A Dangerous Man (Revenge of the Mafia)

A Dangerous Man (Revenge of the Mafia)

Episode 1

Adam Alvarez, also known by his birth name Marvin Leonardo, was a 28-year-old cold-blooded mafia, known for his skill in defeating enemies, which earned him the nickname "A Dangerous Man." But behind his cruelty was a scar from the past that shaped his vengeful nature.

As a child, he and his mother were deserted by his father, who had fallen for another woman and had fathered a daughter with her from an illicit affair.

Consequently, Adam used his father's beloved daughter, Nadine Leonardo, to exact revenge on his father. Adam was unforgiving towards anyone involved in his mother's brutal murder, a mother who had died in the most gruesome manner.


As a child, Marvin was known simply as Marvin, but as an adult, he changed his identity to Adam Alvarez, as his childhood name reminded him of the dark tale of when he was just 10 years old.

That unforgettable night, he watched his mother utterly crushed as Mr. Rama Leonardo brought home a new woman and her small daughter to their mansion, revealing that he had secretly remarried and fathered a child from his affair.

"Who are they, Love?" asked Mom Rena, pointing at Sonya and the young girl named Nadine.

"She is my wife, and this is our daughter; we've been married for six years," declared Mr. Rama with no hint of remorse.

Mom Rena, stunned, lost her composure, "Have you been betraying me all this time? How could you, Rama!"

Overcome with rage, Mom Rena almost lashed out at Sonya. "You cheap woman, how could you steal my husband?"

But Mr. Rama swiftly restrained Mom Rena, turning instead to slap his first wife.


Marvin was shocked at the sight and ran to comfort his mother. "Mama!"

Unwilling to see his mother harmed—this wasn't the first instance of Mr. Rama's violence—Marvin always rushed to protect her, although it meant he would suffer abuse from his father. Perhaps blinded by love, Mr. Rama committed these cruel acts.

Little Nadine, only six, was terrified at the horrific scene, hiding behind Sonya, who smirked slyly yet feigned innocence.

"Why would papa hit mama?" the ten-year-old challenged his father with pent-up emotion.

"How dare you talk back to your father!" Mr. Rama, intolerant of such defiance, lashed out.




Marvin's face bore the brunt of the strikes, blood streaming from his nose.

"Shh... arrrggghhh..." Marvin grunted in pain before collapsing to the floor by Mom Rena's feet.

Mom Rena cradled Marvin as she wept, heartbroken by his injuries. "Oh my God, Marvin."

"You take your mother's side, that's why I can't stand you. I'll no longer acknowledge you as my son, Marvin." Mr. Rama, preferring obedient Nadine—the child of the woman he adored—spitefully cut Marvin off.

He then approached the cowering Nadine, caressing her gently. "Forgive me, my dear Nadine. They deserved such punishment."

Nadine meekly nodded, too scared to resist or make a mistake, lest she face Sonya's wrath, unbeknownst to Mr. Rama.

Sonya pretended to sympathize with her husband's first wife, "Poor them, Love."

"It's all right, my love. Don't be too kind; they got what they deserved for not obeying me." Mr. Rama then glared at Marvin and Mom Rena. "From this moment, leave my mansion!"

Mom Rena wiped her tears, helping Marvin up, feeling it was best to leave, despite once fighting side by side with her husband to build their now-thriving company, Leon Group. His success had made him forget himself. "Okay, let's go, Marvin."

"I swear, one day your life will be ruined, Rama. And you will live with regret." Mom Rena glared fiercely at her husband.

Provoked, Mr. Rama raised his hand to strike her again, but Marvin swiftly blocked it.

"Don't you dare harm my mother again!" Marvin's stern gaze turned to Nadine with intense hatred, his hand clenching into a fist.

Mr. Rama summoned three bodyguards, "Drag them out to the street and never let them step foot in this mansion again."


The night was pierced by torrential rain; Marvin and Mom Rena took shelter in front of a closed antique store. Marvin watched his mother cry, unable to bear her tears.

Clutching his fists, he vowed to one day make his father weep in similar fashion.

Mom Rena dried her eyes. She couldn't appear weak in front of Marvin, and she tended to his facial wounds with ointment.

"Where will we go tonight, Ma?" Marvin asked, trying not to wince despite the pain.

"I don't know, darling. For tonight, let's sleep here," Mom Rena admitted, having been cast out without money or possessions.

Thunder roared, lightning streaked the sky, the relentless rain emptied the streets, and mother and son slept on weathered cardboard in front of the shop.


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