Episode 04
ln the heart of the quite corner of modern apartment in America...jeon Jungkook lay asleep...his tousled brown hair spilled over his forehead....the lips parted ....the soft glow of morning light makes look angelic.....his apartment was simple and serene....with pastel colours....stark contrast to luxury.....
The apartment was quite ...with a sigh jin entered the room ...his footsteps light on the polished wood floor....the 27 year old omega had been Jungkook's manager for years....but most importantly...he was his closest friend....
Jin paused for a moment...looking at the young alpha sprawled on the bed shirtless... Jungkook handsomeness was effortles.....even in his sleep ...his sharp yet beautiful features ...his full lips with piercing on it.....his sharp jawline....and the long eyelashes brushed his cheeks made him almost ethereal....
Jin gently nudged Jungkook's shoulder ...
kim seok jin
Kook ..wake up...you have got a shoot in an hour....lets go Mr global star ....
Jungkook groaned softly ...his eyes fluttering open....he blinked a few times ....as he rubbed his face ...
Jeon jungkook
Five more minutes....jin...just five more minutes...*he said groggily..*
kim seok jin
Five minutes always turn into an hour with you...lf you don't get up now we will be late...l swear one of these days l will hire someone else to be your alarm clock....
Jungkook sat up slowly...his voice raspy from sleep...
Jeon jungkook
l swear you live to torture me ...
kim seok jin
Jin chuckled leaning against the doorframe...." you need to be up kook ...by the way ..how is grandma..??
Jungkook face saddened as he thought about his grandma....
Jeon jungkook
l am worried about her...her health has been bad lately...and she is not getting better ..
kim seok jin
l am sorry kook but you should be with her ....you know you can take time off if you need to...
Jeon jungkook
l am thinking about it....
kim seok jin
lf you need anything just let me know....you don't have to carry this alone ....
Jeon jungkook
Jungkook gave him a small smile..." thanks jin ... l am fine ..lets get to work....
Jin went towards the kitchen to make some light break fast for him.... after he left jungkook ran a hand though his messy hairs....he let out a deep sigh... his mind drifting to something he had been thinking from days....
Wrapping everything up here and moving to korea ...
After his parents tragic accident when he was 18 years old....his grandma had been his only anchor...the only warmth in his lonely world ....she was the only one person left in his world who he truly felt like family....
And now lt was time.... thankfully moving back to korea would not mean starting all over .....his company HYBE was a korean entertainment company....and though he had been working under their American branch ... transitioning to their headquarters in Seoul is seamless ....his career would not suffer....
lt was the perfect opportunity...he could be with his grandmother... and still continue doing what he loved ...music ..
As he stood up ... Jungkook made a silent decision....he would tell jin soon ....he would start making arrangements....
love it ! so interesting 🥰😍