Her body jerked and she gasped as her eyes opened. Calming her racing heart, Ivonne turned in bed, took her phone checking the time. She wasn't surprised to see that it was exactly 5am.
She stayed there for a while and only when she heard the rustling on the floor did she remember that Ayo was in the room with her.
It was suddenly so hot in here!
Her eyes adjusted to the darkness as she peered down at him. She couldn't make out if he was sleeping or awake like her.
She heard a faint sigh from him and waited for him to speak.
" Ayo". She called out.
No reply.
" Are you awake?". She tried again. Now she was sounding desperate. Like a woman who had been sexually neglected by her husband for weeks.
Still no reply.
Was he really such a deep sleeper? At the young age of 8, her Mother made sure that she was aware of every damn movement in her sleep. Most times when she wakes up, she'd be so exhausted as if she didn't sleep throughout the night.
She moved her eyes in the darkness. Though it was almost morning, it was still quite dark in his room. If only she were back home, she'd be in the gym immediately.
Well the good thing was that she'd be going home today. The bad thing was that she was actually longing to stay with Mother. Ok, if Mother agreed to tag along then that would be good. But she didn't feel like leaving her.
To Ivonne, It was a bad thing that we don't get to choose our family. If given the opportunity, Ivonne would never set foot in the Johnson's house and she... Wouldn't come here either. Money was also important, no hard feelings.
Feeling so bored as there was no way she could go back to sleep, she began to hum her favorite song, not too loud so as not to disturb Ayo and Mother who's room was facing theirs.
"Ugh! I'm trying to get some sleep". Ayo grumbled.
She gasped in anger as she sat upright " so you were awake all along". She accused.
" Yes, I heard you call the first time and the second time. I was just... Busy".
"busy? Busy with what?".
" busy with sleep. Look I'm sorry, I'm just really exhausted, you know I wouldn't ignore you calling me, I'm just tired, I'll make it up to you later".
The words shocked her.
He really didn't owe her any explanation. Yet he said it so sweet and polite. Yes, somehow, she did know he wouldn't...
Nonsense! Meeting him was the the biggest mistake of her life. Kemi had lots of explosions to receive from her.
Oh shit!
She'd been so caught up in everything, she actually forgot to tell Kemi everything. What a friend you are Ivonne!
She wanted to text her right now but figured that she'd still be asleep. Ivonne sighed in frustration. She couldn't just sit here and wait for the day to brighten, she'd be bored outta her mind.
What to do? What to do? What to do!
Just then, she heard the door creak. It was definitely Mother's door. It closed gently and closed her eyes, trying to listen. She heard her go down the stares and then... Nothing.
Where was she going at this hour?
Why are you awake by this hour?
Good one!
Maybe Mother was going to the kitchen to get a big knife and chase her out?
Uh oh.
This was bad! That could be it! Who gets over anger so easily? Mother was so angry at her and then, after a few hours, gave the warm smiles again. Maybe she figured that she couldn't do anything while Ayo was around but now that the dumb man was sleeping...
Ah! She wasn't ready to die. Not yet, not now.
Ivonne gripped the blanket over her body, her heart was racing as sweat formed on her face.
"calm down, shhh it's going to be ok. Nothing bad will happen. If you die, they'll all go to jail for killing you and probably rot in there". She said calmly trying to calm herself down.
" What are you saying?". The voice came from the floor, Ayo.
" nothing that concerns you". She sneered.
A pause. " oh ok".
" I think your Mother is trying to kill me!".
That earned her a laugh from Ayo. " what the... Why do you say that?".
" She left her room and went downstairs". She pointed out.
"so, she probably went to the kitchen to get a knife".
"oh God! She just went outside to put on the Gen". She heard him yawn.
"Gen? Oh so she can't kill me in the dark?".
" Ivy! No one is going to kill you while I'm here".
Oh that made her insides flip.
" But the mirror will kill you if you don't let me sleep. I do not want to have eye bags".
...and he killed it.
" do you have to ruin everything by praising your looks?".
" Woman! Let me sleep, I am exhausted. Why are you up anyways? It's just.. 5". He checked his phone and turned on the flashlight.
" I can't go back to sleep".
When he sensed that she wouldn't go any further, he asked " should I get you sleeping pills?".
She furrowed her brows " why do you have that?".
" because sometimes I can't sleep and they help. I could get them for you".
" No".
" do you have anything you wish to do before it's daytime?".
" why do you care?".
" because if you don't sleep, you'll disturb me too. I need to close my eyes Ivy, just go back to bed!". He groaned and turned off the flashlight.
After a while, she heard him sigh in sleep.
" Ayo!". She called all of a sudden.
"Jesus!". Ayo jerked in shock. He turned on his flashlight and pointed it at her.
" do you want to kill me?".
Ivonne tipped her head back and laughed. If only she had a voice recorder with her.
" what's so funny?".
" Oh my God! You should hear the way you yelled". She said in between laughs.
A knock sounded on the door and Ivonne froze as Ayo turned off his flashlight.
" what's going on in there? It better not be what I'm thinking". Mother yelled.
What was she thinking?
" Ayo, zip your pants and leave the poor girl alone. I'm going back to bed, you should too, it's too early".
"what? Me? I didn't do anything". He said but she was already in her room.
Ivonne giggled.
" Ivy, go back to sleep".
" Nelson, leave me alone".
He sighed. " Don't call me that".
" don't call me that either".
"but your mouth is filled with poison and then you're Ivonne. Ivy is the short form of Ivonne and also the name of a poisonous flower".
" did I say something I shouldn't have?". His voice filled with worry.
"oh, you're done, that lecture gave me sleeping pills". She rolled her eyes in the dark.
" ugh! It wasn't a lecture. Ivy, I'm sleepy".
" why are you telling me this? Go ahead and sleep".
" yeah, after saying it like that. Now I'm gonna feel guilty in my dreams".
" do you want to go out for a jog?". Ayo asked as he stood up making his way in the darkness to turn on the lights.
Ivonne's body was turned on with the lights. God bless her eyes! Ayo was standing by the door shirtless. He looked so gorgeous everytime. Why didn't he have a morning defect? You know, the times where you look so rough and scattered in the mornings after waking up.
He looked like he just came back from the gym and took a bathe. He wasn't built or anything but he did have a good body, lean muscles and a fucking 6abs.
"all done?". He asked and her eyes shot up to him. He'd been staring at her as she ravished him with her eyes.
" I can take off my pants too, it's getting uncomfortable". She noticed the tent in front of it and gasped, her hands flying to cover her mouth. When he chuckled, she rubbed her cheeks as if nothing happened.
" you've got nothing I haven't seen before". She said before getting up.
He raised his hands in total surrender " I didn't say anything which means that you were striping me with your eyes".
His eyes slowly moved down her body and damn did she feel it. When he held her gaze, he grinned. " Now we're even".
Ivonne gulped, it was going go be a hell of a month with him.
That is if there were going to do it.
Oh no! She couldn't believe she was rethinking it.
I can. Shut it!
They ended up not jogging as Mother sent Ayo to the market to get somethings for cooking. It was already 6:20am when he left. All alone in the room, she brushed her teeth, took her bathe, and dressed in a blue Jean trouser, a red off shoulder top.
After that, she packed her hair up and went downstairs. From the looks of it, Mother had cleaned everywhere already and she felt bad. She could've helped.
"Good morning Mom". She greeted immediately she saw her come from the kitchen.
Mother smiled " Morning. How was your night?".
" It was good and yours?".
" oh it was okay. Ayo should be back any minute now". She gave a look that made Ivonne blush.
" before he comes back, let's talk. Sit". She pointed to the dining as she sat.
Ivonne's heart skipped. She hated sitting together with her Mother talking in private. It always ended... Well, not in a good way.
" I'm still wondering as to what you want with a nobody". She said the nobody with disgust.
" I'm aware that something's up with you two. I don't know for sure. I asked Ayo, but the stubborn boy won't tell me. He keeps saying that I'm just being too curious".
" I guess he doesn't want you to worry".
Mother arched a brow.
" Any Mother who has gone through what I went through and sees their child following the same footsteps will definitely worry".
What was she...
" I love my Son and I don't want him to get hurt, I don't want him to hurt anyone too. I know for sure that he won't do anything to hurt you and is ready to do anything to please you".
" you're the first girl he has ever showed interest in. The rest? Chase him like witches. Ivonne, my son doesn't have money, or Fame, he can't give you all that. But instead, he'll give you his heart, time and total devotion. Don't take it for granted, he is like a child when it comes to emotions. Don't tell him I told you that though".
They chuckled.
Mother reached out and held her hands " You're leaving and taking my Son with you, I'm trusting you Ivonne. I rarely ever trust people with my Child. But seeing the way he is with you... I'm cool with it. Don't hurt him with your fortune, else, I'll pray to God that you lose it all". Her gaze turned dark but she smiled after a while.
Ivonne was speechless. She didn't understand what just happened. Did Mother just threatened to ruin her if she hurt her son with her fortunes?... And what did she even mean by fortunes? Her mind couldn't understand anything at the moment.
Ayo came through the door and the convo ended. Mother cooked so fast, she hadn't even blinked! World Record.
They ate, with Ivonne in silence as she pondered over Mothers words. When it was time to go, Mother did something she never expected, she held their hands and prayed!
Yeah, she never expected it. Plus, Ayo didn't really look like the prayer type, neither did Mom but it was not supposed to be written on the foreheads so she let it be. After a very very extremely long prayer of grace, they left.
Christopher was already outside waiting, they got into the car and moved in silence. Ayo tried to start a convo but she turned him down. Right now, Mothers words registered in her mind. It seems like there were more to that story Ayo told her last night and she was dying to know it all. But how? He'll probably tell her that it wasn't important but she needed to know. It'll make sense by then.
Taking out her phone, she was about to dial Kemi when it was snatched from her.
" say cheese!". He moved closer to her and she gasped from the closure before hearing the sound of the camera. He typed something's and handed the phone back to her.
" what did you do?". She asked when she'd woken.
" oh nothing. Just felt like capturing the moment that's all. You look so cute with that expression. I sent it to my phone. I'll make that my wallpaper". He said.
Ivonne furrowed her brows " whatever!". She dropped her phone back in her bag, got comfortable on the chair, folded her arms and closed her eyes.
" what are you doing?". Ayo asked after awhile.
"Nothing that concerns you".
He rolled his eyes " I'm used to you always saying that when I ask you something, I thought you hated to repeat words".
She sighed but didn't respond so he pressed further " You and Mom seemed to be in a serious conversation when I barged in, what were you talking about?".
" Glad you noticed you barged in". She said, not even looking his way.
" I don't need to knock in my own house". He stated.
" mmm".
Ayo moved closer to her so much that their hips touched and she flinched, leaning closer to the door.
" What are you doing?". She asked as her heart raced.
" What did you and my mom talk about?". He asked moving closer.
" That's none of your business".
"oh yes it is. She's my Mom and you're... ". He looked down before holding her gaze again " Mine".
What the...
It was as if the air was sucked out of her lungs.
Ayo arched a brow at her but she remained silent. Darn him and his good looks and his sweet words that made her insides flip.
" I belong to no one". She managed to say.
He chuckled, reveling his one sided dimples " you're wrong". She could feel his breath on her face as he moved closer " you belong to me, whether you like it or not and whether you know it or not".
Hi eyes flickered to her lips and after a while, returned to her eyes and he smiled. She couldn't help but do the same as her tongue swiped across her lips. She would kill to know what those lips tasted like.
Kiss, kiss, kiss! Kiss me now! "Shut the fuck up bitch, you're ruining the moment". She almost said out loud. When he moved closer, slanting his head with their lips almost touching, Ivonne closed her eyes.
A loud hunk sounded from the car and Ivonne jerked, pushing Ayo away from her. In the heat of the moment she'd forgotten that they were in a car and Christopher was present!
Her cheeks burned with embarrassment and she put her arms around herself trying to shield her body from his gaze.
" Why does this always happen when I finally have the chance to kiss you!". Ayo groaned and covered his face. " I think we're cursed. That's the only explanation". He laughed.
So shameless!
She wanted to glare at him but she was certain that if she held his gaze, she would melt.
God help her! She only prayed she survived for as long as they plan to do this.
After a very long and silent drive, they reached her house at last! Not waiting another minute, once the car was parked, Ivonne jumped down and hurried inside. She closed the door behind her and paced in the living room. She needed to get control as everything was slipping away. Everything she'd been thought for years disappeared whenever he was close by.
Staying in the same room would make things worse. She needed to put him at arms length. No way were they going to stay in the same room.
Just then the door opened and Ayo walked in looking smug. He held her gaze and came towards her.
" Stay there". She said and he froze.
With a frown on his face he asked " What's wrong?". His expression softened and he cooed " Are you mad that you didn't get to kiss your Prince charming?". He spread his arms and with a grin he said " It's ok, I'm here now".
She couldn't hide her face of disgust. This man was too obsessed with himself " Don't flatter yourself!".
" Oh c'mon, don't be shy. Ok, I'll come to you". With every step he took forward, she moved backwards.
" Stay away from me Ayo. I'm tired and I need to rest. We have a lot to do tomorrow".
" well lucky for you, we're not doing anything that'll make you more tired. I just want to kiss you senseless, make you breathless and then leave you clueless".
Her breath hitched as the words registered in her head. Well it wasn't her fault, he didn't really specify if he was talking about her lips or... Hehe.
Warm hands settled on her waist, pulling her into a hard body. The gentleness was so overwhelming, her insides were flipping so much she didn't dare look him in the eye. For fear he would see her all shaken up. Right now, she felt her walls shaking, her will threatening to break.
But why all this sudden rush of emotions?
" Let go of me". She said without looking at him but he ignored her. Hands wrapped around her waist, he pulled her close and she rest her jaw on his shoulder as he began to move gently like they were dancing to a slow beat.
" Ivonne". He said softly and she knew he was being serious.
"Mm". Was all she could reply as her eyes drifted close.
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Updated 22 Episodes