Adam: I can't find Alan; he must be at the pool house throwing a private party with some girls. I feel really uncomfortable being here while Sara is alone in her room, so I decide to go upstairs to see if she needs anything. I ask them to turn down the music; Alan must be out of his mind to have it this loud, I can hardly hear my own thoughts. Katy, please prepare a snack and take it to Sara, I'll check on her.
Katy: As Adam passes through the kitchen, he speaks to me for the first time like a normal human being. Yes, sir!
In Adam's room...
Sara: No... please... let me go... NO... STOP...
Alan pulls down the top of my swimsuit as I continue to struggle against him.
Adam: I grab the doorknob and hear Sara screaming desperately. I open the door and see Alan on top of her; she's fighting, kicking, and begging him to stop. At that moment, I see red, I pull him off Sara by his shirt as she curls up, crying in utter despair. You son of a bitch!
Alan: Adam, have mercy, listen to me, man... this woman is no good. She seduced me...
Adam: I start to punch Alan repeatedly, giving him no chance to fight back, completely beside myself.
Sara: I hear a loud noise and what sounds like punches; my chest hurts, I don't know if it's Adam who's getting beaten. Adam...
Adam: I hear Sara's voice filled with fear and pain. I stop immediately and notice her exposed, trying to cover herself with trembling hands. I get off Alan, who's already passed out, and take off my shirt. I'm here, Sara, I'm coming closer. I'm going to put my shirt on you.
Sara: Adam approaches and puts his shirt on me. I hug him, terrified, barely breathing, feeling completely shattered. I didn't... seduce him... I didn't do that...
Adam: It's alright! Calm down, Sara, I'm here.
I try to do what Josiane did with Sara in an attempt to calm her down.
Sara: I cry uncontrollably, everything hurts, at this moment I would prefer death.
Katy: I enter the room and drop the tray on the floor, Alan's face is unrecognizable, and I believe he might be dead. Adam has his hand swollen, covered in blood, and Sara has a palpable air of despair around her, wearing Adam's shirt. It's not hard to figure out what happened here.
Adam: Katy, ask Josiane to end the party and call security.
Katy: I run down the stairs, barely able to speak with Josiane, I call the security guards, and I sit down, curled up crying, trying to compose myself to help Sara.
(Otavio, Adam's friend)
Otavio: Lady, are you okay?
I find one of Adam's maids curled up crying desperately. I crouch down and speak to her. It's strange that the party is ending like this.
Katy: Are... you security?
Otavio: No, why? Do you need help?
Katy: I think Adam killed Alan.
Otavio: What?
Katy: Second door on the right, he tried something with his wife, I think. She's hurt.
Otavio: Adam is uncontrollable; I need to go up. Will you be okay?
The woman nods yes, and I rush upstairs, leaping up the steps. Adam was known as the demon with iron fists; it was impossible to stop him when he lost control. Alan is a fool, but part of our group, and I can't imagine him doing something like this. I enter the room and see Adam holding a woman in his arms, sobbing desperately. I check Alan's pulse; he's alive by a miracle, and I don’t know how Adam managed to stop without at least four people holding him down.
Adam: Get this trash out of here; I can't guarantee I won't kill him if I have to see him again.
Otavio: Was it him?
I point to the woman and Adam nods affirmatively. He doesn’t let go of her and continues trying to calm her down. Two security guards assist me in taking Alan to the nearest hospital. I leave two guards on watch over Alan to hand him over to the police.
Adam: Sara calms down after a long time crying; Josiane and Katy don’t leave the door of the room.
I'm so sorry, Sara.
Sara: You are not to blame; he harassed me before, Adam, if I had said something...
Adam: The day I traveled, was it him?
Sara nods her head. My God, she was in danger the whole time and said nothing.
Sara: He's going to kill me, Adam, he's going to kill me...
Adam: I promise you he won't touch you, nor come near you. He will have a fate much worse than death. Right now, he's in the hospital, and we will go to the police station together; we will file a report, and I will move heaven and earth to put him in the worst prison, where I'll ensure everyone knows what he did, and he will suffer daily for the pathetic remainder of his life. I won't even let him die, Sara; I'll ensure he's kept safe, so he lives this nightmare day after day for many years!
Sara: As much as I fear Adam's words, I know the hatred that accompanies them isn't directed at me. He keeps holding me, and I stay curled up in his arms.
Adam: Josiane and Katy will help you bathe and get dressed; we need to go to the police station.
Sara hugs me as if begging not to be left. Josiane comes over and opens her arms to take her. With difficulty, I hand her over. I grab some clothes and change in another room, then I pace back and forth by the door waiting for Sara.
Otavio: Adam.
Adam: I just want to know if he's going to live to pay for what he did?
Otavio: He's got a broken jaw and ribs, lost some teeth, and a broken nose. He's in surgery and will live. Death would be too easy for him, Adam.
Adam: In the hell I'll give him, death won't be an option. If he dies, I will personally seek his soul in hell to make him pay for what he did.
Otavio: How’s your wife?
Adam: I've never seen such pain as that in her eyes. Her body is marked, but her soul is shattered!
Otavio: She's going to need professional help to deal with this, Adam; I saw her face and we don’t know how far he went.
Adam clenches his fists tightly and punches the wall repeatedly. I grab his arm firmly.
Get a hold of yourself, Adam; your wife needs you.
Katy: I hear some noise and go to check what it is, while Josiane dresses Sara. I find Adam with his hands bleeding, raw. I rush to get a first aid kit, but Adam won't let me touch him; he pours alcohol on his wounds, wraps them up any way he can, and orders me to go back and take care of Sara.
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