Chapter 11:Bloody day

           40 minutes later.....

Bob was heading out of the kitchen,...

""where is that noise coming from?

Mrs Mary raised her head and starred at him, he turned around and saw Jack peeping out through the window, he quickly walked to him and grabbed him away from the window and headed outside.

While reaching there was a crowd in front of their neighbor's apartment.

"" What's happening? asked Bob

"" Some bodies were found dead, seems like they were having a party""

"" Party?.......

But the noise stopped a little, Mr Bob raised his head and saw two people standing on the balcony

"" Okayyyy, what are they doing? He whispered

"" Omg they're gonna.......

"" Ahhh! Shouted everybody

And there was blood everywhere.

The two couples, had jumped down from the balcony, one with a crushed head and the other had a split skull.

Immediately someone had called police and they were on spot in no time.

Mr Bob ran inside and pulled his jacket.

"" where are you going?

"" I need to.....

there was another noise again, and this time both Mary and Bob ran out, The crowd was even more than earlier, one of the police was sitting on the floor, actually he had his eyes on his hands, and was about to feed on them when the other police fell on him, from the balcony too, causing the both of them to crush their necks and bones, blood was everywhere.

"" What? whispered someone

"" we need to leave immediately""said Mrs Bob to Sara

"" to where? asked her husband

"" We need to......

"" Jack? jack? called his mom

"" mommmm!!! jack managed to cry out

they all ran to the apartment and couldn't find Jack, including Telsa...

"" Where are they? Asked Sara

"" Jackkkkk??? Called their mom

"" Mommmm..... help.... she's...... going to kill.... Ahhhh!!!

"" upstairs! shouted Bob

And they all headed upstairs and in Jack's room,

"" Telsa, off your brother now""Shouted their mom

Telsa had her fingers in Jack's eyes and was trying to pull them out with force.

"" we had to stop her!!!

Immediately Bob ran to them ....

""" Ahhh!!!! help me! pleasssseeee!!!!

Bob was stretching his hands, Mary couldn't believe that he was hanging on the ceiling again, this time on their fan,..... he kept screaming, and dragging with something invisible.

""" Help me!!!!

Mrs Bob got confused of what to do, Sara was only standing at the doorway shaking and contacting the police

Mrs Mary quickly grabbed a Chair and was about climbing it.....

"" mom what's happening? asked Telsa

"" Telsa?.........let's help your dad"".....

And they aimed forward to Bob, but the switched turned on by itself and there was blood everywhere.

""" What was that? asked Sara in fear

Mary and telsa had managed to open their eyes and saw the horrible scene, Bob's Body was sliced into tiny bits of meat and blood was scattered everywhere.

"""" Arghh... hh!! whispered Mary

"" look mom! said telsa pointing to the fan

 there his head was still hanging, and the eyes, were missing.

"" Mmmmommm!!!

"" Jack, jack, I'm here!

Jack had woke up and His eyes were red

"" she tried to kill me!

Mrs Mary stared at him and Telsa, Sara was starring at them, The police had also arrived

"" let's get out of here!

She said and picked Jack up and they all headed downstairs, while the police headed up, Max immediately ran to Mrs Mary's apartment and hugged his mom tightly.

"" Mom when are we meeting dad?

"" Soon, immediately when they Approve Seeing him"" she said sadly.

Mrs Mary pitied her, and Then her phone buzzed

"" Hello?....

"" what?....... Terrace?????

"" Okay thanks!

"" What happened? asked Sara

"" Terrace was found dead in front of that apartment, which was Been investigated, while ago""

"" ........Todays victims, apartment....... ?

"" Yes, yes, yes!!!

""........ And who is Terrace?

"" My coworker, where I do teach""

Mrs Mary, Sara and their kids were ushered out for questioning, while the police, kept going in and out,up and down.


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