Chapter 5:The message

After the party incident, the neighborhood had been quiet and everyone has been so busy with work schedules.

its 8:55am and everyone was already at work, Mrs Sara was a full time house wife, she was the only one left in the neighborhood.

Mrs Mary Brown was at school teaching already.....

"" Okay class, I need you all to study hard,your test is coming up in few days time""

"" Please I don't want anyone of you to fail""

"" Try your best, and leave the rest""

she said while packing her books back in her bag,One of the books fell down and she picked it up,...

"" Oooh this is from the library, Let me return it "", she whispered

"" Ok kids see you"", she said waving her hands to them, not looking at them, she never noticed that the particular student who once gave her a Story about Some two girls, was in the midst of the students, staring at her deadly.

She walked out of the classroom and headed to the principal's office,....

"" Hello Sir!, I want to see you, are you less busy?

"" Sure Mrs Bob, is there any problem?

"" No! Just that I need a two days break, I'm feeling a bit sick,And......

"" your two days break have been granted""The principal cuts in, while his eyes were fixed on the files he was working on

Mrs Mary Bob,was off course shocked, He noticed and raises his eye brow, under his glasses....

"" What?.... I thought you said a break, and was granted ""......

"" No! No! No!, I was thinking about something actually "" She cuts in...

"" Errm, wait those files are old files"", why are you checking them? She asked

"" How did you know that?

"" Two names here are familiar ""She said looking at the files

"" Ooh really?

Mrs Bob stretched her hands and picked the two Files,

"" Nnnessa!! Vera! she whispered.

"" These aren't your students, anyway "" Said the principal

"" yes, but did they attended this school?

"" Where did you know them?

"" Those girls are dead! she said

"" hahaha, I've never met those girls before, but I knew they were registered here,before the last principal's resign ""

But Mrs Sara stared at her suspiciously

"" wait!, are you expecting me to know all the thousands of kids, teenages attending this school?

"" I get to get going now"".

She snapped and left in haste

"" is she okay? The principal whispered

"" Where's Ana? she whispered while walking hurriedly.

Perhaps, Ana was her student,the smallest, weirdest, A new student, and also her Vera and Nessa 's Story Teller....

 She searched for Ana and couldn't find her, And decided to go to the library

                      -In the Library-

"" Too many fancy, interesting books here, I need time to......

"" Hello Mrs Mary""A female Voice greeted her from behind,She Answered without paying attention to her greeter.

""Hello Mrs Mary"" Another female voice greeted again,from behind, she didn't answered immediately, she stared around and saw no one, they must have passed, she peeped her front,Beside the library shelf and saw no one, she returned back to her business.

Now there was someone coming, she heard their footsteps, very slow footsteps and a suspicious one, Mrs Mary was Shaking in fear she looked, and looked at her front, where the footsteps was approaching, she held a book, and was ready to take down any one that was their to harm her, the paces increases...

"" Mrs Mary!

A voice called from her back, she turned around, and found Ana, standing with her hands Around her back, she's so cute.

"" Ana?, You scared me, were you the one playing games with me, this evening?

"" You were looking for me"",""so I'm here!

"" How did you know I was looking for you?

there was a little silence....

"" The Book!, are you going to hit me? Ana Asked in an Innocent voice...

"" No! why should I? Mrs Mary snapped and quickly Removed her hands from her back,...

"" This Book is just fancier to me, The cover, the pages, and the colourful graphics""

"" And Title? Ana asked, but before Mrs Mary could answer she heard a terrifying noise from the Library, and got distracted from Ana....

"" What was That? She asked tilting her head, towards Ana, slowly...

"" Ana?, "" Ana!... Ana was not there Anymore...

"" Ana, An.....

"" I thought, you want to know about my Protagonists,.... she cuts in

 Ana was standing at her front, Mrs Mary was Shocked....

"" Annnna?? I thought you left""....

......... They Lived in The same apartments as you do, They were killed by them, they removed their eyes, in the restroom,around 1:11am, you might find........


Mrs Mary Bob, was Home and her daughter Telsa hugged her warmly.....

"" Honey, you have a delivery ""Her husband said, handing her a Little envelope paper, she collected it and put it in her bag, headed upstairs for a shower.

"" Mom is not friendly today""Said Telsa

"" Yeah! Learn to know that mom gets tired too""

Mrs Mary sat on a Couch, in Their bedroom, after the shower, she brought out the envelope and saw no Name, the sender was hidden, But she don't care about the sender, she was eager to know Message,She opened the envelope and her eyes widen, from what she saw, It was Blank!

"" So what's the message here? she said and walked down the stairs,...

"" Who you said delivered the envelope?

Her husband only looked at Telsa,raising his eyebrows

""Mom I meet it on door steps when I opened the door""

Mrs Mary was turned to return back to her without saying a word.....

"" What time? she returned and asked

"" 1:11Pm! Yeah... I remembered,Mom am I not smart enough.....

Mrs Mary turned to look at Telsa and Ran upstairs grabbed her coat and ran downstairs again

"" Honey, where are.....

"" The Mail office"" she cuts in and banged the door.

7:37 pm

"" I've not been able to see my husband, who is still at the hospital, they said he's possessed "" Cried Mrs Sara

Mrs Sara had decided to pay Mrs Mary a visit, they discussed about her husband who hasn't recovered from The party incident, he was still possessed according to the doctors, and would not be let to meet anyone, for now.

"" The last time I met him, he had scares all over his hands, That was a result of him scratching himself according to the doctors,he had a terrifying look on his face,he was just scary, That man is not my husband "" She cried even more

"" Hey! It's okay, everything will be okay"""okay?

But Mrs Sara only shook her head In agreement

"" Look, I also received a strange Envelope yesterday "" She said handing her the envelope

"" It's Blank! Mrs Sara Confirmed immediately after opening it

""Exactly! I wonder who has sent it""

"" The mail office might......

"" They didn't either! She cuts in

"" The police? Sara suggests


"" Where's Max? Mary asked and they both rushed out to Check Max, in their apartment,including Telsa..

On reaching, Max Grabbed his mom and began to cry hard...

"" please don't leave me again""

"" Max what's wrong? Asked his mom

""The curtains were moving by themselves""

"" ooh Max, It's the Air Blowing the curtains"" explained his mom

"" Oooh, such an innocent sweetheart "" Said Mrs Mary

Suddenly her gazed caught something, around the curtains,but there was nothing

Mrs Mary headed to the curtains looked at them and saw nothing, she Was about putting back the curtains, when she saw a faceless figure passing like a thin air, That figure looked familiar, from her Clothes...

"" Ana! She whispered


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