""Leave now! Instructed Ana
Immediately Mrs Mary Bob ran out from her office jumped into her car and zoomed off, on reaching she ran into Mrs Sara's apartment,
"" Sara?, Sara!, U hmmm...... telsa, Max, jack,where are you?.....playing hide and seek this afternoon?...... Jack! Telsa....... Maxxxxx... Mrs Brown? "" But there was no response, in fact the house was totally empty, immediately she ran to her own apartment, she entered and to her surprise, Jack and telsa were in the sitting room.....
"" Telsa? Jack? What are you guys doing here?
"" why did you leave Sara's apartment?.
"" we got tired, so we decided to come here""Replied Telsa.
Their mom only stared at them from a while and asked
"" what about the pizza box in the middle?
She asked pointing at the pizza that was laying between them, Telsa and Jack were Sitted facing each other.
"" Mum we're hungry""cried Jack
"" By the way, who brought you kids the pizza?
"" Who brought it for you guys?
"" The delivery man!
"" No telsa, I mean who ordered for it""
"" Wasn't it you, mom?
"" what? No!
"" let me see it first "" She said
And Jack opened the box , on opening Mrs Mary screamed
"" Jesus!
"" mom are you ok?
"" thes...... se..... thhhhhssee, are not pizza ""she stammered
"" So,mum, tell us what it is and stop been dramatic "" said Telsa
""Honey just let me, have the pizza please""said their mom
""mommy you have refused to tell us what the pizza was"" said Jack
"" No honey nevermind""
Mrs Mary had refuse to reveal what she saw in the pizza, the pizza wasn't pizza actually, it was Eyes, sticked together using blood, it's dangerous, to let her kids eat that.
"immediately when Jack handed her the pizza box, she ran to the trash bin and discard it.
"" okay kids, that was gross ok, You can't eat that""
"" But Mummy we're hungry "" Cried Jack and Telsa
"" don't worry I'll make you guys something to eat, now"".
"" Pizza? asked telsa
Mrs Mary starred at her kids for a moment and said
"" I can't make you guys a pizza now, maybe some other day ok""
she headed to the kitchen immediately and began to prepare something Else for them, she knew if she continue to beg them, more questions with poop up, and it might end up making her to order another pizza, which will still be the same as the last one.
Mrs Mary wondered who has deliver that pizza to her kids, for all she was suspecting was it wasn't from the pizza restaurant actually, a creep did that.
she was Quickly making their lunch, she heard them playing once again, seems like they have forgotten their favourite thing, Pizza! Mrs Mary was a bit happy, and thought that would distract them a little and also save her more time to prepare their cheese and Macaroni.
she was happy that her kids were happy, without that gross thing.
few minutes later and food was ready, Mrs Mary shouted their names, Making them to jump in happiness
""" Telsa? Jack, lunch is ready""
they both looked at each other and Shouted in joy
"" yaaayy!!!
They immediately sat down and waited impatiently
their mom immediately headed to the table and began to serve them, then she noticed that max was with them
"" oooh, max you're here too?
"" Jack told me you trashed his pizza, why""
Mrs Mary had a mixed feelings of both surprise and laughter
"" wow, so Jack now reports his mom, to his Friend ""
"" Can you consume a pizza when it's bad? she asked Max
"" how bad? he replied
"" ok!, ... worms and maggots crawling out,.....
"" naaaahhh, that's gross""They all caught in and Began to eat their launch
Mrs Mary returned to the kitchen to drop her apron, she immediately thought of seeing Mrs Sara or invite over for launch too, she headed to the living and the dinning where the kids were having launch....
"" Max, since you're here, your mom must be back""
"" Yes she is!
"" Okay, let me see her ""
she chose to see her, in her own apartment, because she wanted to disclose the pizza case to her without the kids been aware.
She headed to the door.....
"" You guys should be gentle with each other please, I'll back in 5mins""
"" okay mum!
they answered and immediately when she opened the door, she saw Mrs Sara standing there, like someone who was waiting for one to open the door for her.
"" oooh Mrs Sara.....
"" Sorry did I scare you.....
they both said at once.
"" uhmmm,No,I was about seeing you in your house, maybe we should go back there""
"" why? isn't it okay here ""
Mrs Mary turned to look at the kids who were not even paying attention to the door, and got Carried away,Mrs Sara stretched her neck and peeped in....
"" what are you staring at?, besides are you driving me away because of.... of that, Cheese and Macaroni?
Mrs Mary got shy and was a bit ashamed of what she just did, why would she ask someone not to come in because of launch, if that were Mrs Sara's thoughts.....
she immediately asked her in.
"" please come in!
"" Actually, it was because I don't want the kids to disturb us that was why I said so"" said Mrs Mary
"" I'm okay with that"", she said heading to the table...
"" uhmmm, Mrs Sara, I think you should leave the kids alone, I have more Cheese and macaroni, we can have launch in my bedroom ""
"" okay!
Mrs Mary ran to the kitchen and immediately dished, two plates, and ushered Mrs Sara to her bedroom.
"" wow I've never entered your bedroom""said Mrs Sara amazed....
"" how's it?
"" Beautiful, but more of a vintage style ""
"" my favorite!
"" is that also Bob's favourite?
"" nope! he loves advance, fancy stuffs""
"" And he let you have and do what you want?
"" you're indeed lucky!
Mrs Mary had already placed the dishes on the room table with two sits, and they both sat down.
"" Brown can be like that too""
"" Maybe another brown""
"" Are you saying he don't allow you do and have what you want?
"" Exactly, and that's why I'm not missing him that much""
"" C'mon you'll need him someday and.....
"" Max will need him"" she cuts in
there was a bit silence....
"" you cook deliciously!
"" how about you maybe, Start a Business...
"" Restaurant?
""you get my point""
and they both laughed.....
"" I'll be glad to, at least be your waitress, you know that man, brown,made me a jobless woman, a computer science graduate for that matter""
"" umm, men can be like that sometimes ""
"" yeah, always Controlling their women""
"" ermmm Sara, I wanted to ask you something, before those kids start to roam around again""
"" go ahead, sure!
"" Today, did anyone delivered pizza to your apartment""
"" No!
"" what happened?
"" someone, I'm sure is not from any of those pizza restaurants, delivered two boxes of pizza,to my kids, They didn't even pay for it and he left""
"" how strange!
"" And you know what's even more strange?
Mrs Sara nodded....
"" its wasn't an ordinary pizza?
"" what was it then?
"" if not for I was coming home, only God knows what would have happened to those kids, They would have maybe consume eyes""
"" What type of eyes?, do you mean the ones were using to see now""
"" yeah, them!
"" what? ....
"" Sticked with blood.....
"" wait, you mean, It was grinded like,....
"" no, no, no, no, thank God it wasn't grinded, I wouldn't have notice""
""eye balls sticked together, if I'm not mistaken""
"" Sticked with blood""
"" exactly!
"" Omgggg....
Mrs Sara said and dropped her spoon
"" I lost my appetite!
"" it was totally gross""
"" Are you sure your kids won't go back for it?
"" I had it discarded already, I'm only waiting for the them to come and dispose it off""
"" But have you contacted the police?
But before Mrs Sara could answer, Telsa pushed the door open and said...
"" Mom you need to see this!
"" what? she asked and they all rushed downstairs
"" What's going on?
"" mommy I saw this note in my pocket "" said Max
"" oooh thank God, it wasn't something that serious "" said Mrs Mary
"" what's that? what's in the note?
"" it's blank mommy! answered Max
"" again? said Telsa
"" let me see! said Mr Mary
she quickly collected it from Max... and saw a writing
""But, it wasn't blank either""
"" what's inside? asked Mrs Sara, going closer to Mary
"" jack, Max and Telsa, 1:11am"" they both read out loud
"" What? this doesn't make sense""said Mrs Sara
"" Yes, but it does!
"" how? asked Telsa
"" 1:11am"", what will happen?... whispered Mrs Mary.
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