Chapter 3:Sign

3:15am, Mr Brown's house

....Sara, max's mother, woke up due to a noise she heard it was coming out from,Maybe max's room she thought, immediately when the sound grew Louder, she knew it was serious, Max was in danger,she got up, walked quickly to max's room while her husband was still asleep....

"" Max! "" Max? she shouted his name, and immediately rushed to the bathroom to see why he was screaming ....

""what happened max? , """Max! ""

"Muumm! max shouted from the bathroom, crying, "" Help me mum"""help me, get me out of here"".... max was banging the door with all his strength, his mother refuse to figure out why the door wasn't opening, even when it Wasn't locked, she also tries her best pulling the door, but her strength wasn't up to that level of breaking a door,so she shouted her husband......

"" Brown get up"", Brownnnn"""Honey""", But there was no sign of him

Max in the bathroom was still shouting on top of his voice, Two figures were After max, their eyes were empty, just blood oozing out of their eye sockets, one of these figures crawled slowly on the floor, while the other was on the ceiling crawling to Max,the most terrifying part for Max was that, they were both upside down, their dark hair was also floating ...

...immediately Sara heard a voice from her back, while her hands were still on the door....

""Mum? "why are you pulling the door?

""Max? , ....did you get out?, how?

Sara was shocked to see Max standing in front of her like nothing had happened, But he had his back facing His mom

""Mom! I want to sleep, please, am a bit scared""

Sara off course heard the Crying of Max in the bathroom had stopped, She turned fully facing Max's back,she began to pace closer to him, but slowly,.....

""" you shouldn't be here by this time Mum""

On hearing this, she stopped, starred at Max for a Second and Tapped his shoulder, turning him around,Hoping to see anything suspicious,but there He was, gazing at the floor,innocently

"" Max is it really you?, Don't be afraid, ok? ""

"" Am not, you're the one who is afraid, because of this"""He said raising his head...

Sara fell to the floor and began to crawl to the bathroom direction,the banging and crying of Max in the bathroom continued again, the lights began to shake and burst,Max's Had stitches all over his face, His lips was stitched together,His nose were also stitched together,and his eyes,one was stitched and the other was just an empty eye socket bleeding,Max had disappeared,into the dark......

"" Who're you? Show yourself "" She said in fear

immediately a shadow began to Crawl on the wall


The Figure Flew out out from the wall, heading straight to Sara... "" Arrrrggggghhhh""

""Honey!, ....Brown shouted and pulled Sara out of the room,The room door closed making a terrible sound....

""where have you been? she asked crying

""Max is still inside""she said pointing the door

""Stay here! he instructed

He went inside the room,And found Max laying on the bathroom floor, He had Fainted!

.....8:18am, at Mrs Brown, Sara's apartment.....

Mrs Bob, Mary, had decided to check on them, Although she heard the noise last night and wanted to confirm the cause.

""Max said he saw someone on the bathroom mirror, that was all what he's been saying since when he opened his eyes,but I'm sure he saw something order than that""

"" hmmm""..sara muttered and said, "" let's pray""

After some Five minutes prayer,... they went back in discussing what Had happened to Max that night.....

"" watch him closely, something must be wrong, somewhere ""

later Mary Was In her house, it was evening already, She and her husband were in the kitchen cooking and chatting, while Telsa was sitting on the dinning, in the living room

..... "" Everything feels strange around here, at work, just everywhere, yesterday a student told me a story about two girls,For me it was chilling""...

""what about the girls?

"" that?,they were killed and.... just some kind of made up story anyway,....Sara is worried about her Son, Max, who is always seeing figures in the mirror ""she added

"" kids can he something else, you know "" he said and headed to their room to take something, suddenly the lights began to twitch, followed by a loud sound of a broken glass, some of the gloves had burst, causing darkness in the living room

"" Somebody help, argghhh, dad, mom"""

she heard Telsa cried out with force, she cried as if someone Was strangling her to death

""Telsa? Telsa? she called running to her rescue, And met her standing, she was alright anyway

"" so you thought it was fun, Telsa? And why are you standing like that? off course I'll punish you for this"" she said But Telsa wasn't moving nor answering her

""Telsa? Am talking, she stopped for a moment and walked up to her

"" what are you doing honey? Turn,around please""....

Which Telsa did slowly, She could only see with the moonlight that shone across the windows

"" OMG", she said, and saw many plates on the table with eyes on them, Telsa herself had her own Plate and eyes on the table, she also had A knife and spoon in her hands,Plus a wide Terrifying smile,She Ran with speed to her mother and grabbed her by the hand with force....

""Mom, why are you shouting?

""Honey what's going on? Said her husband who was returning from their bed room..

""I refuse to understand why mom is shouting"", Telsa said,while heading back to the table, and starred at her mom for a second...

"" Mom, food please!


11:51pm and everyone was fast asleep, Mrs Bob, Mary was awakened by the "meow" of a Cat, she got up and saw the windows open, No wonder she had been shivering a bit, she walked up to the window, closed it, and drew the curtains, closing the windows, she walked back to the bed to lay down,suddenly a heavy breeze blew the windows open and the curtains apart...

she sighed and headed to close them again, this time even locking the windows, as she turned and headed back to the bed, she felt something strange, she stood there for a moment staring at the room door, it was half open too, She headed to close it, and even peeped down the stairs that was leading to the living room, she heard a little cracking sounds from the stairs, while she continued to stare downstairs she felt she saw someone, As the light twitches, ....she turned to look at her husband who was still asleep, and she don't want to disturb him,

she picked up the torch light and walked down the stairs,to see who it was,while she took the stairs,slowly, the figure, will disappear and the appear whenever the light Twitches, she stopped and asked...

"" who are you? And why are you in my house by this time?.. in fear

the lights went completely off, she was shook with fear, and with that fear she quickly moved the torchlight switch...

""you know I hate lights, right?

"" tell me who you're or I'll call the police""

"" Hehehe!!! I love companies anyway ""

Mrs Bob Immediately got carried away by the meow of the cat again, she don't know where it came from,the room door closed and in fear, she shook and the torch fell to the floor causing more noise,

""shit!! she whispered,and stared at the torch,that was laying on the floor dead, she stared back to the door, Not knowing it closed by itself...

"" Bob!! "Bobbb?,""don't close the door please""

she said in fear and stared down the stairs and into the living room, the figure wasn't there anymore, she thought of going back in,the silence that filled the place made her giggle in fear, she slowly took the stairs but backwards, stopped and stared back again, there was the figure standing at her back, waiting for her to turn

""arrrrrhggggg!!! she screamed, missed her step, and rolled down the stairs,beside the torch light,of course she saw the figure standing at her back, while she turned around, the figure was pale, it has long sharp nails, with a kind of terrifying figure, empty eye sockets and a wide sets of teeth, grinning terribly...

everywhere was dark and quite,just she and moonlight that was shinning across the Windows,The figure was off sight again,she picked up the torchlight,hit it back to life and shone it across the living room and the stairs,she quickly got up and ran up the stairs,something kept following her as she run up,On reaching the door she pushed it and fell into the room,

"" oohhh nooo!! she screamed in fear as she found her husband hanging upside down in the middle of the room, he wasn't tied either, immediately his head rotates facing Mary,from his forehead down to his nose was blank and then he said

"" Help me please ""

she ran out from the room, crying silently,she Saw the figure passing through the walls,like a shadow, she gasped and fell down from the stairs again, this time hitting her head so hard....

"" OMG"" to her surprise it was daybreak,she was on the floor...... her husband and Tesla ran into the room, when she was about to ran down too,

"" what happened "" she asked

""we heard you fell down! said Telsa

there was a great silence, and starring at each other....

"" Telsa needs a ride to school, she's late,I could have done that, but I woke up late, now am also late""

But Mary only stared at her husband and Tesla curiously.....


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