Chapter 13: Did she died?

Mary was shaken by Sara's shout, she woke up and headed to the door to listen closely, but she didn't hear anything, she decided to go out to find what had happened, it was just 4 doors between their rooms, she tip toed and before reaching the door, a patient was rushed out by the Nurses, That was when Mary got to see what was happening.

Brown, Sara's Husband, who was also their neighbor, was lying lifelessly on his bed, his eyes were plugged out , his Nostrils was stitched together, His lips Was cut by the sides and was wide open, and his belly, it was filled with worms and other deadly insects feeding on it,his legs ans arms were crushed,Dried blood was all over his bed and body, He was pale looking.

Seeing this made Mrs Mary to throw up, she knew he's dead and nothing can be done by the doctors, for it is too late.

Soon, she sight Sara sitting on the floor stretching her hands crying.

"" Sara! she called her softly and walked up to her

"" I never wanted to lose him that way""She said crying

"" it's okay, i understand ""

"" No! No one was all my fault ""

Mr Brown was Taken to the Morgue, and his funeral would be performed as soon as the Mystery is covered.

After some time, both of the women were back home, their homes were looking like nothing had happened, even their only and remaining neighbor, confirmed it was safe, and nothing had happened in those days.

Mrs Mary had decided to stay with her kids for three days before resuming their daily activities, nothing actually had happened lately, maybe they were free from the curse finally.

........... At school.........

"" Good morning Mary"" greeted the principal, while standing facing each other, but before she could answer another student greeted her.

"" Good morning Mrs Mary""greeted another student

"" morning!!! she answered sadly

""mmhm, they have missed you a lot ""

"" I don't know how to believe that ""

"" I'm sorry about your lost..... we also lost Terrace in your neighborho.......

"" I know! she cuts in.

she felt uneasy and stared back, suddenly her glance caught Ana, who just made a U-turn

"" Ana? she whispered

"" what? asked the principal surprised

Mrs Mary didn't answer she ran after Ana and was about taking the same path when the school bell rang, she only stood there staring blankly, and Suspiciously.

(Ana was as fast as a lightening) She thought

She returned to Class and began to lecture the students, about some 45 minutes the Lecture was over, and The Students went for their lecture break, Mrs Mary had also closed for the day.

Mrs Mary had decide to search for Ana, before heading back home, She took the path again leading somewhere upstairs, the place that even the students were not allowed to enter, due to the figures they claimed they had saw in there, Except their high class teachers.

She looked around to ensure no one was watching her entering there. She places her Hands on the door knob, and noticed the door wasn't locked, It open by it self, but slowly , the cracking sound sent chills into her spine.

She got scared even more, due to the silence, that even the noisy students couldn't beat.

On entering she was Greeted by the thick Cobwebs, She got terrified and was looking around, it was a bit dark in there despite it was afternoon.

She looked to see if Ana was anywhere there, since it was the last door in the school part.

Suddenly something fell down, and broke, it was the only shinning bulb in the quiet room.

"" Ana?

"" Ana......... Is that you?

"" Please don't scare me!

"" I know you're here, so show yourself"" she shouted scared.


"" Hahahahaha.....Heheheheheh!!!!! there was a terrifying female laughter from distance.

Mrs Mary shook up with fear, and asked....

""who are you?

There was another loud terrifying noise and movement.

She began to see dark shadows passing through the walls, Blood began to drip and rained in the dark room, she felt weird, suddenly everything stopped and went back to normal, She thought she was imagining nonsense in her head.

Before she knew anything, something was crawling towards her, from distance,upside down, Mrs Mary felt a cold breeze blew pass her.

A figure with four arms, no eyes, wide eye sockets,with her teeth starting right from her Nose,because she got no nose too, Dark floating hair, her head was twisted and was facing up while her remaining body was facing down, her hands were spread apart widely, her legs? ...... well she got none, they looked crushed right from her waist.

Mrs Mary looked into the dark closely and noticed that, she began to paced quickly, and noticed the figure was also crawling faster than she thought, She ran quickly and was heading to the door, she then glanced quickly, around, and the figure was gone.......

"" OMG! Jesus, that thing was at my back""... she cried

"" Open up... open up""

She talked as if the door could hear her, off course the door was locked up by itself earlier....

She reached and was banging the door with all her strength

"" Somebody get me out of here, help.... help.... help! she screamed, still banging the door, crying

The figure appeared once more and this time crawling with full force and speed, and was ready to pull Mary into the dark with her the figure jumped up, flying towards Mrs Mary, with her sharp fingers spread apart, aiming to Mrs Mary eyes, her teeth were wide open and blood was gushing out of it.

The figure was so close that their eyes meet.

"" Helllllllppp!!!!!

""" Arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!

There was a loud "" Bang"" noise, Mrs Mary fell down.


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