Chapter:4 The party

Mrs Bob had finished her school work and was returning home when she noticed the siren & An ambulance Van, but before she drove closer to the spot, the sirens and Ambulance van had begun to drive away too

Mrs Brown Sara, was standing with the other neighbors talking about the incident,.......

"" .......could be his girlfriend, she was the last person, said Sara Brown..... "*was that really his girlfriend?Said another neighbor

Mrs Mary Bob was already approaching them, and was close... "" What happened? she asked

"" He was found dead!

"" Who?

"" Our neighbor "" Answered Sara Brown... "" His eyes were also missing "" She added

""That's strange! Replied Mrs Bob shockingly

"" Who must have done that? she asked

"" I'm suspecting that girl....

"" Which girl?

"" His girlfriend "", She was the last I saw entered his apartment, she greeted me warmly,.... but that soul, that soul is evil""

"" Why would anyone do that,besides,his girlfriend? ""

""Yes! She murdered her boyfriend, Girls can be funny, sweet, but also psycho!

"" That cut!

Mrs Sara said pointing at Mrs Sara's forehead... off course Mrs Mary had A little cut on the side of her forehead,Since when fell down from her sleep.

"" it's little, never mind "" Replied Mrs Mary, and returned back to their discussion....

""But.... But I'm not sure if she can. This place is strange to me"" Mrs Mary said and left


{Later in the evening}

{Mrs Mary Bob's Apartment)

....... ""Mama I couldn't find the pink dress"", Shouted Tesla from her room

"" Girl, check the closet properly""Replied her mom, Who was busy making her nails in the living room

"" Mom mmm???? Telsa called out Tiredly, Heading to the living room

"" I told you, I couldn't Find it!

"" Look, am not standing up from here, Check for yourself or don't you want to Attend Mrs Sara's party?

Telsa stared at her mom for a while and then Headed back in her room, to search for her dress, Mrs Sara is having a party, which was organized by her coworkers, In her Apartment.

"" Mommmmm!!!...

Telsa screamed After some 5 minutes of Being in the room, her mom never took it seriously anyway, she thought Telsa was just faking and wanted to disturb her, not until she heard her Cried and ran out from the room, hiding beside her....

"" What, Telsa?,... she asked her daughter holding her tight

"" mmooommmm......

"" Tell me what you saw""

""" mommm there's someone in my closet" she Cried

"" Someone? In your closet?......

"They're staring at me "" She cuts in

"" Are you sure you saw that?

"" Yes Mom! She answered crying even more

"" Okay cheer up my baby, let me go fight what's making my baby to cry"" she said standing up from her couch...

"" No mum you shouldn't go there, it's dangerous "" she said stopping her mom, by grabbing her hand

"" so, what should we do now?

""police mum, just call the police""

"" Okay, before then let me go & check my self""

she said and headed to Telsa's Room, Although she was scared, But she wanted to show braveness in presence of Telsa, so she could prove how much she love her.

She was in the room and was standing in front of the Closet filled with beautiful colourful kids wears, she flashed the torchlight, despite everywhere was bright as diamond, Telsa ran up too, joining her in the room, Hiding beside her.

She looked through the closet, and found nothing....

"" See Baby girl, I told you, there's nothing here, you were just making scenarios in your head""

She said caressing her face,while bending a little...

"" Are you serious mom? am scared""

"" You shouldn't b..........

Suddenly there was a creepy sound coming out from the closet, like someone was walking inside....

"" Mom I told you"". she cried.......""there's.....

""" Shhhhhhh! Her mom cuts in and aim to the Closet

"" Be careful mom! she said Silently

"" Hand me that Bat""

Telsa immediately ran to take the bat, immediately handing it to her mom,while her mom handed her the torchlight.....

"" Okay I'll open this after the countdown of three"".....

Telsa immediately shook her head

"" Three, two, one....

Telsa closed her eyes, the closet was fully open, And there was blood on the Bat,

"" that thing?....Telsa's mom asked herself, surprisingly

Telsa on her own, opened her eyes half way, wide open.....

""A rat!

"" I told yah! Said her mom, giving her a boring look, they quickly disposed off the Dead rat, ...

"" Am sorry mom""she said as they headed back to the living room

But Mrs Mary finally saw something that was bordering Telsa, and ignored it, with fear, a figure, passing outside the window.

{The next day}

And there was a Party in the neighborhood, in Mr and Mrs Brown's apartment.......

"" As you all can see, Sara,Is my lovely and generous wife, she is also hardworking, I dislike parties, But because of my wife's Achievement of Hard Work, I joined in here....

""Cheers to Sara, cheers to the family""Said her husband

"" Cheers!!!

In some 5-10mins, everyone was busy in the party, Some adults were having their drinks, Kids off course were playing all around, while others chat....

Mrs Sara and Mary plus another two women were also chatting while sipping their drinks, suddenly Mrs Sara eye caught her son, Max, who was standing staring at her, she wondered for how long max had been standing there......

"" Excuse me!

She said and headed to where max was standing

""Max!, Max why are you standing all alone, I thought you're also playing....

""Could you please escort me to the bathroom? He asked.....

"" Sure!

she replied, and turned back to look around, She noticed that Mary Bob wasn't There anymore.

In some 5mins, Max and his mom.had returned from the bathroom.... there was a Shocking expression on Mrs Brown's face,.. She looked at her son and also at Mrs Mary, who was also returning from Where she thought it was less noisy to make a call....

"" Where's everyone?

Mrs Sara only stared at Mrs Mary

The place was incredibly empty, like everyone has left.

"" Have they left already?.... "" Ooh the, balcony""...

She Said,as she heard some movement of people.They ran up the balcony,....and to their surprise, everyone has their eyes oozing blood, as they turned to look at them....

"" What's going on? Asked Mrs Sara...

""Call the police now! Replied Mrs Mary

Mary managed to see what they were doing, jumping off from the balcony, turn by turn, Telsa was amongst them, she turned to stare at her mom, as she was about to jump down...

"" mom!, Save me!.... she said grinning...

"" Telsa!.....

Telsa already had one of her legs on the fence already,and was about putting the other too, when Her mom ran, pushed the others and pull her back, she fainted.

The police had finally arrived, they immediately stopped the rest from jumping down, including their husbands.

they peeped down and saw three people dead already, spill skull, cracked bones, just some sort of fatal accident.

"" were they drunk? Asked a police officer to Mrs Mary


"" Are you sure? he asked looking deeply into her eyes

she only starred back.

"" well I don't know what this could be, if not drunk, a person who's ok, won't jump off the balcony just like that""he added

Mary only starred at the floor

"" ok! That's enough. He said breathing out

"" And your daughter? He asked pointing at Telsa who was laying on a couch, max was beside her too

"" she's......

"" mmmmooom!!! where am I?

Telsa was finally awake...


the police officer was about to ask something else, when Mary ran to her daughter,crying In joy.....

"" telsa my daughter I'm........

"" uhm, okay! he Sighed

"" well I'm sure there's a possessed case here! the police officer whispered and headed to his other colleagues.

The victims on the order hand were examine, to ensure they were I'm a good state.





literally , what happened here !!!!???



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