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A Dangerous Man (Revenge of the Mafia)

Episode 1

Adam Alvarez, also known by his birth name Marvin Leonardo, was a 28-year-old cold-blooded mafia, known for his skill in defeating enemies, which earned him the nickname "A Dangerous Man." But behind his cruelty was a scar from the past that shaped his vengeful nature.

As a child, he and his mother were deserted by his father, who had fallen for another woman and had fathered a daughter with her from an illicit affair.

Consequently, Adam used his father's beloved daughter, Nadine Leonardo, to exact revenge on his father. Adam was unforgiving towards anyone involved in his mother's brutal murder, a mother who had died in the most gruesome manner.


As a child, Marvin was known simply as Marvin, but as an adult, he changed his identity to Adam Alvarez, as his childhood name reminded him of the dark tale of when he was just 10 years old.

That unforgettable night, he watched his mother utterly crushed as Mr. Rama Leonardo brought home a new woman and her small daughter to their mansion, revealing that he had secretly remarried and fathered a child from his affair.

"Who are they, Love?" asked Mom Rena, pointing at Sonya and the young girl named Nadine.

"She is my wife, and this is our daughter; we've been married for six years," declared Mr. Rama with no hint of remorse.

Mom Rena, stunned, lost her composure, "Have you been betraying me all this time? How could you, Rama!"

Overcome with rage, Mom Rena almost lashed out at Sonya. "You cheap woman, how could you steal my husband?"

But Mr. Rama swiftly restrained Mom Rena, turning instead to slap his first wife.


Marvin was shocked at the sight and ran to comfort his mother. "Mama!"

Unwilling to see his mother harmed—this wasn't the first instance of Mr. Rama's violence—Marvin always rushed to protect her, although it meant he would suffer abuse from his father. Perhaps blinded by love, Mr. Rama committed these cruel acts.

Little Nadine, only six, was terrified at the horrific scene, hiding behind Sonya, who smirked slyly yet feigned innocence.

"Why would papa hit mama?" the ten-year-old challenged his father with pent-up emotion.

"How dare you talk back to your father!" Mr. Rama, intolerant of such defiance, lashed out.




Marvin's face bore the brunt of the strikes, blood streaming from his nose.

"Shh... arrrggghhh..." Marvin grunted in pain before collapsing to the floor by Mom Rena's feet.

Mom Rena cradled Marvin as she wept, heartbroken by his injuries. "Oh my God, Marvin."

"You take your mother's side, that's why I can't stand you. I'll no longer acknowledge you as my son, Marvin." Mr. Rama, preferring obedient Nadine—the child of the woman he adored—spitefully cut Marvin off.

He then approached the cowering Nadine, caressing her gently. "Forgive me, my dear Nadine. They deserved such punishment."

Nadine meekly nodded, too scared to resist or make a mistake, lest she face Sonya's wrath, unbeknownst to Mr. Rama.

Sonya pretended to sympathize with her husband's first wife, "Poor them, Love."

"It's all right, my love. Don't be too kind; they got what they deserved for not obeying me." Mr. Rama then glared at Marvin and Mom Rena. "From this moment, leave my mansion!"

Mom Rena wiped her tears, helping Marvin up, feeling it was best to leave, despite once fighting side by side with her husband to build their now-thriving company, Leon Group. His success had made him forget himself. "Okay, let's go, Marvin."

"I swear, one day your life will be ruined, Rama. And you will live with regret." Mom Rena glared fiercely at her husband.

Provoked, Mr. Rama raised his hand to strike her again, but Marvin swiftly blocked it.

"Don't you dare harm my mother again!" Marvin's stern gaze turned to Nadine with intense hatred, his hand clenching into a fist.

Mr. Rama summoned three bodyguards, "Drag them out to the street and never let them step foot in this mansion again."


The night was pierced by torrential rain; Marvin and Mom Rena took shelter in front of a closed antique store. Marvin watched his mother cry, unable to bear her tears.

Clutching his fists, he vowed to one day make his father weep in similar fashion.

Mom Rena dried her eyes. She couldn't appear weak in front of Marvin, and she tended to his facial wounds with ointment.

"Where will we go tonight, Ma?" Marvin asked, trying not to wince despite the pain.

"I don't know, darling. For tonight, let's sleep here," Mom Rena admitted, having been cast out without money or possessions.

Thunder roared, lightning streaked the sky, the relentless rain emptied the streets, and mother and son slept on weathered cardboard in front of the shop.

Episode 2

Three months later...

It had been three months since Marvin and Mrs. Rena had settled into the village life; to suffice their daily needs, Mrs. Rena found herself peddling goods around the village in search of a humble meal.

Despite living a simple life in a shabby house, they found themselves happier than ever before, a stark contrast to the misery that permeated their existence at the Leonardo Mansion.

"Mama... mama..." Marvin ran joyously because today he had achieved a perfect score of 100 on his math test, eager to show his mother.

But upon his arrival home, he discovered they had a visitor; Mrs. Rena had a younger brother, a man named Uncle Theo. The sibling relationship was strained, as Mrs. Rena disapproved of her brother delving into the glitzy world of business.

"That despicable Rama, how dare he cast out Rena and Marvin. I'll teach him a lesson," Uncle Theo declared angrily.

"Don't, Theo. I'm at peace with this life now. I no longer care about that man," she pleaded, her voice betraying her distress.

"But he went too far, sis. You played a role in building Leon Group as well."

"I care nothing for the company. I beg you, don't interfere in my affairs," Mrs. Rena implored, desiring nothing more than a tranquil existence with Marvin, no matter how meager.

With a deep sigh, Uncle Theo resigned to her wishes, "Fine then, but come with me, you and Marvin; stay at my house."

"I'm sorry, Theo. I am content here. I just want a peaceful life with Marvin," she refused graciously.

"Father did care about you, you know. He just didn't like your association with Rama. I think you're more entitled to father's inheritance."

She shook her head, "Keep it for Marvin when he grows up. For now, I just want to find solace here."

Reluctantly, Uncle Theo nodded in agreement.


Meanwhile, at the Leonardo Mansion, a lavish party unfolded to celebrate the birthday of the beloved daughter, Nadine Leonardo.

The guest list was extensive, with Mr. Rama inviting business associates and family to the grand event.

"Your daughter is exquisite, Mr. Rama. How about we pair Nadine with my son, Damar?" suggested Mr. Dafa, a fellow businessman.

Mr. Rama chuckled, "Certainly, I'd be delighted to have you as in-laws."

Unaware of the implications, six-year-old Nadine felt uncomfortable in the midst of the festivities, especially dissatisfied with the cumbersome dress she wore.

Sonya smirked quietly, her aspiration to become Mrs. Leonardo—and to align with wealthy entrepreneurs—finally within reach.

"Mom, I'm hot. Can I change out of this dress?" Nadine complained.

With a glare, Sonya pinched Nadine's back, chiding, "Foolish child. Quiet, do you want a punishment?"

"Shh... argh, please Mom, it hurts," Nadine winced in pain.

"What's wrong, Nadine?"

The sudden voice of Mr. Rama surprised them; he would not tolerate anyone hurting his precious daughter.

"Oh, I was just fixing the zipper on Nadine's dress," Sonya lied smoothly, feigning helpfulness. "Right, dear?" she asked Nadine.

"Y-yes, that's right, Dad." Nadine felt compelled to nod.

Laughing it off, Mr. Rama said, "I thought you were in pain, sweetheart."

Assistant Dareen's arrival at the birthday celebration drew their attention.

"Excuse me, Sir, but there's an important matter I need to discuss with you," Dareen spoke to Mr. Rama.

"Alright, let's talk in my office."

Curiosity piqued, Sonya elected to eavesdrop on the exchange between her husband and his assistant from outside the office door.

"Lawyer Dicky informed me that your divorce with Mrs. Rena will soon be finalized, Sir."

"Good, I have no more need for her."

"But as you know, Sir, Leon Group was built by both you and your first wife, which means upon divorce, an equitable division of assets is required," Dareen reminded.

Sighing at the thought, yet considering Marvin was his child, Mr. Rama felt it just to allocate a portion of his wealth to his ex-wife for Rena and Marvin's welfare—it was a way to atone for past wrongs. "Fine, arrange it until it's settled."

Annoyed, Sonya grimaced at her husband's decision. Silently, she slipped away, seeking seclusion.

"Dammit, I can't let this happen; I must act," Sonya muttered to herself, pacing back and forth by the pool behind the mansion.

Remembering someone, she hastily made a call. "Hello, Erza."

"What is it, dear?" Erza responded swiftly. "When shall we meet again? I miss you dearly."

"I will schedule our next meeting. Right now, things are critical."

"What do you mean?"

"The old fool plans to give part of his fortune to his first wife. We must take action. It'd be better if you just eliminated Rena and her child."

"Hmm... alright, my dear, don't fret, taking care of such matters is easy for me."

Episode 3

Every day after school, Marvin routinely assisted his mother in selling snacks by going around the neighborhood. He never felt ashamed, even though his classmates frequently taunted him.

"You're such a poor kid!"

"Poverty-stricken kid!"

In school, many boys continuously ridiculed Marvin because they had seen him peddling snacks; Marvin tried to remain patient, opting for silence over confrontation.

Even now, his classmates' stares fixated on him, as if looking upon him with derision.

"I heard Marvin is fatherless, could his mother possibly be a prosti—haha…" A plump boy named Anton jeered.

Marvin couldn't contain his rage when somebody dared to insult his mother. He stood up, eyes piercingly fixed on Anton, then swiftly approached him.


Marvin punched Anton in the face so hard that Anton, who was sitting on a desk, toppled onto the floor.

There was no forgiveness for someone who had the audacity to scorn the most precious person in his life.



Marvin kept on beating Anton, leaving the boy battered.

The other boys who had been mocking Marvin suddenly fell silent. They were petrified, witnessing Marvin pummeling Anton as if possessed by a demon.

"Marvin! Stop it!"

Mr. Andi, the teacher, was taken aback when entering the class and seeing Marvin attacking Anton.

Marvin was forced to cease his actions, standing breathlessly and glaring at those who had mocked him. His look was devilish, perhaps due to the seething anger within his soul.

Mr. Andi helped Anton to his feet; the boy was groaning, clutching his beaten face.


Unexpectedly, Mr. Andi dealt Marvin a harsh slap.

"Do you know who Anton is? His father is a donor to this school. How dare you assault him." Mr. Andi berated Marvin.

Marvin touched his face, silently standing his ground, unable to retaliate against his teacher.


But the situation escalated into a significant issue, and Marvin was expelled from school. Perhaps due to his impoverished life, people looked down on him, and without offering him a chance, they simply cast him out.

Marvin's mother, Mrs. Rena, pleaded with Anton's father, Mr. Tomi, not to expel Marvin from school.

"I implore you, please don't kick Marvin out of school. I assure this won't happen again, I beg of you," Mrs. Rena pleaded for mercy from Mr. Tomi, the investor in the elementary school Marvin attended.

"Sorry, I can't. Your son has gone too far. Because of your insolent child, mine is battered and bruised." Mr. Tomi's decision to expel Marvin was firm.

Mrs. Rena refused to give up; Marvin's future was too critical, to the extent that she would kneel before Mr. Tomi. "Please, I'm begging you. Don't expel my son."

Marvin couldn't bear to watch his mother kneel like that; he helped her up. "Don't ever do this again, Ma. Don't ever demean yourself for my sake." Marvin spoke through tears.

"But Marvin..."

He pulled Mrs. Rena's hand, leading her away.

"There are other elementary schools, Ma. I promise, I won't cause trouble again. I won't disappoint you anymore."

Mrs. Rena's heart twisted in pain as she gently wiped Marvin's bruised face. Why must a child his age endure such suffering when their desires were so simple, just to live a comfortable life?


"What is it, dear?"

"Why do we have to live like this, suffering?"

Mrs. Rena's eyes welled up, "We haven't done anything wrong, Marvin. It's just that luck hasn't been on our side."

"Then I will find that luck, Ma. I want to be successful. And I'll always make you happy."

Mrs. Rena was profoundly moved by Marvin's words. Without realizing it, tears started falling from her eyes, which she quickly wiped away. She hoped for that too, to live longer with Marvin, to see him grow up and succeed, and one day to see who he would choose as a partner.


Life was different for Nadine Leonardo. At school, she was worshipped by her classmates, treated like a princess, for her father, Mr. Rama, owned the prestigious Hope School.

Nadine felt someone's gaze upon her beyond the school gates, making her uncomfortable, prompting her to walk towards the gates.

Regrettably, the person hurried away too quickly, leaving Nadine perplexed as she watched their retreating back. It seemed to be an adult woman, perhaps around her thirties. Unfortunately, Nadine couldn't see her face clearly.

Nearly every day she felt observed, especially at school.

Despite living in opulence, with every whim fulfilled and pampered by her father, Nadine did not feel content. She was pressured to be an obedient daughter by her mother, to appear perfect, compliant, and she was pushed to always be top of her class, so her father would be proud to have a daughter like Nadine.

Nadine couldn't forget an incident three months prior, feeling immense guilt towards her father's first wife and Marvin, as their presence had led to their expulsion by her father. Yet at her young age, Nadine felt powerless to change anything.

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