The following day Mr Bob Went to pick Jack, while Mary and Telsa were at the kitchen, preparing something, and also, Mrs Sara and Max were busy Fixing the welcome back decorations, in the living room and his room to be.
While they chat along, there was a knock on the door,....
"" Jack! whispered Telsa
"" okay everyone seems like our boy Jack is here""Mrs Mary said as she paced to open the door
Mr Bob and Max entered the house and everyone was standing staring at him, But Jack Was only staring without even smiling, he didn't recognized anyone, including his father, who picked him.
"" Say hello, Jack""Said his father
But Jack was still standing like a statue, he wasn't reacting, there was an awkward silence
"" err hmm, Jack, this are your family, your Mom and Sister telsa, and this is Mrs Sara and her son Max, they are our neighbors""Explained his dad, while pointing at everyone
But Jack wasn't answering either, or reacting.
"" Ok!, since Jack is too shy to talk, how about we just have lunch""suggested his mom
And They headed to the table, Jack was sitting beside his dad, Telsa was sitting facing max, While Sara and Mary were facing each other too.
They ate, chat, and laughed,Jack was the only quiet person amongst.
Later that day, Mr Bob lead Jack to his new room, filled with decorations,and toys, they sat him down on his bed and handed him a surprise, His dad,mum, and Telsa.
A beautiful teddy bear from his mum, A Glassed aeroplane Toy from Dad, and a little box from his sister, Telsa.
That day was a bright one.
"" He barely talk to anyone "" complained his mother
"" How do you feel when you're in a New environment?, same way the little boy is feeling "", he will get use to us, everything, ok!
"" Ok!
Jack wondered how beautiful they made his room look, the toys, the setting, the decorations, Everything was awesome to him.
he jumped on his bed and looked at the presents, he then Smiled,he was about to lay down,when he remembered something,The Box present from his sister, Telsa.
He quickly grabbed it and was eager to know what was inside it.
A little fancy key was wrapped together with the box, He Pulled out the key and unlocked the Box,There he saw Some beautiful Beads and little carved and colourful objects.
"" She made this? he whispered
"" She's talented!
He then noticed there was a little folded note inside the Box. In the note there was a little message written, in red.
{sorry Jack, but this house is haunted}
Jack only stared at it, looked around and hid it somewhere else.
6:48am ......
Mr Bob was about to leave for work, When he Stepped on an envelope on the door steps.
"" Letters with no histories""He whispered
"" Telsa come hand this to your mum, am late"" He said and left.
""What's this again? asked Telsa's mom
"" Some sort kind of creepy letters again "" Telsa replied
Mrs Mary sat down on a couch to examine the envelope properly.
As she opened the envelope, she stared at it for some moments and hissed.
"" Mum what's Inside?
""Empty dear!
"" Again!
Mrs Mary had that envelope on her hands or In her pocket throughout that day, she kept staring at it, as if something would appear,She opened it again once more and then, she noticed a stain in the envelope,and her finger was on the stain,She moved her finger a little and Noticed something, she tried hard to pronounce it,but couldn't, that was when she knew it was written upside down.....
""1:...""....1:11am ... ummm 1:11? why? What does that means? "" She said out loudly
"" Mom?...
"" Telsa, Jack come stay with Max I need to see someone at school"" She said grabbing her coat
"" Ok mum!
~At school~
"" Ana, Ana, Ana....... where's Ana?
"" What? replied the student she was asking
"" Ana!
the student only looked at her, and answered
"" I don't know your Ana, sorry!
"" Never mind "" she headed to another student and asked for Ana
"" In this school? Maybe ask someone else ""
"" Shit! She said and headed to the principal's office
"" Hey you looked stressed""
"" I'm looking for Ana.....
"" Student or staff?
""Student, petite, dark haired, Thin""
"" Well I've not seen someone, Hey hey are you here, I thought you were on break"", added the principal
"" Yeah, I'm here for Ana!""
immediately Mrs Mary Left the office...
"" Who is Ana again, the last time was nessa and Vera..... Whispered the principal
"" where could she be? She asked her self looking around.
Suddenly she heard a voice from behind. .....
""If you keep looking for me, you're just wasting your time""
""Ana? , Where have you been? .....asked Mrs Mary
"" why have you been searching for me, you were not supposed to be here today"""....said Ana
""there's something I need you to explain to me, Come to my office please"" Answered Mrs Mary
Finally, they were both at Mrs Mary's office, She asked Ana to tell her the rest of the story about Nessa and Vera.
Ana stared at her for a moment,sending chills into her spine.
"" They were murdered, and They cursed, The building in a whole""..... replied Ana
she handed Ana the two envelope without delay.....
"" Why am I receiving such? She asked
"" First it was the blank one with something inside, now it's the empty, with just 1:11am written "" Explained Mrs Mary
"" They died at exactly this time""Said Ana
"" In the club, there They were murdered, Their eyes were missing "" She added
""is there anything I need to know, like stopping them? Asked Mrs Mary
""There's something I need to tell you, right now"" said Ana
""Your kids are in danger"'You need to save them before it's too late"" she Added
Mrs Mary stared at her for a while and replied
"" How did you know my kids?
"" find them before they!
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