Chapter 11

She never got the chance to reply to that as Ayo came through the door almost immediately. Since then, She had been left all alone in the living room. Mother had dragged Ayo upstairs and only God knows why.

After what felt like hours, Ayo came down with a frown on his face but once he saw her, he gave a weak smile. He suggested that they take a stroll in the neighborhood and they did just that.

Although the air around the them was awkward, she tried to ignore it by feeling her eyes with the mainland. It was nowhere near the neat and quiet neighborhood of the Island. They lived close to the road so she could the noise from moving vehicles was just... Too noisy.

During their stroll, they came across people on the street and road side selling different types of edibles. Ayo had offered to buy her some but she'd strongly refused. No way was she going to eat with the smoke from the vehicles and the dust on the ground moving to and fro due to the wind.

The silence continued after he said it was time to turn back and go home. She looked at him and saw that he looked nothing like his mother. Although he did take her smile and charming personality.

He flexed his hands, putting it in his pocket. When he glanced down and caught her staring, she quickly looked away.

" What is it?". He asked.

" What?".

" Something's bothering you".

" That's not a question".

" I know. Tell me what's on your mind".

She thought for a while. Talk or don't talk? Say the truth or lie?

" I think your Mom hates me". There, she said it.

He chuckled and reached down to hold her hand in his.

" She doesn't hate you. She's just being protective of me".

Ivonne furrowed her brows " So it's your fault she stopped giving me the warm smiles?".

He stopped walking and turned to face her " Hey! Saying it like that just makes me feel bad".

She grinned.

Ayo gaped in shock.

Ivonne looked away as a blush crept up her face. "let's go". She mumbled.

Ayo could not believe his eyes but he moved anyways. She had grinned... At him. Seems like she was getting used to him.

They reached the house in silence and just before they opened the door, he let go of her hand and hugged her from behind. Ivonne gasped in surprise and held his arm that was around her neck.

" You have the loveliest grin I have ever seen". He said and began placing soft kisses on her neck.

She sighed with content as different emotions raced in her. It was as if she had never felt this way before. She felt love, care and protection all at the same time.

" No. You have the loveliest grin". She said with a smile.

" well, if you say so". He chuckled and she pushed him away "Hey!".

" You are so cocky!". Ivonne scoffed.

"ugh!". Ayo groaned and covered his face "don't say cocky, you're making it worse".

She furrowed her brows " Making what worse?". He smirked at her and she looked down. Her eyes widened as her body reacted against her will. Quickly, she opened the door and entered the house.

Ayo showed her his room later in the evening, it was nothing like her own. His was more manly and the decor was really simple. His room also had a TV and some games. At one corner, he had a desk where a computer sat and a chair in front.

His bed was almost as soft as hers though. Almost. She took her bathe and only then did she realise she forgot to bring her nightwear.

Standing in the middle of the room in only a towel, Ayo's towel, she looked around and caught sight of his wardrobe. Going through it, she saw a T-Shirt and didn't waste time in throwing it over her head. Her boobs made It hang on her ass, almost revealing it.

Holding the soft blue material close to her nose, she gave it a whiff, inhaling the smell of fresh laundry, slub cotton and Ayo.

She couldn't wear her underwear as it would be so obvious, instead, she wore his boxers. It was so comfy. She would definitely get her stylist shop for these.

Looking in the mirror, she held up her hair and walked out the door. Dinner was already on the table.

" Remind me to make you wear my clothes each and everyday". Ayo said as he pulled out a chair for her to seat. She rolled her eyes and sat with him sitting beside her.

Mother came out and they began to eat. The food was really good, she didn't know whether or not to compliment her seeing the loom she gave earlier. She wasn't sure if everything was back to normal.

" Your food tastes really good Mom". She said with heart in hand.

Mother smirked " Thank you, but I'm sure it's nothing compared to the one you eat at your mansion".

"Mom". Ayo groaned.

" Shut up and eat your food". She sneered.

Since when did having money became a bad thing? Shouldn't Mother be happy that her son was dating a rich girl. She didn't know if 'dating' was the correct word. Although Mother seemed to hate her, Ivonne only admired her more. Mother made her feel that her money was nothing and she liked the feeling. If Ayo was saying the truth about his Mom being like this to protect him, she was only curious, what was she protecting him from?

" Is this your first time on the mainland?". Mother asked while devouring her food.

" Yes she... ".

" Shut up". She interrupted Ayo. " I was not talking to you. She can speak for herself". Ayo pouted and Ivonne only smiled at how adorable he was looking. She turned to face Mother who had caught her staring.

" Yes, it's my first time here". She replied still holding Mother's gaze.

" Mmm. You're not quite famous here". Mother returned back to her food. " You should try opening a branch somewhere here. It would be really good for business. But yet again, what do I know about business?". She shrugged.

Ivonne stopped eating as she began thinking "You're right. That would be really good".

Ayo dropped his cutleries and gaped at Ivonne " You're kidding! I told you the same thing on our way here and you didn't listen".

Mother arched a brow " He did?".

" Yes, just that he didn't say it as sweetly as you did". She gave a small smile and almost heaved a sigh of relief when Mother's warm smile appeared.

" Oh I get it. This is a setup! You two want to form a bond and then leave me out of it. Nice try!". Ayo said and both women chuckled.

" Eat your food". Mother said.

" Why? Is this the last meal you'll give me before kicking me out of the house? If so, I'll enjoy it". He stuck out his tongue.

Both women laughed at his tantrum and Ayo grinned. Ivonne smiled throughout dinner and helped Mother clear the dishes once they were done eating. It wasn't everyday you get to call someone Mom and actually mean it, so she'd enjoy every moment of this to the fullest.

After a while, they sat in the living room, the lights were off and the TV was the only source of light. Ivonne felt the couch dip due to Ayo's weight on the couch and she moved a little to rest on the arm of the chair. She could feel his stares on her legs and then her neck before moving to her face.

Once he sat down, she felt her body high on alert and was very conscious to his every movement and his shallow breathing. She truly wasn't concentrating on the movie as she'd watched it before. ' King of Boys ' was kinda like her all time favourite movie.

One of his hands that were resting and rubbing his knee moved to rest on the couch. Still feeling his stares on her, Ivonne turned to face him. Having been caught staring, he quietly turns his eyes to the television, faking interest.

He probably was shy that his Mother was here that's why, if not, he would have been so brave and cocky. The thought if that word made her blush as she recalled what happened earlier. She let her own hand loose, sliding down to the couch. Their hands just inches apart from touching. She never in her wildest dream thought that Ayo could be so shy, well here we are. Who also would have thought that she would be shy and awkward around a guy? Yet, here we are!

Once their fingers touched, she slid her hands into his and released the breathe she didn't remember holding. His warm hand wrapped hers and his thumb drew circles on her skin. She would have moaned as her mind imagined that thumb rubbing somewhere else, but his Mother was present.

They stayed that way throughout the movie and once the movie came to an end, Mother said goodnight and retreated to her room. Alone with Ayo in the living room, the air around them became thick and their hands were still locked.

" did you enjoy the movie?". He asked.

Ivonne shrugged " I've seen it before, I really like it. You?".

Ayo chuckled " I honestly couldn't pay attention".

" why is that?". She asked as she absentmindedly moved closer to him, her other hand drawing circles on his hand that held hers.

" because when you're near me I can't think straight. To make matters worse, I was holding you, I can't even remember my own name".

"mmm". Ivonne hummed. She saw as his eyes drifted close and heard when a small sigh escaped his lips. He was obviously enjoying what she was doing and that only encouraged her further.

"c'mon, let's go to bed". He said in a hoarse voice.

His words might be innocent but her mind interpreted it in a way that made her girl part tingle and would have surely made her legs wobble if she were standing.

Maybe it's just because you're a horny feline. Her mind accused. Look at you, you can't even understand words correctly. Such a mess!

Ayo stood up and she followed him up the stairs, their hands still intertwined. When they got to the room, they paused, both staring at the bed.

" You take the bed, and I'll take the floor". Ayo said but still neither of them moved.

" It's your room, you should take the bed". Ivonne suggested.

" Nah. It's ok. I'm used to sleeping on the floor in my own room anyways".

She looked up at him " really?".

He nodded. He let go of her hand and moved to his wardrobe, taking out a blanket. He took a pillow from the bed and got busy with making a place to sleep on the floor.

Ivonne crawled up the bed and laid facing the ceiling. She heard Ayo shuffling on the floor and after a while, the noise settled down. The lights were turned off and darkness filled her eyes.

" You up?". Ivonne asked after much thought.

" Yes, you ok?".

She sighed " What did you mean when you said Mother was trying to protect you? What was she protecting you from?". The question had been bugging her all day to get out.

" It's nothing for you to worry about...".

" I'm curious. I just want to know. She was all smiles and lovely but the next minute I told her that I was the daughter of Mr. Johnson, she gave me a cold stare, It was so creepy".

Ayo laughed and goosebumps broke out on her skin " Really, it's nothing. She's cool with you again. It was so obvious at the table".

She shrugged " probably it was something you told her. What did you talk about because when you came back, you looked kinda mad".

" ok first of, I didn't say anything to her about that, it was you who worked your charm and she liked you again and secondly, I wasn't kinda mad, I was mad".


"why were you mad?". She asked almost inaudibly.

" she was being overprotective and it almost choked me".

"overprotective? How?". She needed to know badly.

" She's worried".

" Worried. The fu*k she worried for?". She almost yelled and Ayo chuckled.

" She's worried that I might get carried away with you ". His reply shut out all her thoughts.

" I don't understand". Truly she didn't.

He sighed heavily " You won't. Go to bed, we have to get back tomorrow. Good night, Ivonne".

This was the first time he'd called her by her name. That means what he was supposed to say was quite serious.

" Did you really join in the competition for my Dad's company?". She asked the question in a rush. She knew he said good night, she just didn't want to sleep now.

Liar! You just want to keep talking to him. Shut up!

" Yes I did". She was almost convinced he'd fallen asleep.

" Mother still can't believe why you didn't win, which means that you must be very good".

" I was busy about that time". She could hear the pain in his voice. She should just leave it at that.

" what happened?". Damned curious bitch!

He sighed heavily " I got a call from my Dad. He was being... Well as usual... Annoying".

" Tell me about him". She pressed further.

" My Dad? What more can I say other than he's a sick, selfish, wicked man. He left my Mom after the birth of my third brother. Came back home after one year, apparently he didn't find anyone with a good p*ssy as hers, she loved him so much, she took him back and when she was pregnant with me, he disappeared".

" leaving my Mom two months pregnant. She didn't have a place to stay, had to do all kind of odd jobs to feed herself and my three brothers. 10years after I was born, he came back, wanting to take us away from her. My brothers agreed to go with him but I refused. They left with him to Abuja that same day. Mom cried a lot for a week straight and I know she still cries. I hear her most nights".

" well he's still trying to tear me away from her. He wants me to come live with him. Like I'd ever leave her and move in with him! He just doesn't know when to stop". He scoffed.

Ivonne listened quietly at the pain and sadness in his voice and that made her want to tear up. His story touched her deep down. She couldn't imagine herself being in his shoes.

" Do you still hear from your brothers?". She asked in a low tone.

" Yes, they call most of the time and they call Mom too. I once asked them to visit but they said Dad would never let them come to see Mom".

" I'm sorry you had to go through that. No one should have such a parent".

"Yet, here we are". He said.

Yeah, here they were. They both had a parent who was uncaring and selfish.

"My Mom... ".

" Stop". He interrupted her " You don't have to tell me about yourself just because I said a part of mine. Tell me because you want me to know about you, your pain, sorrows, everything. Only then will I ever listen".

She heaved a sigh as a small smile spread her lips and her heart felt touched.

"ok". She managed to say. But she doubted if that day would ever come. When she would open up, the day she would be free, so free to not carry this burden alone.

Kemi was always there for her and always tried to make her feel loved but... It wasn't enough. She also had things to deal with. Places to travel to, family to meet up with, David to go on a date with, business meetings to attend to, and now? A wedding to plan. So all these strong emotions rushing through her whenever she was with Ayo made her feel like nothing she'd ever felt. She felt love, care, protection, and fear. Great fear of abandonment. She'd rather die the way she was than live to be rejected... Again.

As she closed her eyes to sleep, she wished... To let this go. To let go of her fears, worries and walls. But what are walls for, if not protection.

A/n: sigh The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return. Nat King Cole.





Cool nice story keep us updated okk?



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