After she'd woken up, she debated whether going downstairs or not. Was he still mad? Plus, why the was she worrying! It didn't matter if he was mad at her or not. He was the one who asked her to state what she would give as payment, and she did. A latest BMW! Did he know how much that cost! She was actually debating between a Royce and that. Knowing fully well how she was impossible to deal with, he needed a big reward for his patience, tolerance and act of care.
As she heeded down the stairs, the butterflies in her tummy were becoming so uncomfortable, her...
" I don't know, I'll tell you about it later". She heard him groan sweetly. Carefully, she hurried down and saw that he was on the phone, probably with a girlfriend.
" Sweetie, can we talk about this when I get back?". He cooed and laughed.
"oh c'mon, don't be like that. Fine, I'll come see her. I'm coming right now. Like, this instant. Don't go anywhere and don't let her leave... Ok, bye. Love you... You gotta say it back". He laughed again and finally dropped the phone.
He stood and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw her.
" you're awake". He said.
She was?
"Really? I thought this was dreamland". She said dryly.
His lips twitched. " did you just... Were you trying to be sarcastic?".
"yeah, why the question?". She furrowed her brows.
" oh you killed it and that expression was awesome". He bit his lips and she could see that he was fighting back a smile.
"go away!". She moved past him to sit on a couch at the far end and almost immediately, he erupted. His laughter filling her eyes and the room. It was so rich with happiness and life.
"fu*k off". Ivonne mumbled and rolled her eyes.
"oh my God. Really you killed it. It was horrible". After his laughter had died down, he sat back on the couch.
" let's go see my mom". He said and Ivonne looked up from her phone.
"say what now?".
" You heard right. Let's go visit my Mother".
" why?".
" good question. I figured since we're trying to act like a couple to your Dad, we need to convince people that we are a couple. From what I gathered about your Dad while you were asleep, he's really good at observing things. One wrong vibe and he'll know what we're up to".
He had a point. Smart man. But how did his mother get in this?
" just to be clear, you don't want your Dad to know that we're not a real couple right?".
Dumb man.
"we'll talk about this part later. So about my Mom, we'll go to her and if we can pull it off that we're an item in front of her, then trust me, your Dad won't suspect a thing".
" so she's like a director or something? For movies?".
He knitted his brows " No".
" an actress?".
" a...".
" oh God! No she's my Mom! I know she's good at detecting theses things that's why I said to meet here. Jesus, you're so... Ugh!". He groaned.
" Go get dressed".
" Mmm. Alright then". She stood and walked towards him. " where do you stay?".
" The mainland".
" That's so far away!".
" I know".
" I don't think we'll be able to make it back tonight". She glanced at her wrist.
"mm, we'll stay at my mom's place. If it makes you comfortable, you can have my bed, but I warn you, it's not as soft as yours".
She thought for a while. Where would he sleep?
"don't worry about me, I'll take the floor". He chuckled and gave a small smile that warmed her insides.
She frowned. " I wasn't the least worried".
" really?well you were thinking loud so...". He smiled and she felt a wave of embarrassment.
"ok, go get dressed". He said immediately she walked past him as he swat her ass.
Ivonne gasped and she turned to face him. His hands were up in total surrender and his eyes widened in shock. "I had no idea when it happened".
She furrowed her brows. "oh you're so dead!".
Ayo fled, laughing at the scowl on her face as Ivonne chased him out of the house.
"c'mon. I didn't mean it". Ayo yelled behind a car.
" Apologize!". She demanded.
When he shook his head, the pursuit continued. Both were having so much fun that they didn't notice Christopher watching them with content on his face.
" progress on the first day. It's a good start".
How she ended up chasing him? She had no idea. They both went inside with smiles on their faces and Ivonne had immediately retreated to her room and ran into the shower. Whatever made her act like that was gone because through out the drive to his place, the atmosphere had been awkward.
She was silently subconsciously wishing for him to say something. Anything.
The air in the car was thick and awkward enough already so she was quite uncomfortable with the way Christopher kept glancing at the review mirror with a smug look on his face. Wth!
Did he by chance see them?
Dang it!
"what?". Ayo asked with concern in his face.
" You were frowning just now". He pointed out.
" ok? Why do you look somewhat worried?". She couldn't help but ask.
" I thought something was up".
Oh, he was worried, for her. How...
" Even if something's up, it's my business not yours". Ok, that came out colder than she expected. She saw his face fell but almost immediately became blank.
"Got it". He said as he turned his attention out the window.
From the corner of her eyes she saw Christopher looking at them and she held his gaze.
"what!". She sneered and he quickly looked away.
" I'm sorry Miss. Ivonne".
She rolled her eyes and caught Ayo looking at her but he bent his head as he typed at his phone.
Almost immediately her phone vibrated.
Ayo: That was not very nice.
Ivonne: Whatever!
Ayo: I feel as though you're bipolar.
She arched a brow.
Ivonne: How'd you figure?
Ayo: Took me almost a second. Way too much time.
She smiled at his sarcasm.
Ayo: You're so pretty when you smile, it makes me want to be opened as a book to you. Not being naked though. Get that out of your mind.
Jeez! Way to kill a compliment. Being opened as a book? Weird, she felt the same way. But telling people about herself was one thing she couldn't bring herself to do. Being a burden to people was not one of her goals in life.
Ivonne: You being naked was not even in my mind.
Ayo: oh, so I'm the only one who stripped the other?!
Dirty naughty cocky son of a...
Ayo: I do remember when you stripped for me. It was amazing : )
Wait what?
Ivonne: huh?
Ayo: what? Do you think I'm a boring guy? We had foreplay, lots and lots of it :D
Ivonne could feel her cheeks getting hot, she switched off her phone and dropped it in her bag. Exhaling through her mouth, she folded her arms, trying to get comfortable in her seat.
They had taken her latest Benz for the ride. She bought this as a present for herself after a hard day's work. She loved to treat herself to things like this. Buying shining and expensive things made her happy.
"How much further?". Ivonne groaned "its like we've been on the road for days".
Ayo and Christopher chuckled.
" about 3 hours more, that is if there is no traffic". Christopher answered.
" You feeling bored already? Come here". Ayo beckoned on her.
She looked up at him as he spread his arms waiting on her. Her insides were screaming that she hurry into them.
Ayo granted and rolled his eyes. " do you always have to be so cautious? It's good but not too good. Try to relax with some people. I won't bite". His voice was calm and his smile was sweet.
But still!
" Was that supposed to... I don't know... calm me down?".
Ayo furrowed his brows. " ok that's enough! If you won't come to me, I'll come to you". He moved closer to her, his hands still opened ad he reached out to her. Ivonne leaned towards the door as her hands were keeping his away from her.
" You two are going to make a fine couple with strong, unyielding babies". Christopher said between laughs.
Ayo grinned as Ivonne gasped in terror.
"Shut it!".
"Thank you!". They both said in unison.
Ivonne glared at them both.
" Don't worry, Sir. You'll be among the first five to be invited to our wedding". Ayo said.
Christopher laughed. Whether she admitted it or not, one could evidently see the little changes in his boss. She definitely liked Ayo.
" Have you ever been to the mainland?". Ayo asked after a while as he returned to his position. He looked out the window, they passed the island few minutes ago.
" I have no business there. It's too ghetto". She replied, not even thinking twice.
"oh? Ok. No wonder you're not well known around here. Only a few know of you. Your Brother and Father is way famous here".
"well I'm not my Father nor My Brother".
"obviously! I didn't say you were".
" You compared me".
" No I was just trying to say that you should come here often, maybe try to make a branch here. Something like that. I know nothing about businesses, I'm more of an IT kinda guy...".
"Then stick to it. Don't interfare with my work line". Ivonne said as she closed her eyes to rest.
"I was just trying to be helpful. Giving advice to people who need it is something I like to do". He sounded calm.
She turned to face him " did I ask for advice from you?".
He arched a brow " no, you didn't but I...".
"Enough!". She showed her palm to his face. " if I wanted advice I know professionals who can give it to me, not... You". She said with a hint of disgust in her voice.
Ayo raised his hand in total surrender and turned to look out the window. She really was getting on his nerves.
She heard Christopher sigh and she closed her eyes. Guilt tugged at her heart a bit. She was frustrated and he didn't seem to notice it to leave her the hell alone.
He probably was just trying to make the journey fun for you, and you ruined it. You truly are an ass!
Even her subconsciousness was siding with him.
He began to hum a song she knew nothing about, though she listened attentively. Closing her eyes, she slept off.
Ayo carried her from the seat, bridal style. He didn't want to disturb her sleep. They'd arrived some seconds ago. Looking down at her face, he smiled. Earlier on in the car, she'd made him really pissed and he didn't like the feeling.
Ivonne snuggled close to his body and her eyes opened. It took a few seconds before she gasped as she realized she wasn't sleeping in the car.
"hey there beauty". She held his gaze before a frown settled on her face.
"what are you doing? Are you kidnapping me? What do you want?... ".
"would you chill!". Ayo screamed. He stooped in front of the door. "Jesus! Just calm down. If I really wanted to kidnap you, I'd have gagged you. You might not have a weapon but your words can make one go mad".
His lips twitched " not in a good way".
"ugh, disgusting!". He grinned. " let me down, I can walk".
She struggled to get down but he held her in place. " perfect couple remember?".
She opened her mouth to speak but the door opened.
" Mom!". Ayo's face split into a huge grin. Ivonne looked up to see a beautiful woman. She looked so young. A bit too young to be his mother. The woman gaped for a while before smiling.
" Is this... A present... To me?". She asked still staring at Ivonne's face that was now filled with shock.
Ayo scoffed with a laugh in between. "Jesus, Mom. Please let me in and I'll explain".
She stepped aside and he moved past her.
"Ayo, let me down this instant". Ivonne said through gritted teeth. She'd been embarrassed enough.
"ok". He let go of her all of a sudden and Ivonne squealed in terror, immediately gripping him, her bottom hit the soft sofa. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and his face with a hint of amusement was the first thing in sight. Their breathing mixed together and his lips an inch away. She watched him glance down to her lips and he licked his lips. She couldn't help but do the same.
For heaven sake just kiss me. Her insides screamed.
" when you enter her face, come out, I'll be waiting for you here". His mother said with a smile in her voice.
Ivonne pushed him and Ayo groaned and faced his mother. "Mom" he stretched the word. " You just ruined the moment. It's not all the time that happens".
He took his seat beside her. Way to close to her. Ivonne tried to put distance but he wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her close to him.
His Mother's eyebrow shot up.
"Mom, meet my girlfriend, Ivonne. Ivonne, Meet my Sweetheart Mother".
" Good evening Ma".
Ayo's mother smiled. " Good evening to you too My dear. How are you?".
"I'm fine Ma, you?".
" oh I'm good. Maybe too good right now, seeing that my son came back home with a woman. That rarely ever happens".
"Really?". She asked getting comfortable. The woman had a warm smile and was really friendly, unlike her Mother. She leaned her head backwards so that she rested on his shoulder.
" yes, you're the first girl I acknowledge".
"oh. Why is that?". Her voice was soft and charming.
" well because the girls he brings home... No rephrase that, the girls that chases him home are all too nice and a pretense".
Too nice? How was that a bad thing?
"I don't understand...".
" it's ok. So, what can I get you?".
" water is fine Ma".
"Ma?". She chuckled. " don't call me that. It makes me feel old. Just call me Mom".
Ivonne nodded " Yes Ma, I mean Yes Mom".
With that, she left through a door.
"Wow". Ayo said beside her and she quickly jerked her head away but he pressed her closer to him.
" That was.. That was great. You were on a whole different level. I didn't know you could be so polite".
She didn't know herself. Maybe because his Mom made her feel welcomed and loved that's why she responded that way with the same... affection.
" let go of me". She said in a whisper.
"are you feeling shy? Is that it? Don't worry, I'm here". She could hear the amusement and pride in his voice
"haha. Very funny". She said dryly.
"Ayo!!!". His mother called out and Ayo groaned.
"Yes Sweetie". He responded.
Ivonne arched a brow " you call your Mother that?". So back in the house, he was talking to his Mother. What a relief!
Wait, what?
"yeah". He buried his nose in the crook of her neck. "I gotta go. I don't want to leave you here".
She suddenly became stiff " is your Mother calling you so she can tear me apart with you gone?". There was worry in her voice.
" what? No". Ayo said in between laughs. "Jesus! No. I'll be back before you know it". He placed kisses on her neck and Ivonne sighed softly.
He let go of her and she almost whimpered, missing his warmth already. He disappeared through the door and after a moment, his Mother emerged. Holding a glass of water.
"Sorry that took too long, I honestly went in there and forgot what I was supposed to bring". She laughed at her words and Ivonne smiled.
" Thank you Ma. I mean, Mom". After gulping it down, she set it on the table beside her.
" uhm, Mommy where did Ayo... ". She trailed off.
" He'll be back soon. He went to see his Aunt. She's in the neighborhood".
Ivonne mumbled an 'ok' and adjusted in her seat, trying to get comfortable. She looked around the sitting room. The decoration was simple and er... Not her taste at all.
" Where did you two meet?". Mother broke the silence after a while.
Uh oh. What to say?
" we met at a club". She noticed the way Mother eyes widened. " I was pretty wasted. Very wasted".
After a while, she smiled " I admire your honesty. Just like my son. I like you already. What do you do?".
"Thank you Mom. I work in Johnson's Skin Care Company".
"oh that's nice. Ayo actually went to the mainland for some kind of competition hosted by that same company. He didn't win though, I still wonder why".
" well I had no idea".
" mmm. Don't let me bore you with his love for IT".
" oh it's ok. I'm the head of the IT department. So I pretty much can't get bored of hearing about it".
" I heard the head of IT was the daughter of the C. E. O. Correct?". Mother furrowed her brows.
" Yes".
" so that means... ".
" I am the youngest daughter of Mr. Johnson". Immediately she said this, Mother's countenance changed. Gone was her smile and warmth. It was now replaced with cold, dark gazes that gave Ivonne goosebumps.
" I'm curious, what would the daughter of the C. E. O of a very successful company, want with my son, a complete and total nobody?".
A/n: What do you think is going to happen? Why did Mother's countenance change immediately Ivonne mentioned her status?
Thank you for reading Ivonne and Ayo's story, hope you are enjoying it so far.
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Updated 22 Episodes