"Devil's arriving soon."

"Love, hatred, devil, I don't understand anything."she said. 

"You will understand when the right time comes."

Sel was stunned and was not really able to reply back or say anything anymore. And was just trying to figure out what does the old man meant.

"Sel, let's go."Henry said. 

They both distanced themselves from the place and went up some where else. 

"Look Sel, there Millie and Abigail are. Let's go and see them."he said. 

"Yeah." she said.

"Here you've been, we were looking for you. Where did you go? Millie asked. 

"Ahh..we have been at the tarot reader nearby."

"Oh..there's a tarot reader here.i want to go too."Abigail said. 

"No,let's go somewhere else now."he said. 

May be he knew that it has become an awkward situation for Sel, Henry tried to change the topic and calm it down for her. 

Having a good friend by your side,is really a blessing. That will help you out in every little way. 

"Hey Henry, let's go to other places."they said. 


"hey, look 'pick-up the bears' let's go play."


"Yess, let's go."Millie said. 

They went out to play numerous games Eat many different food and showed their creativity. It was really a happy day. For a of them.

"Hey, see Sel, I've got the bear.now you try."

"no, no, I won't."

"Let me try,"Henry said. 

"okay,you try."

Henry picked up the stick and started the struggle. He picks up the bear and in two moves, it dropped. It was happening every time he picked up a random bear. 

"Come on Henry, we are waiting." 

"Just look, I am trying my best."

"How much you are gonna take,huh,ten years ?" Millie said. 

"Come, give it to me."

"No,Millie you stay away.i will do it my way." he said. 

"it would take us the whole night,it seems."

"Let me try once, okay."

"This time I will definitely going to get this." he said. 

The determined grip of the holding hands really can tell that he is into it. He grabbed the stick and put the whole focus on one thing. 

This time he really did that. Took out the reward and walked closely towards the Sel. 

"Sel,it's for you. Please take it."

"Ahh..for me. But.."

"It's a gift from a friend to another friend. Please take it."he said. 

"I..I..Okay. I will take it."she knows that he really did a lot of work to get it and so it would be rude to refuse his gift like this. 

"Okay then,let's go to a different place now. Millie said. 

"No, I think it's going shady now. So we should leave. 

"Oh..come on Sel, it's not going to dark now. There is still time." Millie said. 

"But we should leave before it gets dark now.You read the warning at the town hall right." 

"We are not kids Sel. We are grown ups. Let's stay for a while."

"It's okay,Sel, We still have time. Don't be afraid." Henry said. 

"let's go there. I saw a big boardino there." She said. 

The two girls went along their way, in their own enjoyment and a sense of amusement. 

But did not realize that it's really running out of time now. 

"Look, A crystal ball."Abigail said.

"Wow, a Crystal Ball."

"yeah,I heard that a crystal ball really tells the future." 

"I want to go. I really want to know my future."Millie said. 

"Yeah, Sel, Henry let's go."

"Okay, we are coming."Henry smiled. 

"let's buy the tickets, Millie. Let's go."

They enter the tent house of the crystal ball palace. And it was looking majestic. 

They have never been to this kind of different places. 

It was like a new world,full of wizards and magical powers.Different light balls and sculptures. 

"It's really awesome,look Millie,full of Stars. So magical." 

"Yeah, I have never been in this kind of place before." she said. 

"Let's go,search for the crystal lady who's going to tell the future."

"Yaa...let's hurry." 

They went inside and doing nothing but gazing. 

"Hey,where is the owner?"Henry asked. 


They all stunningly looked, as the sound came down the ears. 

"Welcome, my dear friends."

A wizard looking man said to them. "You must be looking for us. Right."

"Yeah..Yeah..we were looking for you,right friends."

"Yeah right. But, where did you appeared from suddenly."Millie asked. 

"I was here the whole time, my lucky lady."

"Lucky lady ? Haha, Thank you so much." Millie smiled,being a little embarrassed. 

"You are too much."

No, no, you are indeed a lucky lady. If not, how would you end up here. Haha." the Dwarf said. 

"Haha, you are right." she says.

 "What a self proclaimed man." 

"Yeah right.."Henry said. 

"Ohh..so let's take us to the crystal ball, we can't wait anymore." Millie says. 

"Yeah, Sure, come follow me everyone."

He took them inside the main zone where the magical crystal appeared. 

"Hey look, there it is."

"Woooowww." it's so glorious." Millie said. 

Everyone's eyes were on the shining crystal and it's magnificent appearance. It was huge yet alluring. And A peace to be admired. 

"Yeah it's incredible."

"Where's the owner of this place?" Henry asked. 

"Guys we should hurry, it's getting late. We gotta go." 

"It's an honor to serve you, my dear young lady."

A soothing voice appeared to call. 

And soon an elegant beauty,in White,came from apar the curtains. 

It's looking like someone aged but quite unique in personality. 

"Young..young lady?" Sel asked in a confused manner. 

"Yes, my lady."she says. 


"Haha,our lady always regards people like this." the dwarf said. 

"Haha, sorry to scare you all like that." she said. 

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay. We are fine."

"Come one by one and have a seat."

Abigail came and sat down, "please tell me my future, I really want to know what lies in the future for me."

"Yeah, sure.Just look innocently at the crystal ball.Crystal ball, tell us about this young girl." she said. 

Abigail looked inside the ball but did not found anything. 

Suddenly the crystal bloomed. It was shaking and shining amazingly. 

The lady seemed like she was trying to see something. 

"Little girl, I am seeing that you are a traveler. And So a passionate lover. So you will find so many men in the future."But a true one will always be by your side." 

"What..Many men.. I..I don't believe this."

"Next Please."the dwarfy said. 

"Oh, me, me."Millie said. 

The procedure repeated and so the ball shined.

"I can see you talk a lot."

"Yeah, right."Henry said. 

"You are also a great friend. May be you will be a sports athlete some day and find your happiness in it."

"Okay,thanks, haha."

"Sel, you go."

"No, no you go first I'm not interested."

"But why Sel, it's fun,come and try it."

"Seems like young lady is not convinced yet." 

"No, no it's not like that."

"My dear lady, please come and have a seat."

Just because of the embarrassment she unwillingly came and have to have a seat.

"Young lady,please look closely in the magic ball." she said. 

Sel saw into the crystal ball and gazing at how it actually is.

It was round colour sprinkles embedded in it, and transparent on the outside surface. She did not really find anything in it, no matter how much effort she put to explore the round shining ball. 

"What..what do you found about Sel?"Henry said. 

She took a close look at the ball and then her face. Stunningly she was gazing at Sel, Like that of a miracle. 

She patiently says "I can see your future."

"You must be a Kind hearted girl. Though you are living a simple life now, it won't be like this in the future. 

"You must meet every challenge with courage."

"I will tell you a secret, "Someone's coming to meet you up." she slowly whispered.

"A Pretty Soul attracts the Devil. You must have heard of this."

"Come here and she whispered something in Sel 's ears..."A Devil is going to arrive soon." 

Sel did not understand any words of her and was listening to everything in a daze. 

"Bye." And she greeted. 

"Ah..okay then bye." Henry tried to ease out the awkwardness. 

She was still tired of all of this. 

She turned back to look at her and saw she was still smiling at her. 

It was all very strange and so she went back hurriedly. 

It was getting dark. The clouds have turned and the sun was drowning. The winds were getting cooler and so does the streets going less crowded. 

Look, we got late. I told you before that we should leave."Sel said. 

"Ahm..relax Sel, it's not that late. We will make it on time." Henry said. 

"Yeah, first take a picture of us."Millie said. 


They all four posed for the photo at the festival gate. And took it as a treasure before they leave. 

"Let's go for the bus,first."

"Look there's one coming." 

"Yeah, let's go." they all shouted. 

And ran towards the bus. 

It was a great atmosphere here at the festival. They all enjoyed a lot together after a long time. 

A good breeze and a sunny day. All came at the right time. 

The Dazzling smile of the faces of all of them, could never be less appreciated. And so their bond together. 

The bus took more than an hour to reach the town. And it already turned black in the sky. 

Sel was kinda worried. Millie,abigail already slept. 

"Millie, Abigail, wake up.Look we have reached the town."

"Haah.."Millie woke up yawning. And spread her ankles. "We have reached so soon."

"Are you kidding,it's already dark."Sel said. 

"Oh I see."she said. 

"Come on,let's get down,hurry." 

They all went down one by one and steadily said goodbye. 

Abigail,"bye,Guys I'm leaving."

"Okay bye."

The three left on the town side, still have to take a long road. Which crosses the dark forest. 

"We got late. Just because of you guys. Mom's going to scold me a lot." Sel said. 

"It's okay, Sel. It's just for one day."Millie said. 

"You just stop talking. You heard the warning on the town hall right. Not wander around the forest at night."she said. 

"Don't stress out Sel.Look we have enjoyed a lot today right."Henry said. 


Millie,"it's still not that late Sel, look many people are still walking on the streets." 

"Yeah, but it's not that bright."

"Look Sel there's so many lights on the bridge side." Millie went towards the river side. 

"Stop Millie,don't go there."

"I did not noticed that they even decorated the whole area of the Bridge."

"Yeah,in daylight, it must not be visible."he said. 

"Sel, look our spot, it's decorated too."

"yeah it must be a hard work."Henry said. 

"Yeah, it's beautiful."

"That's why so many people have gathered here."Millie said. 

"But we should go now. We are literally late."

"Let's stay for a while Sel. Just some more time.After that we will leave."

"No, let's go."

"Look it's so serene here." And she sat on the bench facing the river side. 

They already got on the bridge and did not really realised that. 

The chatting became lesser and the silence became louder. 

"Look there's a full moon today, Henry." 

Among the lesser going crowd, they found it more breezing.🍃 

Star studded night sky, with a full moon, creates an elegant view for them. But it still has many different meanings. 🖤🖤 

For the Lovers and so for the Spirits. 

Does it influence them? 


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