Episode 17

Adam: I awaken to find Sara on top of me. "Controller" is an apt descriptor for me, and not being able to control this situation is nothing short of challenging. I gently remove her from my embrace, stand, and suddenly feel ill. Dizziness overtakes me, and I lose consciousness.

Sara: A loud noise startles me awake. I call out Adam's name, but there's no response. Rising to my feet, I walk towards the sound and stumble over something. It's Adam. I call his name again, but he doesn't answer. His skin is hot to the touch, so I rush to the top of the stairs and call for Josiane, who hurriedly joins me, informing me that Adam has passed out. My concern for him grows. Was he sick?

Josiane: He wasn't sick, Sara. I'll call the family doctor and the security staff to assist us.

Sara: Rest his head in my lap, Josi. I'll wait here for you.

Josiane: I dash off to Katy for help. Two security guards help us maneuver Adam under the shower. He mumbles a request to be released, but I ignore it. I instruct them to remove his clothing, leaving him in his underwear—I wouldn't go as far as removing that final piece. One of the guards aids me in dressing him in sweatpants, and we lay him on the bed. Sara is visibly distressed and lies down beside him. When the doctor arrives, he starts examining Adam.

Katy: Doctor, his hand—he's injured it badly. It's been raw for a few days.

The doctor unwraps the bandaged hand to find it inflamed and emitting a foul odor. He cleans it thoroughly and applies medication that Adam will need to take and use on his hand. We leave him resting with Sara and step downstairs with the doctor. I call Otavio, and he arrives soon after.

Otavio: Katy fills me in about Adam. I head to the pharmacy to pick up his medication.

Adam: Sara…

Sara: Adam, are you feeling better?

Adam: What happened?

Sara: You fainted and hit the ground, Adam. Your hand was infected. The doctor prescribed some medications.

Adam: It's unnecessary; I'm perfectly fine.

Sara: Adam tries to get up, and I hug him tightly.

Please don't, Adam. I can't keep up with you, or even force you to take care of yourself. My limitations prevent me from doing everything, so rest. Allow me to do what I can; let me give back a little of what you've done for me.

Adam: Sara's voice is thick with emotion. I don't know how she can be so concerned about me after everything I've put her through. I abandoned her in the hospital, and I'm the reason she ended up there. Despite my frustration, I settle down quietly beside her.

Sara: Otavio has gone for your medications. I can't set an alarm to remind you to take them; you'll need to set one on your phone, especially for the antibiotic.

Adam: It's impossible because I broke your phone. Can't you see you need to keep your distance from me, Sara?

Sara: Adam, we're legally married, we made vows in the church. We have eleven months ahead of us to live together, and we can do it amicably. Are you in pain?

Adam: No.

Sara: Are you always this prideful?

Adam: I remain silent. Sara's improving, if not her body then at the very least her spirit.

Sara: Be honest, Adam. You said you value truthfulness. Are you in pain?

Adam: Yes.

Sara: Does admitting that hurt?

Adam: Don't push it, Sara!

Sara: I smile.

Adam: Finally, Sara smiles, and her smile holds me captive far longer than it should.

Sara: Otavio arrives with the medications, and Adam sets his alarm. Josiane leaves water by the bed, and I ensure Adam stays lying down. He rests through the morning and part of the afternoon. We eat in the room and barely converse. I touch his forehead to check for fever, but he pulls my hand away.

Adam: What are you doing?

Sara: Checking if you have a fever.

Adam: It's not necessary; I'm fine.

Sara: The silence grows deafening.

If we're to live together for so long, getting to know each other wouldn't hurt. Tell me about yourself, Adam.

Adam: There's nothing of relevance to share.

Sara: This silence is suffocating, avoiding what has happened.

Adam: I rise and meet Sara with a stern gaze.

I don't succumb to emotional blackmail, Sara.

Sara: If only that were the case, Adam, I wouldn't feel so awful.

Adam: Sara's not skilled at deceit, and I know she's speaking the truth.

I'm feeling fine, Sara, don't worry. Do you want to go outside for a walk around the estate?

Sara: That would be nice.

Adam stands and takes my hand.

Adam: I grab a blanket and lead Sara outside. She closes her eyes and slips off her shoes.

Sara: What does the sky look like?

Adam: Normal.

Sara: What's normal? I want to see, Adam. Tell me more.

Adam: It's a light shade of blue.

Sara exhales in frustration.

Sara: Thank you, Adam.

Adam spreads a blanket on the grass, and I lie down on my stomach, picturing the sky in my mind.

Adam: The blue is soft, with some odd-shaped white clouds. The sun is to your right, and there are a few birds soaring in the distance.

Sara: How beautiful!

I visualize it perfectly, and it fills me with a joy that Adam couldn't possibly understand.

Adam: It's beautiful!

I remark, gazing at Sara's smile.

Lize: Sara...

Sara: Lize, come sit here.

Adam: I should head inside, Sara. Call if you need me.

Lize: It was good to see you smile, Sara.

Sara: Adam made me see the sky, Lize.

I share with Lize what Adam told me.

Lize: I saw Adam looking at you, Sara. He's falling for you.

Sara: You're wrong, Lize. We're aiming for a peaceful coexistence. I have no feelings for Adam, nor he for me, and at the end of our agreement, I'll leave.

Lize: Adam overhears everything but says nothing to Sara. He leaves, and we chat briefly. Sara seems to lighten up with Adam, but declines a little after he's gone. Has she melted the ice around Adam's heart? If that's the case, I hope he endures a lot to win her over after all he's put her through. I'll only support this madness if she truly falls for Adam; until then, I'll continue to torment this psychopath!

Sara: Lize, let me know when it's 5:00 PM.

Lize: It's five minutes to five.

Sara: Could we go inside? It's time for Adam's medication, and he won't take it on his own.

We enter, and I grab the medication and water. Lize leaves, and I proceed to Adam's office. I knock, and he invites me in.

Adam: Sara comes in with my medication and water. I rise to greet her. The alarm on the phone goes off, and I take the medication. Settling Sara onto the office couch, I express my gratitude.

Thank you, Sara. I have something for you.



Girl Bieber

Girl Bieber

this is what I like





I fully support you!🤭🤣





Oh my! I didn't knew that sky colour was light shade of blue. In my entire life I thought it was pink. Thank u for informing me☺️



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