Episode 14

The next day, Anya left early to get the medication she needed and took the opportunity to stop by the market and do some shopping.

Meanwhile, Mark ended up falling asleep, slumped over his laptop, and when he noticed Lorenzo stirring, he went to him quickly: "Please don't move, your ribs are broken and you have other injuries."

Lorenzo looked at him in confusion: "How did you find me? Where's Willy?"

Mark calmed him down: "Willy is here, and just like you, he also received medical attention. My sister went to get painkillers and antibiotics for you both."

Lorenzo looked at him: "How did you find me? Did you put a tracker on me by any chance?"

Mark gave him water: "I saw on the news what happened and asked the driver to take me there. When I arrived, I found your brother standing where the accident happened. He had a pleased look on his face and even threatened me and my family with death, like you yourself have grown tired of doing."

Lorenzo looked at him and held his hand: "Did he do anything to you?"

Mark pulled his hand back: "Goodness, of course not. I just didn't like the way he spoke, and since the firefighters couldn't find you, I was hoping that you might have escaped and been carried further downriver by the current."

Lorenzo held his hand again and smiled: "It seems my boyfriend was really worried about me, even though he wanted to put me in jail."

Mark looked at him, sighed, and smiled: "Get some more rest, and if my parents ask what happened, tell them it was a blitz kidnapping. They can't know what happened, and well, who you really are."

Lorenzo looked at him: "Don't worry about that, I won't tell my in-laws anything."

Sometime later, Anya arrived with the medication, changed their bandages, and applied the antibiotics: "So you're the famous Lorenzo my parents were talking about. Look, brother-in-law, even with all these bruises, you're a tough cookie."

Mark looked at her: "Anya, please, tone it down."

Anya closed his shirt: "No need to be jealous, brother, I already know he's your boyfriend, so don't worry about me. And as for you, brother-in-law, it was a pleasure to meet you."

Lorenzo looked at her: "You're a sweetheart, little girl."

Anya went over to Willy, who was still unconscious: "I'm not a little girl. And this one, do you know him too?"

Lorenzo looked at him: "He works for me, he's my employee. How is he and why hasn't he woken up yet?"

Anya was taking care of him: "Because of the blow to the head, but don't worry, the worst is over, he'll wake up soon."

Mark muttered: "I'm going to take a shower and have some coffee, and then I'm going to work. And Anya, thank you for helping them. And Shorty, go brush your teeth, there's cake in them."

Anya threw a pillow at him, scolding him and laughing.

Lorenzo observed them and turned his face away, closing his eyes.

Meanwhile, Sandro was still at the accident scene and was furious when the firefighters said there was no way to find the bodies anymore as the tide was rising, and by then they should both be dead with no hope of being found alive.

Sandro's eyes widened, putting his hand to his mouth, hiding his laughter: "So they can be declared dead? Is that what you're saying?"

The firefighter took a deep breath, looking at him: "Yes, they can be declared dead. I'm very sorry about this. We will return to the search at low tide and also at nearby beaches. Maybe the bodies were taken there," and he walked away.

Sandro looked around and then burst out laughing: "Finally, I managed to get rid of that miserable little bastard! Now I will take over the family leadership and deal with that fifth-rate journalist." He called someone, relaying the news, and went to his car, smiling.

Mark's driver was at the scene taking pictures and left after Sandro left the place.

Kara was at the mall and found out what happened: "This is impossible! How can my Lorenzo be dead? Even if I'm not with him every day, don't be ridiculous, Sandro. Don't lie to me."

Sandro laughed on the other end of the line: "Of course not, I'm very happy with his end. Now there's no one between me and that Maximiliano family leadership chair. So, my dear, we can get married."

Kara looked around: "You're sick! Your brother dies and you don't even care. How can you be like that?"

Sandro smiled: "Easy, my dear, power speaks louder, that's all."

Kara sat down on the mall stairs: "Sandro, you're crazy."

Sandro hung up the phone, still laughing hard.

Hours later, Mark was still at work, chatting with his colleagues, having lunch with them, and hanging out for a while.

Mark looked at the time: "Wow, I think I drank a little too much. I'd better go home. And you too, you idiots," and he went out to get a taxi and left.

Soon after, Mark arrived home, paid the taxi driver, and got out of the car, almost falling to the ground, and walked towards the house.

Lorenzo watched from the window: "How could he drink like that?"

Willy finished eating: "Maybe he's just trying to forget his problems. But boss, what will you do with your brother now?"

Lorenzo continued looking out the window until he saw Mark's father taking him inside and sat down, putting his hand on his wound: "Let's let him have some more fun. Until then, we'll stay here."

Willy looked at him: "But Lorenzo, it's dangerous to get too close to this family, especially since you might want to enlighten them in the future."

Lorenzo looked at him: "I don't call them in-laws as a joke, Mr. Willy. Now, let me go see why that idiot drank like that," and he left.

Willy lay down, laughing: "It seems his heart is softening. What love doesn't do..."

Anya entered the room: "So the liar talks to himself."

Willy looked at her: "When did I lie to you?"

Anya looked at him: "When you pretended not to know my brother, when you saw I was worried about him, remember?"

Willy looked at her: "Why don't you ask your brother what happened?"

Anya sat down: "Because I doubt he'll tell me, I know how he is. So you're all I have left, darling."

Willy smiled, looking at her: "You're scary and very different from your brother."

Anya smiled, looking at him: "My brother is shy, I'm not. And if your friend breaks my brother's heart, I'll rip yours out."

Willy looked at her: "Why would you rip my heart out instead of your brother's boyfriend's?"

Anya burst out laughing: "I'm just kidding, silly. I'm going to be a doctor, not a hitman."

Willy looked at her: "You're very hard to understand."

Lorenzo saw Mark lying on the couch and his father taking off his shoes: "Don't worry, he's not very drunk. A glass of alcohol already gets him like this, my son is weak to alcohol."

Lorenzo watched: "Do you need any help?"

The father smiled, looking at him: "No need, I know how to take care of my son. And you can't stand for too long."

Lorenzo looked at Mark, who was sleeping hugging a pillow: "He doesn't seem like he gave you much trouble as a child."

The father smiled, looking at him: "This boy didn't have a childhood like the others because of his heart. He couldn't play sports like the other boys, so he just studied and worked, and I never worried about anything he did because he's responsible. You and your friend are the first people he's brought home, and also to introduce his boyfriend. This boy always surprises me. Well, let's let him sleep."

Lorenzo looked at him: "We can take him to his room."

The father smiled, looking at him: "Let him be. It would be a mistake to move him now, trust me," and he left the room, leaving them alone.

Lorenzo looked at him, smiling: "You're a box of surprises, my journalist," and sat down on the floor next to the couch.


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