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The Mad Wife of the Tyrant
My Life as the Duke's Wife

My Life as the Duke's Wife

Olivia Carter, a 16-year-old girl who has been unlucky all her life, is forced to marry the fearsome Duke of Forets to save her family from ruin. A wedding without a groom, a marriage from which nothing is expected will end up surprising the ducal couple. A love filled with passion, lust, and full of amusing misunderstandings is about to begin.

Marrying the Uncle of an Ex

Marrying the Uncle of an Ex

Valerie decided to return to Indonesia after being betrayed by her lover, Kelvin Harrison. In order to vent her hurt, Vale married a rich, paralyzed young master—Sirius Brox.

However, who would have thought, it turns out that Riu is Kelvin's little uncle. Vale is again faced with the figure of his ex, and is also faced with the complicated secrets of the Brox family.

Slowly, Vale finds out who Riu really is. However, that didn't necessarily make her regret marrying that man, instead she wholeheartedly surrendered her passionate love.

Haunted School

Haunted School

Julia is a very smart student and excels at school, because during her life Julia often experienced sexual harassment and was also often bullied by several of her friends, namely Olivia, Siska, Erin and Dina, making Julia depressed. Plus, Julia found out she was pregnant, making her even more depressed. and ends up in the school bathroom.

Since Julia's death, many students have died horribly, Julia's spirit has sought revenge when she was alive on the people who hurt her.

Until the arrival of a new student named Dara who has the special ability to see invisible creatures begins to solve the mystery of terror at the school.

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