dangerously close. Whatever was going on between them, it was just lust and she very well knew that if they had sex, it would be over. Though they've done it before,but she was not sober.

He searched for movies and found an American action movie. One she knew all too well.

" What do you think will happen?". He asked, his voice on the edge as he impatiently waited for the story to unfold.

Ivonne smirked " want me to tell you the full story?"

That caught his attention "you've watched it already?". There was surprise in his voice.

" Duh! I'm a huge fan of Jason Statham".

Ayo gasped " well well well, if it isn't my arch enemy's girlfriend. I should have known you were married to Christmas". He sneered.

Ivonne gaped " oh my God, the Expendables".

" My all time favourite movie".

" Tell me about it! Jason Statham was so evily hot there".

" Oh puhleez, his movies are so predictable.i only enjoyed the movie because of Rambo. He is the awesome one".

She couldn't believe she was having this argument " uh dislike. Statham movies are not predictable".

" You think so? I could tell you 4 things to expect when you Statham in a movie".

" Go ahead and I'll prove you wrong". She sneered.

"Listen up. One, Water is always involved. Two, He's always alone in the sense that his line of work is so dangerous that his partner is either killed or far from him. Three, He is a dangerous man. Four, Even if he's the villain, he never and I mean never dies. Five, he walks out like a badass at the end of the movie".

Well that shut her up. Turns out they were predictable. But to her, it was so new and fresh. Maybe it was because she so much liked his movie.

" Well whatever. I still like his movies ". She flipped her hair, and folded her arms.

He laughed " I can hear the pout in your voice. Oh c'mon. Well I did like his part in Fast and Furrious and I'm looking forward to watch the Movie Hobbs & shaws".

Oh no.

" Shut up. Hobbs & Shaw? The trailer is awesome ". Her smile widened.

" I know right?".

" Yeah. Oh and Dwayne the rock Johnson made it so good and exciting. I watched the trailer like a gazillion times".

" We agree that Dwayne is way cooler than Statham right?".

" Obviously".

" Oh you're a stinking cheat". They laughed.

So now they had mutual actor. What else?

" Roman is awesome too". Ayo said after a while.

" Mmmm he has this WWE thing going on in his face. So serious".

" Statham is more serious than anyone I have ever seen".

"True". She couldn't agree more.

"Oh my God. Look at us praising another country's goods. We should patronise our movies. so tell me,which Nigerian actor do you like best".

She thought for a while "Genevieve Nnanji does it for me".

" Jeez! Same here. Her movie " Lionheart" was so clean".

" I know right. I did like her hair in the movie she looked so young. she could pass off as 20".

Ayo scoffed at her exaggeration. 20? He would've said late 20's but wheteves.

They watched the movie in silence and now, Ivonne not only found his body interesting but his mind too. She was eager to know more about their common interests.

Her phone that was beside her vibrated and she saw a message from Kemi.

Dangit. She had forgotten to call her when she got home. She opened the message.

kemi: How long does it take for you to reach your house?

Uh oh. A thought popped in her head and she bit her lip to contain her smile.

Ivonne: 2 hours if you've got a hot guy beside you during the drive.

She got a reply almost immediately.

Kemi: Oh sh*t that is so true. So you admit he's hot?

Ivonne: I never denied it before.

kemi: well that's a good start. What happened? Why didn't you send me a message?

Ivonne: I apologize,I got carried away in... Things.

Kemi: oh

She didn't need to see her bff to know she had a curious look in her eyes.

Ivonne: It's quite fun. Just found out that we're so crazy about Dwayne Johnson and Genevieve Nnanji.

Kemi: knowing each others interest? Nice!

Ivonne: uh huh. So what's up? How are you?

Kemi: I dey as you leave me ooo

Ivonne: Smh. When are you going over to your parents?

Kemi: Oh that's part of the reason I texted you. The talk about Ayo got me hooked.

Ivonne: That's not very nice.

Kemi: I know right? Because he's your man and not mine.


Ivonne: I didn't say that.

Kemi: you don't need to say it, we see something.

Ivonne: What's up?

Better to get down to business.

Kemi: I called my Mom's PA and she informed me that my Dad took my Mom to some beach. A place called Kamp Ikare Beach Resort.

Sounds expensive.

Ivonne: Oh… ok. So what now?

Kemi: Now, you and Ayo pack somethings we are going to ' accidentally ' meet them there.

Ivonne: Oh so now we're going to intrude on their good time?

Kemi: Yes.

Well that did it.

Ivonne: ok. But they would know that we found out they were there since you asked her PA. How do we explain that?

Kemi: calm down. Maureen owes me a few favours. I saved her ass from being fired too many a time. I already told her to shut up so it's all good.

Ivonne: alright. When do we leave?

Kemi: Sweetie you would want to leave right now if you googled the place out. It's amazing. The houses, the pool, sand, the sea. Ivonne, you'd flip when you see it.

Quickly, she googled " kamp Ikare Beach Resort" and oh did she marvel.

Ivonne: I just checked it... We leave as soon as humanly possible.

Kemi: Good. David and I will meet you at your place by 11am.

Ivonne: Got it. See you then. Goodnight.

Kemi: Good night.

Dropping her phone on the chair, she exhaled with excitement bubbling in her. If there was anything she enjoyed, it was going on expensive trips.

" Ivonne?". Ayo called and she turned to face him. She couldn't see his face but his voice was filled with worry.

" Mmm?".

" I was asking you if you want to watch another movie. This one just finished".

" Oh no. We need to rest now. Tomorrow's a big day".



DAMN vulgar shot🔥

DAMN vulgar shot🔥

love it waiting for the next update



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