All of these things...that were being happening these past few days...were all a sort of big delusion ...for Sel.
Sel was in a big chaos,confused and was in puzzles after all these things happened one by one.
Sel was deeply muzzled inside...she did not categorize as if it is all true or she is having multiple illusions day by day...
As in the morning,there were strange sounds of breaths from the shower and now someone calling her name.
Are they all Real...or it is just her imagination...
She went with Millie,leaving the place with a great daze…
She was still looking see who really called her...but there was no one.
No one was really there...
She turned back...and went straight to leave the place...and did not look back...
They went to the town market and went to see the Bookstore.
The bookstore is the place where they come to spend their free time...and for Sel,it is the place to collect the books of her choice... which are mainly the romantic and mysterious novels which she likes the most.
It is a place where she finds solitude and can be herself...the most.
It allows her to be...who she is...who she wants to and got lost in her own entire world.
A world of her own imagination.
Sel and Millie entered the bookstore 📚
Millie, "Hey,Lara...How are you...?"
Lara,"hey Millie,i am are you two..?"
Lara is the owner of the Bookstore.And a dear friend of them. Actually she is a dear friend of everybody who comes in the store.
She is a kind lady. And a very renowned person in terms of her knowledge.
She literally knows each and everything... about each and every book in the store and many more...that could help children in students in any manner.
From history to Geography...From Science and technology to literature...She has known to have almost every answer to every question.
She is a living Wikipedia, to be called by the students.
She is a skilled librarian plus a good friend and a great guide..
To let children see through the eyes of their hearts...
She is an inspiration to many...and to be of many more in the future. 🌺
Having a good heart and her great communication skills...of her...really helped her connect with as many students of the town...that they like to spend their time after in this peaceful and inspiring environment..
In this place of full solitude and serenity, children knows how to find...their answers to each and every question...much frequently and effectively.
Sel finds her inner peace here too...To live in the freshness of its air and vibes💙
Sel and Millie got sit in the their very usual place. Millie keep staring here and there.Keep finding what to read amongst the many that are there.
After spending so much time on selecting she got what to spend her idle time on so she got sit up with it.
She said,"Sel,did you find what to read..? Look what I have got,"dragon amulet"...isn't it great...? what's say..?"
Sel was still thinking about the noises she keep hearing. She thought if she should tell about it to her mom or not...what if she does not believe or if she starts panicking too...
No,i can not tell mom..."
She kept struggling with these thoughts unless Millie stirred her up...and asked,"Sel, you are thinking again...?
"Huh...N...No...i am not thinking anything... why do you think so?``''she said.
"Just because you were deeply lost in your own world just now..."
"Come on,tell me,you are still thinking about those noises...which only you hear...right"
"Ahh...yup...i mean I can not stop myself from indulging in these thoughts..."
"I mean I really heard someone calling me." Sel said
"It can be possible that you are having sudden delusional hallucinations kind of feelings...right.It can be possible right..." Millie said.
"How can it be possible...?",Sel said.
"So,you are having nightmares these few days...?"Millie asked.
"No...i did not."Sel said with a deep sigh of disappointment as she was tired and tired over these weird experiences she started facing from now on.
" do not worry't think much about these things now…"
"Why don't you believe me...i am saying that I am not lying nor am I sick...i did hear some noises...first thing in the morning,during the shower and now on the bridge..."she said.
"Okays...okays...i believe you okay. Don't take much pressure on your self.You read a book. Come on take it."Millie said
"And don't think about it much now...just forget it."Millie said.
She handed over a book to Sel .And both pretended like nothing happened.While there was so much to strive for...but there was nothing resourceful to mention...nor to tell to anyone.
There was a deep silence in both the outer and the inner worlds.As both could only experience each other but can not be a part of their worlds..Ever !
It could be both their destiny and their cruel fate...that they could only watch each other suffering...
They are for each other but could not meet...They care for each other but can not see...They love each other...from the very limits...but could only let feel each other...💜
There were subconscious feelings and subconscious each other... Despite the thousands of years of the barriers...resulted in the differences of the moralities of the species...but they could only hear the voice of their hearts...that was still speaks thousand years old language...
Despite all the hardships that one his thousand lives...there is still the same heart that breathes and still the same hope that lives on.....☘☘☘
The Librarian Lara was spotting Sel from a long time...that she was not as she used to be today.And looking in a huge daze and looking quite confused.
She went to Sel and says,"Hey,Selena and Millie,how are you doing these days?"
Millie,"Hey,Lara,we are fine,how are you?"
"I am fine,Sel,"how are you ?"
"I am fine,lara...thanks"
"Well,if you are fine then why are you looking quite lost today?"Lara asked.
"Not feeling good !!"
* am fine. Just a little tired." she said.
"You are that case you should take some rest at home,right."
"No,its just that Millie and I promised to spend the weekend together. So,that's why we are walking down the town."
"Oh...that's great." then you guys enjoy yourselves."
"Sel, if you encounter any problem so feel free to ask,okay...I am just there at the reception."
"Okay...thank you Lara."She said.
"See,Lara got your anxiety too. She just read your face.She could easily see through you that you were lost."
Millie said.
"I told you to not think about it right. Why are you not stopping thinking about it..huh..."she says.
"I was not thinking about it...right,"she said.
They were sitting in silence again as soon as Lara left.One having her book in her mind and hands. And the other one still deeply drown in her own world and thoughts.
Sel were trying to be calm and as if nothing happened. She was pretending as if she is just normal. And that as nothing is bothering her. She was struggling to divert her thoughts from those experiences to something else. And was miserably failed to do so.
It was almost afternoon. And everyone having their leisure time at the Lara 's Bookstore. ☀🌺
Both the girls were sitting down...with silence on their lips...and just then a bunch of students ran into them.
Sel and Millie saw their schoolmates entering the bookstore.
They saw them and rapidly come towards them...
"Hey,Sel and Millie,hii,you guys were here too."
"HI,Yup we are just enjoying ourselves here...during the free time."Millie said.
"Yeah,we are just hanging out here too.And as its the weekend so we are free too."Henry,one of their classmates,said.
"Hey,Sel,how are you?''he said.
"Hey...Henry,I am good."she said.
"So,what are you guys doing on weekends? "he asked by sitting next to the girls.
"Eh...we are thinking of going to the Origami Paper Festival this weekend."Millie said.
"Oh...that's great.We are thinking of going there too."
"Sel,Are you coming?", he asked.
" too."She said.
" why don't we go there together...
that will be a great idea...right Millie."
"yeah...that will be great. Isn't it Sel?"
"yeah."she said.
"Okay...So that's fine now. We would go there together. Millie, give me a high-five."
" do."
" the way have you guys prepared for the school? It's going to resume next week."
"No,I have not yet.I am feeling sad that vacations are going to end next week."
" the way have you guys listen about the guy that disappeared in the forest last week..."he says.
"Haa...what...which boy? I did not heard of it."Millie asked.
"yup...I knew you must have not heard about it..."
"You heard about that guy that works behind our university...after the school."
"Yaa...i know that one who works in the garden behind the University after the school hours.Yaa, I have seen him he used to work in our school from a very long time. He also lives in the high school."
"So what about him?"Millie asked.
"People are saying that he does not work for the school any more."Henry said.
"He left the school."
"He said that he used to work till late in the evening. And that when he saw something terrible in university."henry told them.
He said that during the summer vacation, when he was living in the school dormitory and that one day he saw someone coming out from the woods behind the university.
It came and disappeared within moments...
He said he tried to go in the woods and see who it was.
When he went after it,it became slow and suddenly turned towards him. And in moments, it disappeared.
He really panicked after that and ran towards the dormitory. And never looked back. He was so frightened that he could not able to speak...for a whole day.
"Later on he told the school authorities all about it. He told them about the incident but they made a Joke of him. He really could not take it any more so he lastly had to resign and leave the job."Henry told them the whole incident.
"He is really jobless now...but can not take the risk of going back there."
"It's really terrifying experience right….."
"Yaa...right…and he is really scared till now." Abigail,another classmate of them, said.
"Ya...but How do you know all this?" Sel asked.
"Yup,we met him recently. And He is now living with his grandma in the same village." Henry said.
"I don't believe all these fake nonsense. It's all just the same ghost stories that we had heard from childhood."Millie said as she knew that Sel would definitely get stuck in it so she pretended like its all fake and just man made stories.
"I don't know.but we just told what we have heard." Abigail said.
"Yeah...and look now they have put a warning board at the town hall."Henry said.
It was all just aura. A mysterious aura...
There were definitely some kind of exercise being the unknown energies to get into the human race.
May be for a purpose...a very deep purpose.
Maybe Love.❤
Or May be Revengeful Love. 🖤
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Updated 18 Episodes
Sweety 💕
It's amazing..... 👍👍👍👍👍
Scary 👻
The mysterious Aura
amaazinggggg............ ❤👍❤👍
Wow !!!!! the decorations are very good.. 👍👍 and I think this story is getting more and more interesting.... humm ..😍😍