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Contract Marriage with the CEO Who Secretly Loves Me

Contract Marriage with the CEO Who Secretly Loves Me

Elisa is a young woman who, due to her father's gambling addiction, ends up being handed over as payment for a million-dollar debt. Her father made a marriage contract for her, in which she must be married for a year to the owner of the betting club, essentially as a trophy wife, living with him and always being seen as beautiful at events.
Elisa could refuse the arrangement, but that would put her father's life in danger. As a young dreamer who intends to study, she doesn’t think she would lose much time being married for just a year and thus save her father's life. What could be worse than marrying the billionaire Christian Fox?
Only one thing: falling in love with him in the process...

Soul's Revenge

Soul's Revenge

Ainun was rummaging through the trash, just as she did every day as a scavenger. But this morning, she felt as if she had struck an enormous fortune when she found a good-quality suitcase.


The suitcase contained dismembered body parts of a young girl.

Even worse, the girl was from their own village, Bakti Reso—she was the daughter of the local landlord.

The last message

The last message

Yura Bestari fell ill and was unconscious for days. After he regained consciousness he could see invisible creatures.

There are even spirits who deliberately approach Yura, asking for help in conveying the last message to the people they left behind. Worse yet, there is a figure who is starting to interfere with Yura's life.

Gaining quite frightening advantages makes him close to one of the seniors on his campus who is known to be very indifferent and turns out to be an indigo.

How does Yura deal with the spirits that bother her and the spirits who want Yura to be a bridge to their final message?

Can Yura get rid of this advantage or live until the end of time?

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