Thomas left Luisa's room feeling a bit upset because he didn't like that girl, but when he looked into her beautiful blue eyes, his heart skipped a beat. He still couldn't explain that electric current he felt when they made contact.
"Is everything alright, young Thomas?" Lucia asked.
"Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. By the way, prepare something special for dinner tomorrow," Thomas replied. Lucia nodded and went about her tasks.
Thomas left his house and went to Pilar Román's apartment. She used to be his girlfriend, but they decided to end things as they had different visions of life. However, that didn't mean they didn't have occasional intimate encounters.
He arrived and went up to the apartment, not needing to knock since he had the key.
"Well, what a surprise," he said sarcastically.
"Thomas, I can explain," the brunette said, covering her nakedness.
"I don't need an explanation, Pilar. We are nothing," he calmly sat on another couch.
Pilar looked at him confused. She knew that Thomas still had feelings for her, but seeing his indifferent attitude bothered her.
Meanwhile, Thomas couldn't understand why seeing Pilar with another man didn't bother him. He thought his reaction would be different, but he surprised himself.
The man with Pilar got dressed and left.
"It was just a moment, I have nothing with him," she approached him for a hug, but he rejected her.
"Why are you rejecting me? I know you're upset seeing me with someone else, but you decided to end things with me," Pilar said.
"I'm not upset, Pilar. On the contrary, I'm glad you're moving on and finding happiness."
"But I can only be happy with you."
"Look, Pilar, I've always told you that our encounters meant nothing. You can do whatever you want, just like me."
"What are you trying to say?" Pilar started getting nervous.
"I'm getting married, Pilar, and I don't want to be associated with you. I don't want my future wife to feel sad. Do you understand?"
"Hahaha, Thomas, always with your jokes."
"It's not a joke," he said seriously.
"Please, Thomas, I've never seen you with a girlfriend, and you're not the type for commitment. How can you be getting married?"
"I don't owe you any explanations. All I want is for us to end whatever we had here."
"You're afraid of falling into temptation," Pilar was about to touch his chest, but Thomas grabbed her hands.
"You don't mean anything to me anymore, Pilar. Besides, you don't even come close to comparing with my future wife," he let go of her hands abruptly. "Now, I bid you farewell because I'm expected at home."
"I know you'll come back to me, Thomas, as always. I'm sure of that," she said, but he didn't respond and left.
In the United States, the news of Luisa Brown's wedding created interest in some and annoyance in others, especially Agustín.
"This can't be true!" Agustín exclaimed, throwing a glass against the wall, shattering it.
"Why are you complaining, son? You handed her over to that man on a silver platter," his father said.
"How can you say that, Dad? You forced me to do it," Agustín spoke angrily.
"I didn't force you, Agustín. I gave you a choice, and you chose luxury and money," his father replied.
"I did it for my family!" Agustín shouted.
"Yes, of course, the typical excuse. The only one who didn't have the strength to fight for the woman he supposedly loves is you. So, stop making excuses and face reality," his father replied.
"Never! You and Santiago will pay for this," Agustín stormed out of Ricardo's office.
"I'm not afraid of your threats, son!" Ricardo shouted, hoping Agustín would hear him.
In the Brown house, the circumstances were similar. Santiago regretted giving Luisa to his worst enemy, thinking that maybe Thomas had already forgotten the past.
20 Years Ago
In the United States, on December 31st, a young Italian couple enjoyed the view in New York City with their 5-year-old son and the baby growing inside the woman's belly. They had decided to spend the holidays away from Italy and breathe in new air.
Only a few minutes were left for the new year to begin, and people were getting excited because starting a new year meant making promises to be fulfilled, goals to be achieved, dreams to be realized. They wanted to love more, live more, be happier, and forget all the bad things that happened, hoping to do better in the upcoming year.
In the back seat of the family car, a couple was driving, and their child was sleeping. It wasn't the time for him to be awake.
Not too far away, a car was speeding, possibly driven by an irresponsible person who had consumed too much alcohol and decided to get behind the wheel.
The midnight bells rang, and everyone joyfully celebrated the beginning of a new year. However, on a curve of the road, the scene was completely different. Two cars collided, and one of them fled the scene without caring that the other car crashed into a tree. People passing by rushed to help those inside the vehicle, but witnessing that sight shattered their souls.
A man embraced a pregnant woman, acting as a shield to protect their 6-year-old son. The child cried as he saw his parents covered in blood.
"Come here, little one," a gentleman said.
"No, I don't want my parents to wake up and not see me with them," the child replied.
The gentleman's heart sank, unable to believe that someone could show no remorse for taking away three innocent lives, especially that of the unborn child who never got to see the light of day as it was extinguished prematurely.
"Tell me, little one, don't you have any other family members?" he asked.
"No, in Italy, it's just my dad, my mom, and me," the child responded as he hesitated. "Oh, I almost forgot, there's also my little brother still in my mom's tummy," he added with an innocent smile.
Tears welled up in the man's eyes. Despite being daring, he had a heart, and seeing this orphaned child with no one else left in this world broke his soul.
"Why are you crying, sir?" the child asked.
He was about to answer when he fell silent, seeing how the child ran after the morgue attendants who were carrying the lifeless bodies covered with a sheet.
"Stop, don't take my parents," the child pleaded with tears in his eyes. "Please, sir, help me, I don't know where they are taking them."
"Look, little one, what happened is that your parents, along with your little brother, have gone to heaven," the man explained.
"But why didn't they take me? Don't they love me anymore? I wanted to go with them," the child began to cry.
The man simply hugged him, unsure of how to explain that his parents gave their lives for him but that he was still too young to fully understand. So, he focused on comforting him, and after a few minutes, the child stopped crying.
"What's your name, champ?" the man asked.
"My name is Thomas Garzon," he responded sadly.
"Don't worry, Thomas, from now on, I will be your guardian," the man reassured him.
"I just want my parents and my little brother, Mr.," the child's eyes filled with tears again.
"I'm Raul Moretti, so don't call me Mr. anymore," he embraced him. "Just remember that your parents will always be with you wherever you go."
The man who caused the accident got rid of his car and returned home without any remorse. He didn't care about the lives he had taken; all that mattered to him were his own problems and the arranged marriage his parents had set up for him.
"Drunk again, Santiago," the father said.
"I'm not here for your sermons," he replied.
"Son, it's not sermons. We were worried about you. Not long ago, there was an accident on this road, and we feared the worst," spoke the mother.
"You don't have to worry. Nothing happened to me, and whatever happens to the rest is not my problem," Santiago said as he went upstairs and fell asleep with a guilty conscience but without a hint of remorse.
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Updated 64 Episodes
damn! so, he was the one /Speechless/