Chapter 13

She didn't know how long she stayed in his arms, but when she opened her eyes, she was on the bed. She furrowed her brows. The last thing she remembered was standing with Ayo in the living room when they got back from Mother's house.

How did she reach the bed? Did he drug her by any chance? That couldn't be possible as she didn't remember taking anything from him or feel a needle in her body.

She went still when she felt a hand draw her closer to a body, holding her in place. Ivonne froze in shock as her body went high on alert.


She should kick him off the bed, let him know he can't take advantage of her. She should walk away from the room and scold him once he gets down but.. She did neither of these things. Instead, she did something else. Something way different, unthinkable and out of the ordinary. She moved closer to him and he drew her humanly closer to himself as he slept.

She could deny everything while he was conscious but now that he was not, she could do anything she liked and no one was there to stop her or make her feel funny and silly for her actions.

What would it feel like to be his. When he had said she was his in the car, that knocked her off. All these emotions made her feel like a kid and it felt so silly and stupid. She'd never thought of showing this side to anyone not even Kemi. Before Kemi had gotten through to her, it had been hell. She pushed her away so many times, it took almost a year before she accepted the fact that David had a thing for her and then she got to know her better, little by little and everything got better.

She didn't feel this scared during that time. But right now, Ayo scared the shit outta her. Like she would lose herself in him if she's not careful. His words rang in her head. "what are you afraid of?".

This. All of this. It was too good to be true and too good to be hers. She knew she hadn't done anything to warrant the good things coming her way.


What would happen once the job was over? She'd have the company all to herself. Make more money. Buy more cars. More houses. Invest in other businesses. She'd always wanted to own an hotel, it would bring lots of money. It was good. Money was good. But something wasn't right. She felt as though something were missing and she couldn't place her finger on it.

For some reasons, the question came again in her head, but more specifically.

Once the job was done and dusted, what would happen with Ayo? He would go back to his Mother. Get some things done. Go for more competitions. Play more games. Learn how to drive as he'd obviously be getting a car from her. He would... Later in life get a girlfriend, a real one whom Mother would acknowledge and get married and have babies.

It was silent in her head for a moment before she felt guilt, sadness, fear and... Jealousy?

Ok, enough thinking for today Ivonne. You're probably steaming right now. Yeah, steaming with jealousy.

She rolled her eyes at her thoughts. What she needed now was her best friend. They hadn't even seen for 2days beside Monday. Better go give her a call and explain everything.

She proceeded to move away but Ayo drew her closer and cold lips found her back, buttering them with kisses all the way to her shoulder and neck. Ivonne couldn't suppress the moan that escaped her. She felt his erection poke her waist and the great urge to rock back against him but didn't. There was only so much she could take and doing that will make it so hard for her to think about anything other than...

As if reading her thoughts, he moved his lower part away from her and her insides screamed wanting friction.

" Where are you going?". He asked in a murmur as he breathed in her scent...

" None of your business". She said, her voice holding no emotion.

Sensing that her walls were back up, he sighed and let her go.

" All I ask is that you take a leap of faith. Even if it has a time limit". He said as she exited the room.

His words played in her mind as she went down the stairs.

" Ivonne!". She jerked her head up and caught Kemi's gaze.

" what are you doing here?". She found herself asking.

Kemi held her and dragged her to the couch where they sat. " I came here as fast as I could after getting the news". Her big eyes sparkled. One could tell she was beaming with excitement and curiosity.

She furrowed her brows " what news?".

Kemi took out her phone and showed it to her. It was a picture. The picture of her and Ayo that he took in the car. Her eyes widened in shock " where did you... ".

" Instagram".

Oh! Ayo you...

" when were you going to tell me? Who is that guy? You never told me you were going anywhere. Where did you travel to? When did you go? What was it like there? Did you go with him? Surely you went with him seeing that he's in your car. I know it's not his because you wouldn't enter someone else's ride when you've got lots here... ".

" Kemi, slow down". Ivonne cut her shot.

"ok ok. Sorry, I'm just so mad at you yet so excited you're seeing a guy". She squealed.

"shhh". If she kept doing that she would wake Ayo.

" sorry". Kemi couldn't help grinning, her cheeks hurt already.

" ok first off, I did not know he posted that on instagram. Secondly, that's... Nelson".

Her smile fell then " This is Nelson. Our guy?".

Our. " our?". Say what now?

" wow! Cool down Mrs. Nelson I didn't know you'd stake a claim already". She gave a smirk and Ivonne rolled her eyes. If Kemi knew her feelings for Ayo, she'd never let her be.

" whatever! That's him". She said without interest.

" well... He is so cute. Look at those gorgeous eyes and that dimple. That warm smile and that clean haircut. Your brother went to get a haircut, I just hope he doesn't take it so low like this one. He knows how much it affects me". She bites the air and licked her lips "mmm".

" Ivonne, this guy is smoking gorgeous. I wonder what the rest of his body looks like. Is he smoking hot?".

" How would I know. It's not like I stayed with him in a room and saw him shirtless".


"oh uh whatever! But damn girl now I see why your drunk self signed those papers. You were smitten by the looks and I'm sure breathless by the D. Just look at that fine cute face. Wanna know the best thing ever? Waking up to those eyes staring up at you from between your thighs. Mm mm". She squealed again and again.

"would my brother be happy you're talking about another man like this?".

" oh sweetie, I'll make him forget that quicker than he forgets his own name once my knees hit the floor".

Oh God!

She rubbed her temples.

" so, where did you meet him?".

She opened her mouth to speak but then when she heard the bedroom door opened, she panicked.

" how about you go home and I'll bring him over?". She dragged Kemi from the couch and towards the door.

"wait... ".

" it would be... A lot better that way. That way I can tell it y-you and David at the same time...".

" Ivonne I...".

" I know. You don't want to hear it all without your loving David. That lucky brother of mine for having a cutie like you".

" Aww".


She pushed her out the door.

" wait... I don't want to drive right now".

"Christopher!". She called out and thankfully he hurried out.

"Take my dear friend home and be careful on the way".

She dragged her to the car and got her settled in.

" Ivonne. Alright fine. You'll come right now?".

" yes I'll come right now ". She turned back and saw the front door being opened.

" Christopher! Get her home and don't say a word". She whispered the last part and hurried towards the door. As he was about to step outside, ivonne pushed him in and closed the door behind her.

" You're awake". She said.

" You're hiding something ". He accused.

She just rolled her eyes as she tried to even her breathing.

" it's like you just ran a marathon. Why you breathing so heavy?".

" Why did you post that picture of us on Instagram?".

When he didn't reply, looking at her with blank expressions, she sighed.

" I'll explain on the way to My brother's house".

He smiled " if your sister is truly as you described her then she'd be fawning over your page almost everyday just to have something to talk about so I posted the picture to get words to your family. She'll definitely tell your Mom and she'll tell your Father that you've got a man".

She noticed he said the last part with a smug look on his face. It was as if he wanted everyone to know that she was his. Not that she accepted to be his... Uh...

" Makes sense".

He arched a brow " That's like the first compliment you've given me besides my looks".

" your looks. Why would I compliment your looks? ".

" You said I have the loveliest grin and a charming personality". He grinned.

" You narcissistic man! We were having a serious conversation then, you shouldn't bring that up ". Her cheeks heated as she remembered the way he'd held her ever so gentle.

" Can't help it". He stuck out his tongue and blew raspberries.

She shook her head and walked past him.

" so we're going to your brother's house. Does he know?".

" That we're coming over? Yeah, I guess". She headed for the kitchen and he followed.

" not that. About us. Does he know... ".

" oh yes and about the contract too". She took out some things from the fridge.

" oh boy! So I'm gonna sit and what? Talk with a man whose sister I said I was going to plough for a month and he knows about it? How do you expect me to have a normal conversation with him? He would probably kill me with his stares". If he was worried, it didn't show as his voice was filled with humour.

" Mmmm, he understands so it'll be ok". She paused trying to listen to herself. Just now she'd sounded like a mother hen, leading her only surviving chick to a dark forest and calming the scared baby.

Her lips twitched.

" what did I tell you on thinking about things I don't know?". He sat on a stool in the kitchen, placing his hands on the counter and he leaned forward.

" what are you smiling about?". He gave her a suspicious look and she almost laughed.

" what do you think of Spaghetti and bolognese sauce for lunch?".

" I'm down with whatever you want".

" Spaghetti it is!" and she went to work immediately.

After they'd finished eating, Ayo could not stop talking about how good her food tasted, moaning about it on the table like he was having series of orgasms, Christopher finally came back. They got dressed and left for her brother's.

Ayo was all nervous but he didn't let it show. He just acted like he had it under control and trusted Ivonne's word when she told him it was ok. As Long as she'll be there, he'll be just fine. Speaking of his goddess, he slid his hands in hers and stroked his thumb over her flesh.

The outfit she was wearing was amazing. She wore a black leather skirt that of course hugged her curves and covered her knees. It had a cut just in front. A black tank top and a green long arm kimono. The material was very light. She was putting on green glassy heels.

Turns out she wasn't just any goddess, but Venus. The goddess of beauty and sex appeal.

He looked in the review mirror and caught Christopher's eye. The man winked at him and he grinned in return. The progress was going fast, he knew it and felt it. Saw it in her eyes as she tried to resist him. He knew her walls would soon come crumbling down and it was just a matter of time. He was sure of one thing though. Once he had her, there was no going back. No flirting with other girls, no more holding back on his ambitions. She would bring out the best in him and he'll do so too by healing her, showing her love. The kind she never got from others as she grew up.



DAMN vulgar shot🔥

DAMN vulgar shot🔥

i really loved it ......the words are described so nicely .......really good
m seriously out of words it is just too good to describe it in words
thank u soo much author for a wonderful novel
anxiously and impatiently waiting for the next crazy update
please author we just dont want a update ...we want crazy update
thanks for your hardwork



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