The Desire inside ...

So , in the meantime, they were just gazing at each other.

Both of them were just thinking about how they just got saved from Lacy's mother as if she knew anything about what they were arguing ,  she would definitely be not very happy and just get angry and told them to stay at home and would not let them go anywhere. 

" So, what are you guys doing planning to do on weekends..? Lacy told me that you two are going to study at your home….. "

" Is it right Millie ? " Her mom asked while eating her food… . 

" Huh .. Yes aunty, we are going to stay at home and study at my place and not going anywhere., Millie said suddenly while being nervous  as she was being asked….. 

" huh… not going anywhere… ? `` she asked . 

" ahh… she is saying that we are not going anywhere and just stay at home to study may be if  you think like that… " lacy said. 

" Hmm okay… then, finish your lunch fast then. " she went straight to the kitchen with the plates. 

" what are you doing, Lacy asked. This way mom  would doubt us more, don't you know….." ,lacy  asked frequently. 

" Let's  finish the lunch then and go " Millie started eating the lunch with more of her speed. 

" I am done , lacy said while picking up the plates. 

" I am done too, Millie said just after that and just started preparing to leave. 

" We are going, " they said. 

" Okay ,  enjoy yourselves ,"  her mom said, " but be sure to come on time lacy before the sunset , okay. " 

" Fine mom, I will….. I will come before the sunset  " , Lacy said by assuring her mother that she would come on time. 

They went on their way , riding their bicycles along with the small streets in the town . 

Millie still thinking about how to make Sel agreed to go with her to the other river side.

Thought it was  an abandoned forest , from about  decades , it was yet beautifully crafted.  The forest has multiple kinds of trees. 🌲 And different kinds of rare herbs and flower plants …… 

And they were still preserved there ,  don't know by whom..... . . in huge numbers , despite being the forest was abandoned .. It never seemed, by looking at the forest  , that it is an abandoned and haunted one…...


But it was never really abandoned ....... Why…..... That is because all the birds and it's species never left it… .. They were never been haunted … .. And living with the same beauty as before… The reason… .the whole village still wants to find out… ......

 It was an attraction of the village, during the days and a sort of haunt , turned during the nights… .. 

During the days,  there were chirps of the birds,  all over the town….. People wake up with the sounds of them… .. Make their routine starts …. 

              But during the nights  , it becomes a sign of  strangeness … that no one wants to cross the bridge after sunset….  No one even dares to look at it…. 


The strange sounds of the owls , makes it even worse… ..for them …. People near the river Beasel scared , don't really come out at midnight… . the sounds of the wolf,  flowing water… .. Haunts people a lot… ..

 Even if it's just normal things 

The villagers,  never ever dared to go to the other side of the river… .. 

" So , Sel , how are you going to fulfill your dare  , huh…. " Millie said as she just wanted to remind her of her promise and to go in the river side with her. As she was the one who had long wanted to go to the other side of the river. 

" I have already told you that I am not going anywhere  , why don't you understand it. "

" It is not right, Sel , I did not know you are that scared huh ..… " and  she smiled blushingly.  

" I am not scared. It's just that I do not want to disobey mom…. That's it just….. " , she said by justifying herself.  

It was dusk almost ….. the sun about to escape….. The Rain clouds were over there… with raining a little …. with  the orange dense sky ….. They reached the passage of the bridge of the town. 

            The little wind , near the river , blowing down the ears… …. there were a few people passing down the bridge … and the roads…… all seem to fulfill the dream of an unknown desire… .. 🍃

The girls reached the bridge too .... And stopped at the usual stop of theirs…  Shiny a little… with rainy clouds… wet floor and atmospheric bliss…. So cold…..  


This is usually the best  part of the day for them…. For just to stay still and look at the never ending scenery of the town….. Mesmerizing look ….. Evens the dazzling sound of the chirps….. 

Standing at the top right  , near the shabby lamp, both of them , just , appeared to look in a daze no one was saying anything to anyone .. but staring…  

Staring at the enchantment of the bluish sky… . with  a velvet touch ….. , of the wooden bridge as well… . Of those few people passing by… who were  playing a part… but appears to be a part of the view a cold shy , evening… 

It was a numb pleasure ….. that really binds the people of the village..... ..   that one feels through their nerves….. To get down from the minds and full theirs souls … .. with a numb pleasure… .. 

" It's beautiful… right , " she said. " Yaa  , it is… as usual… ," Millie replied. 

" So,  Sel, what are you going to do with your dare,  huh… " Millie reminded her. "You know that you have a dare to complete , right …." , don't be so stubborn now…." Just Go!!!! 

" You  still want to talk about that thing…" , don't be silly…  you should just forget about it now… " , Selena said. 

" You are being a coward now, Sel,  you should not behave like this , it is just a rule of the game.. Right…" , Millie , convincing Sel.  

" Look,  there , the scenery is so beautiful… , right… " Sel said, by trying to distract the topic. 

" Don't try to be smart. I know ,  you are just trying to make me forget about that … huh ".

" Sel , what do you think would be the story of that forest ( dark forest ) ,  why those people say strange things about this place. " The place , which  was always there ... At a distance ... which has always been there in front of their eyes…  they can watch it… .but never can really reach it…. 

" What do you think those creepy things ... would those things be real…. " , Millie asked. 

" Millie  , I know you are interested in this place … a lot…  from when we were children… .but we are unable to go there…  also it's not safe… . Do you understand this… ." , Sel said.  

" Yaa  , I know ,"  she said by keeping her eyes stuck at the beautiful plus mysterious place. "  

Sel  was an  enthusiastic  and adventurous girl  herself. She likes to  search for the new things , and  going to new places , in search of  her never ending curiosity. 

Going  to that place  , was an unsaid desire of  unconscious heart… . That seems to be impossible… . But  Heart really does belongs to where it's lines lies …. 💖

Looking at that place  , from when she was a child  , only questions arises on her  mind ... which was….. what lies in  that place so far … Who lives there ...  As a child, she wanted to go there and look out for new what lies there…. .what kind of place is this… 

There  was a never  ending attraction for that place…  in her… between her and the forest… . Like  an invisible thread of intimacy and secrecy ... lies only between  them …..

Going  to that  forest , was simply out of her reach…  she was unable to go over there… but that never meant she never wants to go there… .

There was an unexplainable will… inside of her… .that attracts her to go over there…. In that forest  …. 

Like  Someone  wants her…......   Wants her to come in the forest… ... itself …... . To satisfy it's soul… ..from a hundred thousand decades...... That can only be done by her......only she can does.......

     "  A demand ... that never been  said… but Destined… . " 

A  never  ending Will….. 

" that never says anything..... Who has been never listened… .. Whom has no one ever spoken ….. but feels……... "  

A Relationship of Hope and Life …. A Treaty Between  Light and Darkness…..........


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