" I still don't get why people ask me for my name". Ivonne said while pacing her living room. “ Am I not famous enough?".
She turned to Kemi who was lost in her phone. Walking over to her, she jerked the phone from her hold.
"Listen to me". Ivonne groaned.
"ugh! I'm sorry, what were you saying".
Ivonne gaped. "Are you trying to say you weren't listening to a word I was saying? Ever since you got here?".
Kemi shook her head " nope, not even one word".
"oh God!".
Palming her head, she let out a sigh. " ok Ivy, why did you call me here? I have lots of things to do today".
"ok first of all, don't call me Ivy. I hate it and you know that. Secondly, what could be more important than my reputation?".
"My wedding!".
"honey, that is a one time thing. But ok, you're important to me though don't forget that. But right now it's like I'm being forgotten". She said in terror.
Kemi rolled her eyes. Ivonne could definitely pass for an actress as she was so dramatic. "stop being a drama queen, Ivonne. Plus, you're not being forgotten... Just take it that anyone who doesn't know about you is... Well, as dumb as a rock because you own this country. Especially this State".
She could see Ivonne relax at her words and that made her smile. So maybe she over exaggerated there, Mr. Johnson was way more famous than all of 'em as he owned the Company. Ivonne only passed out as his daughter and right hand man.
"so, what are we going to do about Nelson?". This was the most important topic of all.
Ivonne sighed heavily as she leaned her big ass against her desk which made her enormous hip pop out and showed her curves in her blue body hug long sleeve gown that rested on her knees. "I honestly don't know, I've been thinking about it since I got back from the club two days ago. Right now, I need him like air... Just for my dad's company". She added in a rush.
Kemi smirked " Just for your Dad's company? Oh c'mon Ivonne, admit it. You want this guy, in your bed".
"ok, now that's what I call crazy. I have no business with him except the one that involves the company".
"oh really?" she arched a brow. " so you think any sane man would just jump into this with you without wanting something in return? Where is that done?".
"I'll offer him a place to stay for the month, a certain amount of money…".
"... And the contract?". Kemi interrupted.
Silence enveloped the office as Ivonne went 'to and fro' in her head. Kemi was right, the contract couldn't be forgotten. Once he sees the contract, he would want to make it happen. But for some reason she subconsciously craved his touch, his hands back on her skin, his lips on hers.
" he won't see the contract". She said almost in a moan.
Kemi seemed to notice as her eyebrows shot up, but ignored it. "nothing can be hidden under the sun forever Ivonne. Know that".
She took her bag and turned to the desk to take her phone. "I just hope this guy is smoking hot, that's the only way I'll enjoy this". She grinned as Ivonne glared.
"ok, get out. I've got work to do. I'll be jobless by Tomorrow, let me do my thing to the fullest today".
"ugh!" Kemi groaned. "you're not being fired. You're just... Taking a month off. You can go out of the country if you'd like, just take care of yourself ". She cooed.
"You make it seem like I'm never seeing you again when you say 'just take care of yourself'. Sweetie, you're marrying my brother so I'll have you close to my side forever. Now get out of here before I hold you here with me".
Guilt stabbed her heart as she head towards the elevator. Why was telling Ivonne that she'd be leaving the country when she got married so hard? She didn't like that fact that she was keeping things from her as it was eating her up. The sooner she lets her know, the better.
Ayo set out his computer on the dining table, getting ready for the competition. Damn he loved hacking. It was the best thing ever and now he was going to be paid to hack? Even better. He could've stayed home to do this, but he wouldn't lie when he says he needed some space and some Me-Time. His Mother just loved to be hovering around him like a lion marking its prey.
He was thankful that Timi wasn't home as the man wouldn't shut up about his encounter with 'a gorgeous goddess' his words.
The thought of "gorgeous goddess" just made him remember his goddess. An absolute beauty, a rare gem, a fiery, curvy, thick goddess who deserved her body to be worshipped all day and night in the hands of a worthy man. Luckily for him, he was that lucky man. She from the looks of it, was way out of his league, but he couldn't stop imagining her staying in his arms forever.
That morning when she had woken up, he had been mesmerized by her beauty and didn't have total control of himself. Everything happened so fast. It was as if someone was holding a remote over him that day, because all his self-control snapped the minute he looked into her beautiful eyes.
Oh, he wanted her so much. He couldn't stop himself from thinking about her every second. He looked down to his pants and wasn't surprised to see a tent in front. He wouldn't be surprised if he was arrested for hand abuse seeing the way he had dealt with himself every darn second.
But it was just a matter of time before she would search for him. By now, he was supposed to receive the contract. The one she made him sign that night when he followed her back home. She would probably never believe she made him do it, but whatever, the damage has been done.
Glancing down at his watch, the time was almost 12pm. He crosschecked everything again before logging into his computer.
" Miss Ivonne!". Patricia screamed as she hurried into her bosses office. She caught Ivonne's gaze before bowing her head and evening her breathing.
" what is it that has got you screaming my name like hell has been let loose on you?". She asked without humour.
"actually, hell is you". Patricia mumbled under her breathe and gave a small smile.
" Miss Ivonne, the competition is over and we have a winner".
She rolled her eyes. " I know that. Just call them over so they can get the money".
Patricia furrowed her brows. " Them?".
Ivonne sighed heavily before looking up from the table " will you just get them here so I can talk to them?" she quickly added after Patricia gave a nod. "... And mind you, that was not a question. Now go!".
Without another word, she hurried out the door. It was a good thing that her boss would be away for a month. When she had told the staffs the news, the smiles that covered their faces was indeed a hearty one. Their joy was beyond measure.
If Ivonne were to take over the company, their lives would be a living hell, and none of them would be willing to leave because the pay was amazing and also because of the kindness Mr. Johnson showed them.
As she got to her office, she got in front of her computer and called the winner over to the company. Luckily for her, he agreed to it, replying that he would be there in a few hours.
The telephone beside her beeped and she answered it. She almost dropped it as Ivonne scream rang out.
"yes Miss Ivonne". She answered with all urgency.
" what are all these rubbish that I'm seeing on my desk? This one says something that is making my head ache!".
" I don't understand... ".
" how can you? I'm working with a bunch of knuckleheads. Get your stupidity here and fast!".
She didn't need to be told twice. Patricia dashed out of her office, wishing the day would come to an end and fast!
After setting everything in order for her one month by-force vacation, Ivonne looked around her office as if it was her last day on earth. She took in the simplest of details, wanting to remember it as her long torturous vacation was only 7hours away. She made a mental note to change her chairs and desk once she got back, only God would know who would break into her office and sit on her chair one day.
But she had this feeling, a feeling that she would not be returning back into this office again. She'd be on her way to her Father's office. The top floor.
Now, if only she could find Nelson, things would be a lot easier. Ivonne walked back to her desk, picking up a bottle of whiskey and a cup on the way, she sank down on her soft chair, letting out a sigh. Drinking alcohol dosen't seem like the best thing right now, what she needed was coffee. Lots and lots of it in order to do more work. For some reason, she felt like doing everything so she wouldn't feel left out at home.
Not bothering to use the cup, she drank straight from the bottle, throwing her head back as she rushed the drink down her throat. She remembered the talk with her Father and it only made her angrier. A married woman? He said he would only pass it down to a married woman? Well that's just bizarre, in her opinion and so old-fashioned.
Going to the club again was out of it. Neither Kemi nor David would dare talk her into it... again.
She dropped the bottle of whiskey, arranged her things and left the office. Going about one last time, she instructed them on what to do and part of it was to stay clear of her office.
Quickly, she dialed Christopher "where are you?".
" I'm at the house Miss. Ivonne. Do you want me to come pick you up now?". He replied immediately.
"come by the office now. I'm leaving ".
" Yes, Miss. Ivonne".
"Yes Miss. Ivonne?".
"I do not want to stay here a minute longer so hurry up". She sneered and ended the call, dialing Kemi immediately.
" What". Kemi hissed into the phone.
"whoa whoa " She furrowed her brows. " would you chill? What's up?".
A sigh. " sorry about that, I'm at your parents house... ".
" what are you doing there?".
" well I figured that it wouldn't be a good idea to marry your brother will your mom hates me. So I wanted to talk my way into her heart but it looks like Daniella left your Mom heartless. The woman has been being a bitch ever since I got here and I do not feel bad for calling her that".
Ivonne shook her head at Kemi's effort. " The woman likes no-one but herself and Daniella so if I were you, I'd give up, go home and plan my wedding. My dad approves of you so it's all good ".
A long pause. " I somewhat agree but... Maybe I'm not trying enough. Is there anything I can do for your mom to like me? Just... Give me advice ".
After a while, Ivonne replied " oh yes, there is one thing she would love you for".
" really?" she could hear the eagerness in Kemi's voice. " what is it?".
" go marry someone else".
" so, about the preparations of my wedding, I was thinking green... "
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