Episode 16

I went home that day thoughtful, feeling very torn. Even though there was very little left, I still had hope that things would improve.

I loved Henry... loved his voice, his slightest expressions, his smell, and how we made love.

If only he recognized everything I do, I don't think I would be feeling so torn.

I looked at him closely, at his body as I undressed him, his hair falling on his forehead and the annoyed face he made when he was bothered because his bangs were too long.

I even liked taking care of him, taking care of those we love is not a sacrifice, it's the lack of reciprocity that tires us.

I was very distracted thinking about my decision and ended up provoking Henry while helping him in the bath. I only realized when he suddenly pulled me, giving me a scare.

He asked me to get into the bathtub so we could make love, as a way to reward me for my work since he couldn't pay me a salary.

I could have, you know? Have one last night of love before leaving. But no! I don't want it like that, I don't want to make love as if it were a reward I needed, what I needed was more than that, much more...

I backed away and at that moment, I thought I should leave right then and there. But the thought of never seeing my first love again made my heart ache.

I tried to hold back the tears, but they insisted on falling.

"What am I to you, Henry? Do you see me only as your maid?" that wasn't just any question, it was my inner self, wishing I would be tormented by his words and give up everything soon. It was also my inner self yearning for a different answer, something that would give me hope that everything will change.

Nothing changed... he said those same words to me, about my appearance, trying to say that I was with him because I was rejected by other men, that I was strange and, finally, that he couldn't love me without seeing me.

Is everything I do not enough? He is blind not only in his eyes, he can't see that everything I do is just out of deep love.

I couldn't stand to be with him there. I left and went to the garden of the house. The air in that bathroom was heavy and I couldn't breathe properly. I looked at the sky, gathering courage, I should leave him.

But how do I tell him that? To say that I would leave him in the lurch. To say that he should fend for himself from now on. To say to be careful with his stepbrother and stepmother.

My God, I was stuck to that man. I didn't have the courage to leave him to his own devices, knowing that without me something very bad could happen to him.

I was very torn and even though I had found someone who wanted to help me, I was still very attached to this life.

I kept thinking so much that I didn't see the time pass, when I returned to the room, I swallowed my pride and ended up helping Henry again.

In the morning, I did everything according to my routine, cut Henry's hair, left everything prepared, the books recorded within his reach for him to distract himself, and went to work.

When I arrived at work, my boss was very angry with me. He spent the whole day following me around asking me to do things. In addition to the cash register, he made me serve tables, clean the floor, and even sent me to the kitchen.

To make matters worse, he didn't let me take my lunch break, even though I begged. That day, Henry went without lunch and I was desperate. But what could I do, I needed that job.

When my shift ended, my boss called me to his office and gave me my resignation letter. He told me that since I was avoiding him, I couldn't work there anymore.

I begged him to change his mind and he told me there was only one way to cancel my resignation and paused, making me understand what he meant.

I signed the papers because I would never do what he was trying to pressure me into.

"And my salary? Can I receive my salary today?" I ask, as it was payday.

"No. You will receive everything in the severance package."

"Sir, I... I was counting on that salary. Can't you make an exception?"

"No, Camille. I am only good to those who are good to me. Why don't you ask for a salary from that man who came to pick you up yesterday. What happened? Did he use you and disappear? It serves you right, that's what women like you deserve!"

I couldn't take it anymore, before I knew it my hand had already hit his face. Now that he was no longer my boss, I could give him what he deserved.

"Argh! You slut! I will...," he gets up and immediately I get up and run to leave—"I will end you! You won't be able to find work anywhere anymore! Any company that asks I will tell them what a terrible employee you are!" he yells as I continue running away.

That day I was exhausted, and this time, not just mentally, but physically as well.

I arrived home and rushed to make dinner for Henry, as he might be starving.

However, when I looked in the cupboard, it was empty. There was nothing, not even a packet of salt.

"Camille, you said to take everything in your cupboard and prepare. You said it was all stolen."

"What?! How come? She couldn't eat everything?"

"She didn't eat, she asked to throw away what was left."

I shook my head, desperate, I had no money to buy more food. And now? What could I do?

"Camille... here, take this!" Tania offers me a packet of pasta. "Make this, the lady won't even notice you took it."

I was torn whether I should do it or not, but I had no other choice, I couldn't show up at my mother's house at this hour asking for food.

I ended up accepting and preparing it, but because of my bad luck, Henry's stepmother showed up.

The woman made a scene, pointing her finger at me and shouting accusations.

I tried to plead, trying to find some charity in that heart, but that heart only had malice.

She took the bowl of soup from my hand and to my surprise, threw it on herself and started shouting that I had attacked her, that they should call the police.

Yes, she managed to have me taken to the police station. It may sound excessive, but I knew why she did that.

It was revenge because of her son. One day I was taking a break in the garden and that jerk came trying to grab me. With no way out, I ended up giving him a kick right in the groin and after that, I received constant threats from Henry's stepmother.

The officer kept asking me questions, but I didn't answer, I was too tired. Taking care of Henry was harming me in so many ways that staying at the police station was better than staying in that house.

That's when I finally made my decision and asked to use my right to make a call. I called Edgard and in no time, I was out of that police station.

Still in the car, he asked me:

"Have you made your decision? Will you accept my help?"

"Mr. Edgard, I want to work. Can you give me a job where I feel like a human being?"

"Of course, but I can do more for you."

"No, I just want that and... By the way, I want another favor. If you do this, I will be grateful to you forever, because only then will I be able to free myself."

"Of course! What do you want?"

"Mr. Kramer, do you know a very good eye doctor? Someone who can make a blind person see again?"


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