Episode 6

Josiane: Come, let's head to your room.

Sara: Who are you?

(Josiane, Adam's housekeeper)

Josiane: My name is Josiane, and I am Mr. Adam’s housekeeper.

Sara: You don’t have to assist me; it could cost you your job.

Josiane: If it costs me the job, perhaps it’s time for me to move on from here.

Sara: Josiane grasps my arm, and I request that she narrate our surroundings as we pass, while I count the steps. She tells me everything about the room and helps me organize my belongings in the closet. I store them myself so I know where everything is later.

Josiane: I must leave; this is around the time Mr. Adam usually returns from the company.

Sara: I don’t even know how to thank you.

Josiane hugs me.

Josiane: There’s no need.

Sara: As Josiane departs, I configure my phone to alert me at meal times. My greatest fear here are the stairs; I've learned a bit about the dining room and the living room too. I'm aware that a long and painful journey lies ahead. My phone goes off, the ringtone for Lize.

📱 Sara: Lize, are you alright?

📱 Lize: Sara, I am...

Sara: I feel someone snatch the phone from my hand with brutality.

📱 Adam: Runaway bride, my wife is occupied right now.

📱 Lize: Adam?

Sara: I hear a loud noise of something shattering and am startled.

What did you do?

Adam: You two made a fool out of me; did you really think you could have little chats in my house?

Sara: Was that my phone?

Adam: It was.

Sara: Adam, my phone was all set up for my needs.

Adam: Sara stoops to search for the phone, picking up pieces, and I can see immense sadness etched on her face.

Sara: Adam exits the room, slamming the door behind him. I can’t fathom the depth of his hatred. He is a man made cold by injured pride, blinded by revenge. I collect the parts of the phone I can find and place them on the counter, clueless about how I’ll now know the main meal times. I step on a missed piece, feeling it pierce my foot. Breathing deeply, I sit down, remove the piece, and sensed blood trickling. Stranded in the middle of the closet, I don't know where the first aid kit is, and the last thing I need is a foot injury now. I attempt to stem the bleeding but it persists.

Adam: Entering the room, I find Sara seated on the floor, pressing on her foot; there is blood on the ground, and I see she has cut herself. She appears to sense my presence.

Sara: Could you help me?

Adam leaves the room without a word.

Josiane: My God! What happened, Sara?

Sara: The inhumane Adam smashed my phone, and I got cut stepping on a piece.

Josiane assists me to sit on the bed, Adam ordered her to only help me with a bandage. She tidies all the phone parts off the floor and has someone clean the closet.

Josiane: I'm not great with dressings, but I did my best.

Sara: It’s perfect, thank you so much.

Josiane: It’s going to be even more difficult now; how will you walk with your foot like that? The cut was deep, Sara.

Sara: Don’t worry Josi, I’ll be okay. You should go before Adam comes looking for you.

Josiane: Dinner is being served.

Sara: I’m not hungry Josi.

I lie, not wanting to concern Josiane; my foot is in too much pain to go downstairs.

Josiane: You already skipped lunch to have time to unpack and familiarize yourself with the room; you need to eat, Sara.

Sara: Don’t fret Josi.

Josiane tries to argue, but I don’t allow it, she leaves frustrated. Bathing trying not to get the foot wet, I slip in the restroom, fall and my head makes contact with the wall. I'm left feeling dizzy, spending time seated on the toilet. Hand on my head, I discover blood. Feeling slightly better, I dress in the bathroom in warm pajamas, stagger out and lose consciousness.

Adam: I enter the room to find Sara unconscious on the floor, call out to her but there's no response. Noting a bit of blood on the back of her head, I carry her to Central Hospital. At the hospital, a nurse takes her away for treatment. I wait over an hour for the doctor without knowing what to do.

(Dr. Guilherme, the protagonist of "Everything for Her")

Dr. Guilherme: Relative of Sara Sanchez?

Adam: I’m her husband.

Dr. Guilherme: I’ll need you to follow me to a private area.

Adam: I follow the doctor silently. He seems angry.

Dr. Guilherme: Your wife is conscious and being treated; she suffered a concussion from a fall. She mentioned her foot and slipping, hitting her head in the bathroom. Stitches were necessary on both the foot and head, and due to the concussion, we will keep her under observation for twenty-four hours, and she will need rest for two weeks. Something else caught my attention; nurses alerted me while changing your wife’s clothes. I understand that she is blind, but her body is covered in several bruises. Plus, she has a fractured rib.

Adam: You think I strike my wife, doctor?

Dr. Guilherme: Honestly, I am one step away from notifying the police, and the only reason I haven't is that your wife denied experiencing domestic violence.

Adam: You should know that if you do, your career as a doctor is over. I don't hit my wife, we only met and married yesterday!

Dr. Guilherme: If she decides to report you, your threats mean little to me, I will call the police. She's in room 202 and remember, within these walls, we won't allow you to hurt her.

Adam: Taking a deep breath, I proceed to the room. Sara is awake, contemplative, and deeply saddened.

Sara: By the scent, I know it’s Adam entering the room.

Adam: The doctor thinks you're a victim of domestic violence; do you realize how damaging a scandal like that could be to me?

Sara: You promised me hell, and you've delivered; I’m enduring it without complaint. How am I to blame for the fallout?

Adam: You should have told me you hit your head and needed stitches for your foot. We could've avoided all this by calling a doctor to the house.

Sara: I’m blind Adam, how many times must I remind you? I live in darkness and cannot see a thing, how was I supposed to know I needed stitches? You shattered my phone, I stepped on a fragment and got cut, then you saw me on the floor. You could've checked my foot, but you ignored it. I tried to shower without soaking the dressing. If that’s hard for someone who can see, can you fathom how it was for me, hobbling on one foot blind? I left the bathroom and fainted; there was no time to call for help.

Adam: I listen attentively to every word from Sara. She speaks as tears fall, her profound sadness infusing each word. She isn’t shouting or enraged; just weeping from grief. I leave the room, notify the nurses that she will spend the night alone, and return to the mansion.








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