They were all just talking and telling each other with great interest and if it is a story written in some books.

Henry made everyone listened to the story with great interest and was very eagerly telling the incident to everyone. 

       And as it has nothing to do with reality and as if it's only made to fulfill the Hunger of enthusiast readers.And only made to fulfill the Hunger of rumour mongers. 

They were taking it as its all a sort of pass the free time. 

They were all eager except Sel, coming from one topic to the other, as its giving them enormous tell these ghost stories to each everyone else not come to any conclusions but to enjoy as it excites them so much. 

To know the bitter consequences is very good...of spreading false rumours...very good. 

But what to do when what is happening is real and the real is getting into its shape by the passing of time.

A Love knows no truth or false.


But only knows to get what it's heart desires and feels content in. And if it's a love thirsty for a thousand will not get back...any any cost...not on the cost of life as well.....

 It goes to every limit to get back his love.💔

And In case it's a King of Thousand years old Lost Empire World....who is Blood thirsty for his desires to be fulfilled.....Again..

Who's waiting for his beautiful come him once again...And don't let her go again....

🖤 🖤

Who's cruel enough to not let anyone shake his decision even a bit... ⚔

Who is ruling his kingdom from countless times...Alone... ⚔

Who's obsession is enough to put his own and every single realm on stake... 

Who's only wish is to make his every wish to be true....

The World Spirits bestowed after him. To not let anyone speak a single word after him.

To make him cruel...

To make him win every single battle...

To make him conquer every single dynasty he put an eye on.....

How much would he put into, to get his love back once again..❇⚜. ❇ .⚜❇



Sel and Millie were about to go home and stood up to inform them that they are leaving now.

"Guys,we are leaving.Thanks for today." Millie said.

"Yeah...we enjoyed today too.By the way don't forget to come early, on time tomorrow," Henry said. 

"Yeah,we will be on time tomorrow. Don't worry. "Millie said. 

"Sel,you would come tomorrow right," Henry asked.

"Ah...yep,i will try to come, definitely," she said.

"Try to...No Sel, you have to come, right Millie," Henry says so as Sel got no chance to deny. 

"Yeah, Sel you have to come tries...Okay." Millie said. 

"yaa...okay."Sel said. 

They got up to leave and said to greet the Lara. 

"We are leaving Lara,bye."They both said.

Lara,"Bye..."she was noticing Sel the whole time she was in the bookstore,totally lost and in anxiety and fear. She could sense that there was something wrong with her. 

With her expressions with her body language and the way she usually behaves.

She really did want to ask what is bothering her today so much and what is the reason...

But it all depends only on Sel...whether she wants to share her problems to any one or not. 

All she wanted to say is,"Sel, are you okay? And if something is not right, you can tell me alright."

But in contrast she has to say,"Sel,Take care. And if need any advice just come to me. " 

Sel,"Yaa...sure...Lara Goodbye." she knew somehow that to what Lara was referring to. And what she meant by need advice. She knew that she has felt that she is in deep chaos right now... 

But what she could do right now,is not to tell anything to anyone as it only will spread rumours among the people.

And the room for fake subjects in the whole town.

She remains quite as to what she was experiencing these days.

But all of these different things or evidence she was getting...all leading her to believe that what she sensed the few times...was not all just the lies…..

She pretended in front of Millie that she is no longer thinking about those things any more.And forget it by this time. 

They just reached the corner of the road...

and then they heard Henry and others...calling them on. 

"Sel,Millie stop,just wait for us, we are coming too." Henry said. 

Both of them stopped as they saw them coming.

"You guys are coming with us too." 

"Yaa...we are leaving too. So we thought that we should go together."

"Okay. Then,Let's go."Millie said. 

They all were going home together.By talking,laughing,joking and making their own ideal world inside of their minds. 

As they all were matching with the yellowish glow of the sky. Their glow with that of the saffron traces of the sun and smiles with the gorgeous shining day. 

It was a breakthrough for both Sel and Millie as after their summer vacations,it was the first time that they had so much fun. And hang out with their friends.

Henry and Sel were also close friends. Have known each other since childhood.They were also good friends in the school, always chatting, spending time with each other and hanging out after the school.

But as they grew up, the differences of thoughts and ideas really affected their friendship a lot.Henry grew up to be a carefree guy whereas Sel is just a kind of disciplinary, in her home and the school. And Henry does not like this kind of behavior of her.

And there by the distance eventually grew up between the two. 

But they still meet each other often.And their friendship still lies deep its roots. 

Millie reached her home and said farewell to others.She said,"Bye,Sel and Henry. We will meet tomorrow. Okay bye."

 Whereas Abigail left...for her home before it. 

"Bye, Millie, see you tomorrow." Sel said. 

"Bye, Henry,"Millie said. 

"Bye," he said. 

Henry and Sel leave for home while others have left.

 Both of them were walking quietly as no-one was saying anything. But they knew that one has to start it up himself. 

It takes longer to reach Henry's home as it was a bit farther than her home. However they got their home along the same route. 

Henry could take another route but wanted to drop her home. 

It was Henry to start up the talks... As he knows that Sel would not make it up first. 

He said,"So, you are coming at the festival tomorrow right." 

"I will try okay."she said. 

"You should come.i know that it's hard to get permission for you...but it's these things that we appreciate later."he said. 

"I know. I did not know you could give life lessons too."Sel said. 

"I only meant that one should experience the life to its fullest. Otherwise it is a matter just to regret later." henry said. 

"I think It is none of your business to think about that.i can think about that myself."she said. 

"I care for you. That is why I said so."he says. 

" Ohh so you cared about me.Why can not you care about me when you chose to lie to me ?"she said angrily even still not match the eyes with him. 


"I have reached my home. Bye." she said,turning and not looking back to see even at once. 

Henry,"Sel, I'm...I'm sorry," he said to himself as Sel had already left. 

Sel,as she reached the home she closed down the door and got by the window side to see Henry as he left. 

Her feelings are complicated and just that she wants to escape every time. From every question and from every single answer she already knows. ~

Henry got his home a while longer than it takes to reach Sel 's home. 

She reached her room and suddenly its all of her memories came back at once as she got her eyes got towards the washroom. 

It's door kept her all traumas to come at once and to last... 

All of her worries really got blurred in the meantime...when they ,she and Millie and Henry and her friends, were all together. And she really did forget about all those things. 

But now she has to face it all...all by herself…

She could do two things that time...if is to break down and surrender. Or face every single trauma in its eyes and never give up. 

Whether It is the Love or life,one has to keep himself as the priority ever...

So that he can choose the one with whom he would be the most amazing with. 

Sel heard her mom saying from down stairs to get fresh and come down for the dinner. 

But she was numb. From all those things that she experienced that morning. This time she really wants someone to be on her side. 

By leaving all her pride and delicacies, she really wanted someone to hold her hand and stay...this time. 

She thinks,"if I could have even Henry this time, by my side,I have not argued even a bit. 

She really was getting scared as she gets close to the door. She wanted to go and tell her mom everything but she did not dare. 

Or if her mom would be in double she was not even herself assured that it was real or her imagination. 

Somehow she opened the door of the washroom,and looked inside...

It was all calm and quiet as it used to be. But the rare experience was not letting her behave the same. 

"I have to be stronger.Look there is nothing in here..." she said to herself. 

"I have to be strong...I have to be strong…"

she keep saying repeatedly.

"There is no one inside...There is no one inside..."

Somehow as she looked it all, she thought that it would be all just her illusions...may be caused due to the rumours she had heard. And may be she is thinking too much about it. 

Got freshened up and feeling quite refreshed and light after getting a shower… quite risen up her soul. 

She was feeling High now...after a good day with the friends after such a long time.

Forgetting all that went wrong today, she chose to be on the bright side...

She went down for dinner and feeling very relaxed...

She almost told everything about the day to her mom in a single half an hour and still not stopping. 

She came up and tiring almost every extent....lied down on her bed...after a long day. 

She could only fell asleep within moments after laying down...

She was feeling light and relaxed,even in her dreams and flaws…..🌸

May be looking for the person of her dreams...

But she did not know that her destiny is already been tied to a devil king.

Who would want to spend countless lives only by side forever.

And will go to any limits to make it happen.  

May be this is the only way to keep her as his one and only.

He has to try enormous ways to win her heart.

Will he succed ?

Or his heart will be changed by her goodness....

He may put a spell on her to become light as a feather...and forget everything. And live in the deepness of these moments...with him forever.

who always wanted her grow in the light of his own world and never let her come back.

How cruel this love would be. 🖤

And How far will it win her true love. 




🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸 🌸






This king is so exciting and I cant wait for the next chapter 😍😍😍 and the art is so beautiful



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