Chapter 8

Ivonne had never understood the word 'boredom' until few minutes ago after she entered her house.

There was nothing for her to do. Normally, she would spend 15 hours in the office, return home very late and exhausted. On Saturdays, she would hang out with Kemi and on Sunday... Well she couldn't remember what she did on Sundays but somehow, she survived.

Right now, with the way she's feeling bored, only the Heavens know if she would come out of this alive because she doubts it.

She was so bored that she could destroy everything in her house and spend time online buying new things.


That really is a good idea.

Not the breaking of things but shopping.

She could send her old things down to the orphanage homes as usual and then shop for new things.

After taking a very very long hot shower mostly to pass away time, she also spent a great deal of time, cooking. Trying new recipes until her mouth got tired of chewing, which was part of the plan to waste time.

Glancing up at the wall clock in the kitchen, the time was few minutes past 8pm. She groaned and moved to her bedroom, going into her closet, she began taking out her clothes and arranging them into a box. Her wardrobe was due for a change!

Going back to check the time, she groaned again when the time read few minutes to 9. She was never one to believe in curses but now it was certain, she was cursed! Cursed that whenever she was idle the day would run really really slow. She wouldn't be surprised if by the end of the month she ran mad due to boredom.

Ivonne took out her phone and sent a text to her stylist, telling her to get more clothes by the morrow.

She checked the time again and it was 8:49pm. Was she expecting the message to take a lot of time?

Suddenly she felt like using the wall clock to control the day. She would bring it down, break the glass and turn the hand till a month had pass!


Her phone rang and she gave a small smile when she saw the caller.

" Hey". She said once she answered the call.

" Hey. How are you?". Kemi asked in a cool tone as if knowing her predicament.

" about to die and you?".

Kemi's laughter filled her ear along with someone else's, David.

Eye roll.

" I can't believe you called me just to know if I was dead".

" oh c'mon Ivonne. I just wanted to know how you're holding up. I know you're not doing really well right now".

" then why did you ask how I am?".

"because I wanted you to admit that you're bored and that having someone besides yourself is... Useful".

Ivonne furrowed her brows. " what do you mean having someone besides myself? I have you. Duh!".

" believe it or not little sister but she can't always be there".

" yeah, because of you". Ivonne hissed.

David let out a laugh " guilty as charged. You gotta figure out what you'll be doing for the  next 30days 4hours 5minutes and 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, I'm sure you get it".

" saying it like that just makes me frustrated".

" you're supposed to feel frustrated right now".

" David!" Kemi and Ivonne said at once.

" sorry ooo. Jeez, don't eat my head. How about you get a pet?".

" No".

" fine. Leave the country. Go and enjoy the cold". Kemi suggested.

" enjoy the cold? I'm already enjoying the cold. It's almost freezing here but I like it, so no leaving the country ".

" it's freezing because of the many AC's in your house. Ok... How about Kemi come stay with you for tonight, then tomorrow we can figure out what you can do to keep yourself busy?".

" mm sounds like a great idea".

" uhm... "  Kemi stuttered. " I don't think it's a great idea ".

Ivonne furrowed her brows. " why not?".

" oh you do not want to know. Right David?".

"uh... I have no idea what you're talking about".  David said.

" Kemi what's going on?".  Ivonne asked.

A sigh. " I haven't gotten any for days now".

" any? Any what?". She didn't understand what Kemi was trying to say...

" any D Ivonne. I haven't gotten any D for days. Your brother is holding out on me. I'm gonna die".

Oh no.

" I'm gonna go for a walk". She immediately ended the call.

Jeez. Why does she get to hear those kind of stuff from Kemi. Ugh.

After putting on a black leggings and a tank top, she strolled down the stairs, checked the time on her wrist. It was 9:23pm already. She made her way to the gate, glancing at her cars at each side of the wall, they too were due for a change.

" Miss. Ivonne?".

Ivonne screeched and jerked away. " Jesus!".

She turned to face Christopher who was somewhat looking amused.

" do you want to give me a heart attack?" she yelled.

" Sorry Miss. Ivonne". Even without seeing him, she could hear the smile in his voice.

" sorry for yourself, and what is funny? I can clearly see that you're holding back a laugh, so tell me, what is funny?".

Christopher was silent for a while. " can I speak freely?".

" yes... Just for today".

" I was quite amused that my boss could be frightened that's all". His lips twitched.

" not a word about that to anyone".

He mimicked zipping his mouth and swallowing the key down his throat.


That's not right.

You can't zip your mouth and swallow the key because your mouth has been zipped.

He flashed her a grin and Ivonne shook her head, turning back to the gate.

" should I bring out the car, Miss. Ivonne?". He asked.

" No, I'm just going for a walk".

" should I accompany you then? It might be dangerous". He offered.

" oh please, this is Lekki. Not the local part of Lagos you're from. Just stay here. When I need you to drive me around, you'll do that".

At least that shut him up because she left without interruption.

After strolling for what felt like hours, Ivonne checked her watch and gave a sigh of relief. Two hours was gone and thankfully, she was feeling sleepy. Turning back, she headed to her house. It had been a bit boring as she noticed her phone was not with her but at the end, she just let her mind drift off to places she could not even remember now. Right now, she just wanted to shut her eyes.

Back in her room, she put on her Pajamas, put on her hairnet and quickly went under the covers, curling like a ball.

She reached for her phone and saw a message from a contact she did not remember saving. The message was sent over an hour ago.

Quickly, she opened it.

Ayo: ...

Ayo? Ivonne gasped, sitting upright. Could it be? " Ayomide?".

Ok Ivonne. Play it cool.

Play it cool!

Ivonne: First of all, who are you? Secondly, what's with the dot?

She got a reply almost immediately.

Ayo: you know who I am, I don't need to do an introduction.

Mmmm. Alright then.

Ivonne: What's with the dot?

Ayo: I was just checking to see if you were alive.

What the...

Ivonne: How does that even make any sense?


Ayo: Seeing that you didn't send me a message when I left, I thought that maybe something must have happened.

Ivonne: Hold up, you were waiting for me to send you a text? Or a call?

Ayo: Yes.

Ivonne: You're kidding!

She couldn't believe her eyes.

Ayo: You wish.

Eye roll!

Ivonne: you're being cocky again.

Ayo: oh, so you do remember me. I can see that I've made quite an impression. From the use of 'again' in your text, you remember me quite well. I feel like a VIP right now.

The nerve of this man!

Ivonne: Don't flatter yourself.

Ayo: Too late!

Ugh! She smiled as she shook her head. Turning in her bed, she lay on her stomach with her legs dangling up. This was... Quite entertaining.

Ivonne: 😒 whatever! What do you want?

Ayo: you make it seem like a crime that I'm checking up on you.

Ivonne: Everything has a reason for happening. So you must have a reason for checking up on me.

Ayo: Mm true. So you also must have a reason for not contacting me all this time.

She furrowed her brows.

Ivonne: I don't need to explain myself to you.

Ayo: of course, why am I not surprised by that answer?!

Ivonne: Mm…

Ayo: so I assume you're not gonna tell me about the papers?

Uh oh. Her legs stopped moving and her eyes widened at the message. Surely he didn't know about it... Right?

Ivonne: what papers?

She gulped as she waited for his reply.

Ayo: really? We're gonna play the ' I-don't-know-what-you're-talking-about ' game?

Was it bad that he knew about it? There was no way she was going to pleasure him for a month.


Damn hormones!

Ayo: I got my letter the same day you got yours :)

Ivonne: what are you smiling about? I don't see how this is a happy situation.

Ayo: it's not?

Ivonne: It's not! I'm sure that we don't want this.

Ayo: speak for yourself because I'm dying to see you again :D


She held the phone for a while, not knowing what to reply.if it was Kemi, she would quickly reply ' me too, it's been like forever '. But him, they weren't even on that level.. Wait, rephrase that, they would never be on that level. For some reasons, Kemi's words played back in her head and she quickly discarded it. She shouldn't be thinking about Ayo in that way. He most definitely knew who she was, searched her out on the internet alongside her net worth and wants to flirt his way in, and there was no way she would ever let that happen.

Ayo: hey... You there?

Ivonne: yeah, was just trying to figure out how many girls that line has helped you get.

Ayo: Mm, want me to tell you?

Was she really that curious?

Ivonne: Not interested.

Ayo: really? Because you can get so curious it's actually bad for your health.


Wait, how did he know that?

Could be a lucky guess.

Ivonne: you know nothing about me.

The reply took longer this time and she thought maybe he fell asleep.

Ayo: I know so much about you that if I were to write an exam concerning you, I'd probably be suspected for cheating.

That actually made her laugh. A really good laugh that made her relax. Surely he was kidding. The internet knew nothing about her private life.

Ivonne: Whatever you say!

Ayo: uh huh...

Just that! Nothing more. Well not like she was expecting anything else... Well, she was but c'mon, he was being so chatty and then just... Stopped. Maybe he's just at loss of words.


Who cares!?

She needed him for her company but didn't know how to ask. If only Kemi was here. Ivonne checked the time and gaped, the time was almost 1pm. Kemi was probably sleeping by now or busy with David.

Ayo: you asleep already?

She was actually relieved that he sent a message first.

Ivonne: are you by any chance free later today?

Ayo: Lmao. Well that also answers the question.  Mm, I was planning on going home later today but I'm down for whatever you want to do with me ;)

Ivonne: come over to my place tomorrow.

Ayo: You're not asking.

Ivonne: I know.

After a while.

Ayo: What time?

Ivonne: 10am.

Ayo: Isn't that too early?

Ivonne: do you have anything important to do?

Ayo: Not really... No, why?

Eye roll.

Ivonne: I have something important to discuss with you, it'll probably take a lot of time so you need to be there early. I'll text you my address later.

Ayo: Alright then, 10am it is!

Ivonne: Mm.

Well that was surprisingly fast and very easy.

Ivonne: That's it? You won't even ask why? You'll just come when I tell you too?

She furrowed her brows. She was expecting he'd be all inquisitive.

Ayo: Oh. You wanted me to oppose?

Ivonne: Duh!

Ayo: but you hate it when people oppose to your words and requests. It's past midnight, don't want you to go to bed angry.

A part of her felt... Funny. Like it was flipping. Surely this ' cheesy ' line wasn't making her feel good.

Ivonne: What if I'm leading you to your death?

Ayo: Then lead the way, Mistress. This lowly servant will humbly follow.

More flip flops.

Ivonne: Trusting to much could get you killed.

Ayo: your Mom told you that?

Actually, her mom told Daniella that and Ivonne just happened to be eavesdropping somewhere.

Ivonne: Not discussing my private life with you.

Ayo: you already have.

For some reasons, it felt... True. Like she'd told him everything about herself, her pain, every dammed thing.

Nah, won't happen.

Ayo: I can stay up all night chatting with you, but I'm sure you need your rest so... Good night Ivy.

Ivonne: can you not call me Ivy?

Ayo: here, you picked it not me, plus in going to ignore that because you said so too.

Ivonne: I just invited a psycho to my house.

Ayo: a wonderful night to you too XD

Ivonne locked her phone and dropped it on the night stand. It had been quite fun chatting with him, somehow, she didn't want it to end. But yeah, she needed her rest. She could feel the butterflies in her tummy and she was eager to start the day. Pushing the thought aside, Ivonne rested her head on the soft pillow and was immediately consumed by sleep, but somehow, she could've sworn she heard her phone chime.

Dressed in a body hug green T-shirt, a black crazy Jean and white sneakers, Ayo made his way to Ivonne's house. Although she had not yet sent her address as promised, he knew the way to her place like the back of his hand. He wasn't one to forget roads.

Just to make sure he wouldn't be late, he had risen with the sun, carefully picking out his outfit, straightening it with the pressing iron, quickly had a hair cut that made him look way handsome than ever before. He was certain that she should kneel before him once she comes in contact with his awesomeness.

When he had told Timi that he was heading out to Ivy's, his best friend had been and is still  super excited. Timi had made him promise to spill every detail later. As if he would share his goddess with anyone.

He smirked. "My goddess". He said to himself, testing the words and immediately convinced himself that it was perfect for his lips alone. No one else would call her that.

Ayo glanced at his wrist, he still had time as it was 9:13am. Her place was just a few minutes more. Out of habit, he reached behind him to touch his bag pack. He had packed his laptop and the few clothes he brought to Lekki, telling Timi that he would return home from Ivy's place but he knew very well that the discussion they were going to have would be a very interesting one.

Stopping in front of her gate, he marveled at the house and his eyes could not ignore the sparkling cars by the side. His girl was loaded.

" What do you want?".

Ayo saw a man, shorter than himself facing him, he was quite good looking. From his looks, one could tell that he was in his early 40's. He wore a ring on his finger which indicated that he was married. Thank God for that.

The man's mouth turned down in a deep frown as he in turn studied him.

" Good Morning". Ayo said and immediately, the man's face softened. His mother was right, greeting could perform magic.

Welcome to Naija!

"Morning. What do you want?". He wasted no time in asking. Ayo didn't mind as he was just doing his job.

" Hi, I'm Ayomide and I'm here to see Ivonne".

Immediately he said her name, the man's mouth formed an ' O '.

" Ehn?". The man asked as if he could not believe his ears.

Ayo couldn't help the smile that spread his lips " I said I'm here to see Ivonne".

For some reasons, the man smiled, so much that he gave a small laugh.

" you're here to see Miss. Ivonne? Ah! Sorry oo, but who are you to her?".

" That's what I'm here to figure out" was the reply he gave. " You can call her. She knows I'll be coming over today".

" OK. Gimme a minute". With that, he left.

He patiently waited and when the man returned, he opened that gate and Ayo stepped in.

" I apologize, I was just surprised. My boss is... Well... I didn't expect to see anyone here she rarely ever gets visitors besides her best friend and brother ".

" I know". Truly he did. She would be surprised as to how much he knows about her.

" welcome. I'm Christopher, her chauffeur". He shook his hands. " so are you the guy that will tame my madam?".

Ayo laughed. " only if she wants to be tamed".

He scoffed. " forget that thing. You don't need her consent, tame her, calm her down. That woman in there is lonely. She needs someone. You are a fine young man, now go in there and work your charm".

Ayo couldn't stop laughing as Christopher shooed him away. Making his way to the door, he knocked and the door opened.

She gazed up at him at first in a blank expression but later her face softened and he immediately felt... Welcomed.

" Hi". He said once he found his voice... Well actuallt, once he finished eyeing her from head to toe.

In the blink of an eye, her face was expressionless. "you're 2minutes early". Ayo arched a brow. Really? She rolled her eyes, opening the door wider and mumbled "come in".Following her inside or better yet, following her ass inside... Yes, that's the word. He grinned.

" You have a nice place". He said as he remembered he didn't compliment it before. He noticed the brown boxes in the living room. " what's with the boxes?". He followed her to the kitchen.

"Coffee?" she asked, completely ignoring his question. When he didn't reply, she turned to face him. He stood there, holding his bag and staring at her with one brow raised in a silent question.

Ivonne looked away and began making coffee. She added cream and sugar to her cup, she could still feel his stares on her as the silence was a but heavy in the room. With her cup in hand, she moved to sit on a bar stool and faced him as she raised the cup to her lips. With the way he was looking at her, she suddenly felt naked. Like he stripped her with his eyes. She was wearing a lemon tank top and a black leggings. When she'd gotten the call that he was outside, she had just returned from the shower and immediately dressed. Seeing him outside, with his new haircut that was low to the roots, he looked so fresh and handsome.

She wouldn't conceal the fact that he's looking more handsome than the last time she'd met him.

After a few seconds, she dropped her cup in the counter. " I'm changing my wardrobe". She just couldn't bear it anymore.

She watched as his lips curled up in a smile.  "see? That wasn't so hard now was it? You could've as well saved yourself the trouble and just answered. Now you're gonna go through the stress of making another cup of coffee".  Immediately he said this, he took the cup from the counter and sat on a stool next to her. Raising the cup, he turned the cup to the place where she drank from and put his lips there, his eyes never leaving hers.

Ivonne gulped as she suddenly became hot.

Seems like the AC is due for a change!

" Mmm, tastes good. Iv'e never actually had coffee". He said and Ivonne raised her brows in surprise but immediately acted like she didn't hear anything.

" So, Good morning. How was your night?". Ayo asked as he leaned forward, his head resting on his hand that was on the counter. He was now eye level with her boobs. She saw his eyes glance to it and quickly reverted back to her face with a smug look on his face.

" let's talk about why you're here". She said.

" fine then, have fun talking to yourself". He proceeded to stand from the stool.

" My night was lovely". She said quickly.

Ayo sat back and grinned. " I know it was because of me, no need to thank me".

" do you really have to be a narcissist?".

He shrugged " what can I say? I can't seem to get enough of myself. Oh and my night was great thanks for asking".

" I didn't ask".

" obviously!".

She held his gaze and after a moment, she looked away. A conversation with him would almost be impossible. He was so bubbly and she didn't think she could keep up with that for even a few hours, so having him stay here,  would clearly be impossible.

"so, I'm sure you didn't call me to just sit here and watch you think about things I know nothing about".

Wait. What did that mean?

"Ivy!". He sneered.

" what?". She snapped.

" let me in".

She furrowed her brows. " let you in on what?".

" on your thoughts, duh! Don't think about things I don't know".

"quit acting like a baby". She scolded.

"alright Mom". He grinned. " so yesterday, you said we had things to discuss, let's start talking about them because I'm pretty sure we're gonna disagree for a very very long time, might as well start now".

Oh he's being very thoughtful.

"when I said we had things to discuss, I actually meant that I will state the things I want you to do and you'll agree to it". She said.

Ayo looked at her in astonishment. " What do you think I am? A doll?".

"you're obviously not a doll. Do you think I'd want anything to do with a doll?".

"yes". The reply came calmly.

"yes? Why do you say that?".

" You're bossy and people who are bossy don't like people questioning orders that they give, and we all know that humans can get really curious and inquisitive most of the time. The only thing that would be able to carry out orders all the time without emotional or mental stress in my opinion is a doll".

Ivonne was speechless, seems like there would be no fooling Mr. Gorgeous. Not that she intended too. She opened her mouth to speak but he beat her to it.

" Your lawyer gave me the papers. The one where that proves I was telling the truth that day in bed". He paused " in bed, I like that word. Anyways, that's part of the reasons I came".

Uh oh. This was not going as planned.

" so what do you want me to do? Spread my way for you for a month?". She asked sarcastically.

His lips twitched and Ivonne gaped in horror. "You didn't tell me about the papers last night, in fact, you acted like you didn't know anything about it, which I know is a lie. It was scheduled to be sent to us on the same day. So I figured that since you didn't tell me about it, something's up. So what is it?".

Damn! He's smart and damn her hormones to smart guys!

He's figured it out, she only hoped this won't be a problem. She was about to speak when he interrupted.

" Tell me everything. Don't hold back, 'cause from the looks of it, you really need me if not, we would be having a word slam right now but you'll be the one doing all the talking. So Ivy, I want to know every little detail. If we're gonna be fucking, might as well be honest with eachother ".

"ugh" she groaned in disgust. " don't use that word for it. Makes it extremely dirty. Jeez!". She smiled and palmed her face.

Ayo blinked back in surprise " oh my! Are you... Are you blushing right now?".

Ivonne quickly arranged her face and looked away " No, let's get back to the talk".

"Mmm... The truth Ivy".

She should be mad that he's calling her that. Even Kemi can't use that name on her and go away without a scream. Maybe she wasn't saying it with the same passion and... Care that Nelson uses.

Rubbish! He's just trying to make her fall for him so he can take away all her property and Fame.

You're smarter than this. She said to herself.

Damn right you are!


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