Chapter 16

Ivonne spent 4 hours in her room, video chatting with Patricia who was keeping her up to date. Thankfully, she was handling everything really well. The company would be releasing another product by the end of the month and it was all thanks to Patricia's collaboration with the production teams. They made two teams and each of them was giving the task to make a product that signified beauty. While she was busy on the phone, Ayo was downstairs, in the living room. The young man was still thinking about everything that Ivonne said.

He would give her anything she asked for even if it hurt him. So if she wanted him to stay away, then that's exactly what he's going to do.

He smiled as an idea popped up in his head. Oh he would stay away and make her miss him so much that she would apologize. When he heard the sound of a car, he checked the time and it was few minutes to 11am. Time to go.

He hurried up the stairs and knocked on the door of Ivonne's room.

" Come in". She said flatly and he opened the door immediately smitten by her dress. Her back was to the door so she didn't see him staring. She was wearing a blue Jean that hugged those curves his hands were craving to touch. A white shirt and a white canvas.

He closed the door behind him, took his clothes that was at the far end of the room and began to dress. He could feel her eyes on him and after a while, he heard her leave.

Picking up his bag, he checked himself in the mirror before heading downstairs.

" Are we ready?". Kemi asked immediately she laid eyes on him " well you're looking really good today". She said with a beaming smile and he returned it.

" Don't I always?". He asked in a cocky way holding Ivonne's gaze before looking away.

" Ugh! You narcissistic man". Kemi laughed. "Seems like we were destined to be Best friends Ivonne. Why else would our men have the same trait?!".

Ivonne just shook her head and walked to the door, rolling her bag with the tires. He quickly held it and she turned to glare at him.

"leave it. I'll take it to the car". He offered. He could've sworn her expression softened but wasn't sure as it disappeared immediately.

" No. It's my bag". She held her head up high and he shook his head, letting go of it.

"ok". He said and walked out the door.

Ivonne gaped for a while as she watched Ayo leave. That was no way to do things. She said no once and he just left it. What kind of a man does that?

A kind of man you told not to bother you and he gave his word. Shut up! She rolled her eyes.

"uhm... What just happened?". Kemi asked, her eyes holding curiosity.

" let's go. I can't wait to get to the Resort. It looked so beautiful on the net". She squealed but Kemi's face didn't change.

" Nothing happened. We just got to understand ourselves better".

" and by understanding yourselves better, you mean you dictated a few things that he has to follow whether he likes it or not". Kemi finished.

She shrugged " well if you put it like that, you make it seem so... ".

" bad? Stupid? Bossy?". Kemi cut in " yes that's exactly how it is".

Ivonne rolled her eyes and walked out the door with Kemi. She locked the door and dragged her bag towards the car " it's nothing you should worry about. I'm handling it".

" Really? I had no idea".

David and Ayo seemed to be in a conversation with Christopher. She walked up to them and didn't miss the fact that Ayo did not bat an eyelid at her. Not that she cared.

" Morning little sis, did someone have a nice night and wake up by 5am as usual?". David said with a grin.

" it's a thing between you two?". Ayo asked, still not looking her way. When David nodded, he just shook his head.

" ok so, let's get going. My parents are already there... ".

" isn't your Dad supposed to be at work by now? I mean it's way early". Ivonne said and everyone turned to face her " what?".

" not everyone is a workaholic like you, Ivonne". David said " and besides, it's weekend. He wants to spend it with family. I don't expect you to understand as... Well it's obvious ".

She glared and he raised his hand in surrender.

" let's get going. It's a 2hr drive but with traffic and all, I just hope we don't spend half the day on the road. Ivonne, you ride with me". Kemi said moving to her car.

" No, I'll go in my own vehicle. You go with David".

" oh c'mon. We need some bro time". David said as he threw his hand around Ayo's neck " what do you think?".

" oh me?". Ayo asked " I don't know. I'm not supposed to interfere in anything that concerns her except it's work related and this... Concerns her so, let her decide. She likes being in charge after all".

She turned to glare at Ayo but the look in his eyes held one of... Disgust. Beside him, David gaped and so did Kemi.

Holding her head high she dragged her box " I ride with Kemi". She got into the car and banged the door close. Almost immediately, Kemi entered the car and they zoomed off.

Over an hour had passed on the road, the only sound one could hear inside the car is the sound of music. Ivonne turned to her phone, watching videos on instagram, reading tweets on Twitter, anything to keep her mind from remembering the look on Ayo's face. She didn't need to look at her best friend to know that she had a curios look and was fighting to keep her mouth shut.

Why avoid the inevitable?

" Turn down the music". Ivonne said with a sigh and the music went down. She turned to Kemi.

" I'm all ears. It's about time you talked". Kemi said as she put her phone away.

"It's nothing big. Ayo and I had a talk... ". Kemi glared at her and she quickly rephrased " I told Ayo the things I wanted from him".

" and they are?".

" I told him not to bother me unless it's work related".

" hold on, before you tell me that, I want to know what led you to make that... That bizarre... Thing, rule, whatever".

So she told her everything, not leaving out any detail. When she finished, Kemi was silent.

" Let me get something straight. You were mad at him because he wanted to make you breakfast in bed or because he burnt the food or because he was mad that you didn't appreciate it. Which one is it?". She folded her arms.

" He almost burnt down my house... ".

" we both know that you can get a new house quicker than he can build back his pride. So. Which. Is. It?". She had a serious look on her face and it was scary. It looked like she knew the answer to the question she was asking but still wanted Ivonne to answer.

" Why would he want to make me breakfast in bed? What is he trying to gain from me? More cars? More money? Properties... ".

Kemi scoffed and that made her stop " it's a wonder how you can say all these things with a straight face. If you were to for a competition of liars, you'll definitely be disqualified for being too good at it".

Ivonne looked away, turning her gaze to the window beside her.

"There's something you're not telling me Ivonne". She chuckled " I don't know what you're scared of admitting ooo but the way Nelson said that he said back there, it was so obvious that he is tired and disgusted with your behavior".

Ouch. Well that hurt just hearing it.

" Thank you for pointing that out".

" you're welcome". Kemi said with a smile " but seriously Ivonne, what you did made no sense at all... ".

" why? So I should what?". She turned to face her and held her gaze " sit there and watch him flirt and tease and by the end of the month, he'll walk out like nothing happened? That's what you want me to do?".

Kemi jaw dropped as she understood the hidden meaning behind Ivonne's word. She closed her mouth and thought of what to say.

Just then Ivonne chuckled " Yeah I thought as much. So you can't blame me for acting that way".

" Did he say he was walking out?".

" isn't it obvious?".

Kemi opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted " please, not now. I beg you just leave me with my thoughts".

" ok... If that's what you want. But I am so disturbing you the minute we get there". They smiled and Ivonne returned to her phone.


The car stopped and they got down. Each dragging their boxes, they moved to the gate where a man seemed to be waiting for them because he hurried over.

" Welcome to Kamp Ikare Beach Resort. We are so delighted to have you. I'll be your tour guide. Well I'm everyone's tour guide around here. Welcome".

David stepped forward and shook the young man's hand " you must be Irinajo".

" and you must be David".

" oh you know me?". David asked his voice filled with surprise.

" No, I just guessed". The man and they laughed.

"Good one. This is my Fiancé, Kemi Bankole. My younger sister, Ivonne Johnson and her man, My brother-in-law Nelson Adeoluwa ".

" Nice to meet you all. I guarantee that you've not made a mistake by coming here. I'll see to it that you have a splendid stay". He said and led them inside.

Kemi pulled Ivonne and Ayo one side " ok, I know you guys are having problems right now. But we came here for one thing and I'd appreciate it if we stick to the plan. You can go mute when you're inside but once you're outside like right now, be all lovey-dovey or I swear imma make you eat sand and choke on your throats for days". She smiled " are we clear?".

They gulped before replying in unison "Crystal".

" That was scary". David said pulling Kemi to him.

" I know right? I went total bad ass". Kemi said with a beaming smile before following David to wherever Irinajo was leading them.

" can I see a picture of her parents, you know, just in case I run into them". Ayo broke the silence and she dug out her phone from her hand bag. She showed him the picture and he nodded.

" got it".

She kept her phone back in her bag " Let's get going".

Ayo reached down and clasped his hand around hers. She jerked her hand away and he backed off.

" Jesus! Would you chill? I'm just obeying what Kemi said. You heard her, I do not want to choke on my throat this weekend". At his words, he saw her relax and he held out his hand. She looked at him as if she wanted to bolt but later slid her hand in his. He didn't miss the feel of the familiar tingle he felt whenever he touched her and from the way her eyes fluttered shut for a few seconds and the sigh that escaped her, she felt it too.

They hurried to catch up with David and Kemi who smiled when they saw their hands linked.

" I assume you all would want to stay together or?". The tour guide asked.

" oh David and I would stay together, we do want our privacy". Kemi said leaning closer to David.

They were showed to their houses. It was close to each other and in front of it was a swimming pool, behind the house was the beach. Irinajo left after informing them that they would meet again by 5pm. Meaning that they had 3hours to rest.

David and Kemi left to their house and Ivonne and Ayo went to theirs.

" wow!". Was the first thing Ayo said the minute he entered the building. If there was another word for amazing, he would use it.

" It's lovely". Ivonne said calmly. " I like the decor. Simple yet classy ".

Ayo opened his mouth to speak but stopped. This was not related to work so he might as well shut the hell up.

She turned to face him to see that he was checking out the house. He was looking all serious and handsome. She tore her eyes away before he caught her staring.

The living room was wide and long. There was a door by the side which led to the bedroom. Of course, there was only one bed. The bed was designed for couples. It had a transparent curtain hanging down from the wood.

Arranging her things in the wardrobe, she went to take a shower in the bathroom. Since they had 3hours to rest before exploring the place, she would hit the showers first before the bed.

Wrapping the towel around her body, she came out of the shower. She was alone in the room and somehow,she felt disappointed.

When she'd said she liked the decor,she expected him to say something else but then remembered she wanted him mute.


This was already becoming unbearable. It was too quiet in here. She'd lived her life all by herself in her huge house when Kemi wasn't around, she'd coped with it, loved the peace and quite but ever since Ayo came in it...

She gasped

"No". She said to herself as she placed her hand on her chest and rubbed, calming her racing heart.

Clearly it couldn't be what she was thinking.

" Am I...".

Don't say it.

" Could it be...".

Shut up Ivonne, don't you dare say it.

" Am I falling in love with him?". Immediately the words came out, she gasped and covered her mouth with her hand.

She stood like that for a while before a humourless laugh escaped her.

" No"

She laughed again as butterflies filed her tummy. Her eyes blurred and her heart pounded.

" No. It can't be, it can't be. He's a nobody". She said to her heart " he literally doesn't exist on the internet". She was talking to her heart, hoping it would listen and change but instead, the thought of falling in love with him made her excited and terrified.

" ọ gaghị eme eme. Mba, agaghị m ekwe ya". She said in her local dialect.

"( It cannot happen. No, I won't allow it)".

She went to the wardrobe and took out an armless short gown. It was light and would definitely expose her assets to everyone if the wind howled her way. Taking her phone from the bed, she moved to the sitting room.

" Ugh! The internet service here is really slow". She sank down on a couch and tossed her phone aside. One look at Ayo and she knew he wasn't even interested in what she was saying.

He was typing on his laptop, the internet wasn't affecting him as he had a modem plugged in.

" You came prepared". She said after a while. His hand stilled and she glanced up to his face. The look he was giving her made her was so wickedly hot. It made her nipples hard, threatening to get out of the bra.

He held her gaze for a while before turning back to his MacBook. She didn't know he could afford one. Well that's a surprise.

" Did you know there was going to be a bad mobile reception here?". She pressed further. He looked at her again but this time, he leaned back on the couch and folded his arms. Studying her.

" It would be way easier for you if you just open your mouth and say something". Her voice was already on the edge. She was desperate and trying to hide it but from the way he arced a brow and his lips twitched, she knew he already figured her out.

" You said I should not speak unless it's work related. I don't see how that question concerns work". It was as she hadn't heard his voice in forever.

" You could've as well answer the damned question". She looked away. He didn't say anything else and the typing sound began.

" what are you doing?". She asked, seeking his eyes when his hands stilled. He raised his head and arced a brow. It took a while and she was convinced he wasn't going to answer when he spoke.

" I'm working. Figured that it would be a very boring weekend so why not bring work with me?". He returned his attention to his computer, his face going all serious as he seemed to be cross checking his work.

" what is it that you do?". She asked leaning closer to the arm of the couch where she sat. This could keep her busy for the next three hours.

He held her gaze, giving her an intense look before turning back to his computer.

" Ayo knows best. All caps, no space".

What? " what?".

He sighed " The password to the hotspot, I just turned it on".

She furrowed her brows " I didn't tell you too". Talking to him was better than her phone.

" why waste time talking with a guy who lives in a dumpster when you can surf the internet for celebrities". He scoffed and walked to the bedroom with his computer.

O-oh. She stared at the floor. Why was she feeling like trash inside?was this how he felt when she said those words?

Suddenly she felt like taking back the hands of time so she could seal her mouth.

Kemi had always said her mouth would put her in trouble, now look. She suddenly had this feeling of... Apologizing. For the first time in her life, it felt true and sincere. But she tucked it away, he was only available for business. Nothing more, nothing else. Once it was done and dusted, he would go back to his mother. She would go to the office.

Just business. Now why the heck was it hard for her heart to stop whatever it was doing. It's making her so sad, a lump was on her throat already. Shaking her head, she pushed the thought aside.


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