Ivonne yawned, stretching her body on the bed. Quickly, she turned to the other side of the bed and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw no one there.
She felt the great urge to pee and she hurriedly got out of bed.
Did she dream it all? The cute stranger, his playful smile and the way he teased her?
Surely it couldn't be a dream seeing the way her female parts was soaking wet. Her mind drifted off to her father and the discussion. She'd be on vacation starting Tuesday.
Speaking of work, Shit! She had to go to the office to get some work done. She had completely forgotten. Worst part was that she didn't even know what the time said.
She took a quick shower and brushed her teeth. Standing before her wardrobe, she picked out a black skirt that covered her knees. It hugged her really well, a black long-sleeve top that had yellow circles in it. She wore black heels, took a black Versace hand bag, wore a pin earring and she held up her hair.Ivonne stared at herself in the mirror. She had a lean face and high cheekbone that puffed up whenever she smiled... full lips that she painted light red, her nose was pointed just like her Dad's.
Taking a last look in the mirror, she hurried downstairs.
“I'll call you later, let me finish what I'm doing”. Ayo said into his Samsung Galaxy S8 edge. He hanged up, dropping the phone on the counter.
He switched off the gas, pouring the hot water into two cups. After mixing the milk and tea in it, he broke some eggs into the fry pan, and after a while, he brought that down.
Walking back to the dining table just ahead, he set them down on the glass table.
He could hear the sound of her shoes on the stairs, so, he waited patiently for her to be in sight.
“good morning ”. He greeted when he saw her and she jerked back to look at him in surprise.
He felt his body heat up as he took in her outfit. The roundness of her hips were enough to make a man go gaga.Ivonne stared at his rock hard body for a while, he was shirtless and that gave her access to view his upper parts. His muscles were big, his abs were so very obvious, hard nipples and chocolate tanned body.The bulge on his blue Jean trouser was so evident, it made her...
Her stomach rumbled loudly and she looked away in embarrassment as he chuckled.
“seems like someone is very hungry. You're just in time for Tea, bread and egg. I don't know about you but I do not like to eat something heavy in the morning”. His voice was almost inaudible.
“ why are you still here?” guys from one night stands were supposed to leave in the morning, when did the system change?
She couldn't even remember if they had xxx!
“ let's discuss that over breakfast, shall we?”. He said while locking gaze with her.
Well right now, she was hungry so... Yeah breakfast first. She walked over to the other side and pulled out a chair.
“so, why are you still here?”. She asked immediately he sat down.
Ayo furrowed his brows “ I literally just sat down”.
“ that doesn't answer my question”.
He ignored her and faced his food, leaving her angry.
Few minutes into breakfast, Ivonne's phone beeped and she hurriedly brought it out from her bag, she tapped on the message icon.
"I'm on my way, see you in a few".
Good thing she had put down her tea already, she would have choked on it.
"where are you heading to? The office?".
She glanced up at Ayo to find him looking at her. Her body tingled, it was as if she could feel his firm hands on her breasts, caressing it ever so gently.
He smirked as if he could hear her thoughts and she immediately turned her attention to her Samsung.
"yes... Are you there? Should I go to your house instead?".
"No... Not the house. I'll see you in the office in a few".
" mmm alright then".
Ivonne heaved a sigh of relief and she put her phone away.
“everything alright?”. He asked nonchalantly.
“ You still haven't answered my question”.
He blew on his tea while still holding her gaze. “ are you always this... Impatient?”.
She arced a brow at him “ are you always this cocky?”.
His lips paused in a straight line before he suddenly grinned. “ want me to show you how cocky I can be with your back on this table?”.
Ivonne threw her spoon at him but he quickly dodged. She groaned as he laughed heartily.
“ I'll be leaving in a few minutes, so go get your things and get out”.
His smile didn't fall or falter. “I'm afraid I can't do that”.
“ excuse me? This is my house, and you will leave my property when I say so, because you are in it. If you don't get out right now I'll...”.
“call the cops?” he interrupted her sentence. “ what else you gonna say?”. For some reason, he was talking so calm.
“ why are you still here? I thought guys from one night stands leave the next morning”.
He arced a brow, his face looking all serious before a playful smile enveloped his face. " that's how it works. But what can I do when I was promised a whole month of pleasure?”.
“wait, what?” a whole month of pleasure? Surely he didn't mean... Was he trying to say... Did she... “ I'm not sure I understand this”.
“we met in a club, you were wasted and so was I but luckily I remember things when I'm drunk so... I remember every detail. Er... Ok... So, you were dancing and I joined you, and then you said to follow you that if I do that, I'll never want another female for a whole month”.
Ivonne listened to every word and after he finished, she burst out laughing.
“what's so funny?”.
She laughed without humor and stopped abruptly.
“ You are!” she said. Her eyes boring into his. “just how dumb do you think I am? You think you can sit there and spit out... Rubbish. Trying to get some money out of me? That is the most stupid and gold digging thing I have ever heard”.
His hand stilled for a while as his eyes suddenly became cold.
Goosebumps appeared on her skin and butterflies filled her stomach.
“what makes you think I'm lying?”.
She arced a brow at him with her lips in a straight line which made her look smug, “ isn't it obvious?”.
“ that's not an answer. But whatever. Listen, I was drunk and so were you. But... You promised me pleasure and I'm taking it”. He said and flashed her a grin.
“ so you go about taking advantage of drunk women?”.
“ so you go about making promises and then lie you didn't make them?”.
Silence fell between them.
There was no way she could do a thing like that. She wasn't dumb enough to say something like that.
“let's say I said that” she began. “ what makes you think I'll keep to it?”.
Well with the rate at which her underwear was getting flooded, and her nipples hardening into tight buds, she could pounce on him right about now.
Again, his lips quirked as if he could hear her thoughts. “ well, I've been involved with a lot of women and I know that you are dying to get my hands on your skin. Plus... Give your thigs a break. Pressing them tightly to soothe the ache in there isn't helping"
Her eyes widened at his words. She slowly set her legs apart, almost moaning when she saw the way he glanced down at it.
He looked at her like a hungry lion who no matter how many times he ate, would never get satisfied.
“ just say it, you miss my touch. You want my hands on your skin, you want me... ”.
“shut up” Ivonne yelled. Taking her handbag, she stood up and headed for the door. “ don't be here when I get back”.
She reached the door and just as she was about to turn the knob, strong hands rested on her waist turning her and pushed her until her back hit the door.
She looked up and held his gaze as her breathing was hard and fast. Slowly, he reached down, leaning towards her lips. He brushed his lips against her ears and she shuddered.
Her hands rested on his bare chest and she gulped. His breathe on her ears were ticklish and she sighed with content.
“ have a great day at work”. He whispered with a smile in his voice. He pulled away and smiled down at her before turning back to the dining table.
Ivonne stood there for a while, watching him leave. The nerve of this man. He was such a tease!
She hurried out the door, her chest heaving like she was having an asthma attack. She couldn't believe he left her just like that.... And here she thought he was going to kiss her senseless.
“ as usual I'll be here till 9pm... ”. She said to Christopher and opened the door. What if he was waiting for her? Maybe she should go back home early? Just in case of... Anything?
“ come by 6:30pm”. She told her chauffeur and he nodded.
“Miss. Ivonne, someone came to deliver this early this morning”. Christopher handed her a flat big brown envelope.
“Mmm, did they say who it was from?”.
“ Yes Miss. Ivonne. He said a certain Mr. Smith”.
Mr. Smith was her lawyer... She hadn't heard from him in a while now.
“You can go now”.
Ivonne put the envelope inside her bag. Entering the company, she was greeted first by the cool air. As usual, it was filled with people. But this time, they were just a few as it was a weekend.
Today was Saturday and supposed to be an off day but Ivonne didn't release the section she managed. They had things to do so why sit at home?!
The competition was for anyone who could try to breach their system and close the loop hole in it. The reward was a sum of 3million naira.
The company was a skin care company and they had an IT section and that was one of the places she liked to be in.
Ignoring the people's greetings, she stepped into her elevator. A private one she had installed just for her. She didn't like sharing things with people. It was just so... Bothersome.
Immediately the doors opened, Patricia, her P. A was there, holding her usual cup of coffee.
She was wearing a pink flay skirt that covered her knees, a big green top with sleeves that reached her elbow. She was putting on a black sneakers. Her long black wig dropped to her shoulders.
“ good morning Miss. Ivonne”. Her chubby checks puffed up in a smile. She was fat and was about 4ft.
Ivonne took her coffee and walked down the hall with Patricia on her ass.
“ Miss. Kemi has been waiting for you in your office for a few minutes now”. She opened her tab. “ so far we have more than a thousand contestants for the competition set for Monday”.
“Mmmm that's good. Let it be known that we'll announce the winner that same day. Since I'll be going on a forced vacation I need it done, I want to supervise it myself”.
“ yes Miss. Ivonne”.
Reaching her office door, she stopped abruptly and turned to Patricia. “ who was my schedule given to again?”.
“ I'm handling it as your P. A. ”.
She shrugged “ makes sense. Don't mess it up or else when I get back you'll be fired in the blink of an eye”. She said with a glare and shooed her away.
Entering her office, Kemi turned to face the door. Ivonne eyed her clothes. She was wearing a blue Jean trousers with a white armless button T-shirt and a white sneakers.
“ you're... Surprisingly late today, are you feeling ok?”.
She sank down in her chair and dropped her bag on her brown desk.
Tell the truth or lie? Kemi was her best friend after all. “ No... Not really. So I supposedly went to a club yesterday... ”.
Few minutes later.
"hold up, let me understand better. You don't remember anything at all?”. Kemi asked. She was quite confused.
“ well... ” Ivonne thought for a while. “ I don't remember going to a club, I don't remember dancing with him, I don't remember what we did.. All morning... But I do remember when I told him I didn't remember anything, he then said he'll help me remember”.
Kemi couldn't stop the frown that formed on her face “ how is that possible?”.
“same question I asked my dear”. Ivonne couldn't help the rise in her voice “ I asked the same thing and you know what he did next? Know what he did next?”. She didn't wait for her to reply. “ he said we'll do that later but said it was time for pleasure. The nerve of that guy to be such a tease. He got me ready and then...left me hanging. Ugh!”.
Kemi's mouth formed an O, as she stared at Ivonne in shock. She knew her bestie went out for one night stands but the reason she was in shock was because Ivonne seemed to be bothered by... The person involved.
This had never happened before now. She suddenly wanted to meet this guy and know just what about him is getting Ivonne so worked up.
“say something ”. Ivonne groaned.
Kemi leaned back on her chair and thought for a while. “I'm guessing you liked the sex?".
Her head shot up and glared at her for a while “ I can't even remember if we had sex. I can't remember anything except when I said I was leaving your party and you told me to say for a more minutes".
“ are you sure you can't remember if you told him you'll give him pleasure for a whole month?”
“ Kemi, I can't remember anything except when you told me to stay for a few minutes more ”. Ivonne groaned.
“oh my! This is... This is so... I don't know what to say”.
“ I swear, I'm never touching alcohol again”.
“yeah blame it on the drink”. Kemi giggled and that earned her a glare from Ivonne.
“ so the guy is still back at your place?”.
“ yeah... I guess so... I mean I left him there... I did tell him that I didn't want to meet him there when I get back from work”. She immediately felt sad.
“ it's good you told him that. He probably wants to extort you. You shouldn't have left him all alone there. What if he steals something?”.
“ I don't care what he takes, as long as he gets of my property I'm ok with whatever he takes, I'll replace it”.
“he is such a jerk thinking he can stick by your side just by saying that”.
“ I know right?”.
“ I don't know what's wrong with guys these days.” Kemi scoffed.
“ He is such a... a dickhead!”.
“ Yeah and you're a Moron”.
“correct!... Wait what?”.
Kemi rolled her eyes “ did you have to drink like it was your last day on Earth last night?”.
She knew this was coming. Kemi did this thing where she'd tell her things she wanted to hear before saying the truth.
“ what was I to do?I had a lot on my mind. I have to find a ‘Nelson’ before the end of Next Month”.
“Ivonne, Next month is not until Monday. You still got time ”.
“Time waits for no man Kemi. I don't have time. Daniella could be out there finding someone and must have introduced him to Dad. I don't want to sit here and wait for Tuesday. No way!”. She yelled.
Ivonne placed her hand on her face, her elbow on the table as she leaned into her hands. She sighed heavily, and only relaxed when she felt Kemi's hands on her shoulders.
“ I didn't mean to raise my voice at you...I'm just... So mad at my Father right now”.
“Mmm, I see that. It's ok, I understand”.
“ so tell me, what did you want to see me for?”.
Kemi walked back to her seat, “ since when do I need a reason to come see my best friend”.
Ivonne rolled her eyes “ well I just thought there was something since you hurried over here, that's all. Anyways, how is the preparation coming up?”.
That brought a smile to her face, “ er... Well it's going really well. The venue has been set. Won't start the decorations till a week before. I also need to go choose a wedding dress. Since you're free for a whole month, I was thinking that maybe you could accompany me there?”.
“ oh I'd love too. But will you be able to plan everything under a week?”.
“ trust me, I can”.
“ok then”. She glanced to her bag and saw the envelope poking out. Just then, her phone rang and she quickly took it out.
“Hello?”. She said into the phone. “Mr. Smith, I was just about to check the envelope you sent me”.
“Good morning Miss. Ivonne. Oh that's good. I... Uh... was just calling to ask if the.. Erm... papers are ok. Uh... Er... I... I... h-have the original copy here and I've put it away just as you asked”.
She couldn't remember any papers she asked him to put away. “ uh... Ok then”.
“alright Miss. Ivonne. Hope you... Uhm... Enjoy the whole of July”. She could hear the smile in his voice.
Ivonne hung up. That was kinda strange. It was as if he was embarrassed. But come to think of it, she didn't ask him to put away any paper.
“ is everything ok?”. Kemi asked with concern in her voice.
“ I don't know... My lawyer just called... He was acting... Strange ”.
“ strange? In what way exactly?”.
“ uhm... About this I guess ” she raised the brown envelope. “ I never asked him to review any papers... But he called saying he already put away the paper I said he should review and that he sent a copy of it... This is it”.
“well... Go ahead and open it ”.
True, only one way to find out what was in it. Ivonne tore the top of the envelope and poured out its content on the desk.
Two flat laminated paper fell out. She picked one up as Kemi moved forward.
“ what does it say?” kemi asked curiously.
“ I don't know... You tell me”. She dropped the paper without bothering to read it's content.
“Oh my God! Ivonne”. Kemi exclaimed.
“erm... What's wrong?”. She couldn't help but ask.
“ Ivonne!” she looked up from the paper to stare up at Ivonne in horror.
Not waisting time, she quickly picked up the paper and went through it. Her eyes widened as if it would shoot out of its socket. Her mouth gaped in horror.
A/n: what's in it
(tries peaking)
gasps I can't say😂
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