I was discharged and returned home, although I thought I knew that place from my memories, I realized I knew nothing.
A long time had passed and my perspectives had changed, everything seemed bigger and smaller at the same time and I thought the world was more colorful, but now, the world seemed dull.
The smiling and happy faces I thought I would find didn't exist. People on the streets were expressionless and hurried.
I looked around and realized that the dominant color in the world was gray and that seeing might not be as extraordinary as I thought.
Of course I felt like a boy, curious to rediscover the world.
The first thing I did was look in the mirror, I wanted to know what my face looked like, since I didn't remember my old face anymore.
I looked at the man in the reflection strangely, I even treated him, making random movements, checking if it was really my reflection or if I was looking at someone else.
After examining myself, I came to the conclusion that I liked my appearance. I liked my haircut and the way my beard was trimmed.
Thinking about it, I remembered Camille, she was the one who took care of these things and she did a good job.
At that moment I felt an immense curiosity, what was Camille like? What did she look like? Would I like her appearance or would she repulse me?
Eagerly I started looking for a picture of Camille, something I couldn't find anywhere.
It was then that I realized that she was more stuck in my world than I was in hers. This room had few traces of her presence. While my things were scattered everywhere, Camille only had a dresser with her things.
Her clothes were still here, hair clips, combs, toiletries among other items. She left and never came back here to get her things.
I took a box and started putting some of her things in it, I thought I could take it to her mother's and maybe she would be there and maybe we could talk.
"No! I said I wouldn't go after her and I'm not going back on my word."
I sat down, giving up, but I ended up looking at her things. They looked quite worn, nothing there was new.
I could have bought her new things if she had stayed.
I picked up some pieces of clothing and tried to imagine how she dressed. Some pieces were size M, so she wasn't that thin anymore.
I shook my head, I knew she wasn't as thin as when we first met, I knew her body when I touched her.
Instinctively I brought one of her pieces of clothing to my nose, closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. Surely those pieces belonged to her, they might be old and worn, but they had a good clean smell. Besides her scent that I could smell very faintly.
I gave up taking her things, I decided to think about it later. I had more important things to solve.
I went to my closet and picked out some clothes to wear. I noticed that I had new clothes that fit me well, they weren't designer, but rather bought in department stores, but they were tasteful.
I was grateful that Camille had taken such care, as I needed to dress well, for now it was time to get back everything that was stolen from me.
I requested a meeting with the company board, they thought it strange, but they ended up accepting.
When I got there, I got straight to the point, I wanted my position as CEO by right, I wanted control of my company back.
Of course they refused, saying that until recently I was blind, that I didn't have the experience to run such a big company.
Then I went straight to the ultimatum, I said I knew my stepbrother had cleaned out the company coffers and everyone must be desperate right now. I said I knew the company was on the verge of bankruptcy and that I had the money to save it. Either they gave me the position or I let the ship sink.
When Robert recovered the money my stepbrother took, I asked him not to return it to the company coffers, I asked him to deposit it all into another account. I was already planning on taking over my position somehow and nothing like using a war strategy to do it.
"Know yourself and your enemy...", a teaching from a book Camille recorded for me, "The Art of War." It simply says that whoever obtains information and knows what to do with it, has the advantage in war. And that's exactly what I'm doing.
It was a long meeting with many negotiation proposals, but of course I refused them all and made mine prevail. I was in command even before they accepted me, they didn't show it, but they were desperate.
As expected, I got my job and from then on I had to work hard to undo my stepbrother's mess.
It was much harder than I imagined and even then I missed Camille. I was blind for ten years and I wasn't used to reading, I missed hearing Camille read to me.
The days went by and things got harder, I realized that my life as a blind man was easier than I imagined.
Simple things were ridiculously complicated, like choosing what to eat for dinner.
I didn't quite know what to order and... it seemed like all the food I was offered tasted strange, I don't know... nothing was as good as the food Camille used to make.
One night I got a call from Robert.
"Henry, how are you? How's your new life?"
"Not funny...", I say, letting out a bored breath.
"Oh, come on! You can see again and you're not enjoying it? You need to get out a little... Come on, let's go out! I'll stop by and take you to dinner! It's going to be a guys' thing, okay? I hope Camille doesn't mind not being invited."
"What Camille, Robert? What Camille? She and I are divorced..."
"What? You divorced Camille as soon as you could see again?"
"It wasn't quite like that... you know what, I'm going to get ready. Let's have dinner."
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