"Ouch!" Jin shouted and started shaking his hand. The spoon fell from his hand and made a loud sound. He has been zoning out thinking about Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook. His hand touched the hot pan and got lightly burnt.
"I wonder how they are doing." Jin sighed.
He needs to cook for all the "staff" of this somewhat "organization". From what he heard, those three have been taken at a place where they select soldiers. If they are not selected then they are sent to another factory from where their organs are sold. Jin felt his whole body shudder. What if they don't get selected?
No, he cannot sit here and cook SOUP. He needs to save them. But save them from what? and how?
Jin started to think of a plan to go and check on the three subconsciously caressing his burnt hand. He snapped out of his thoughts after hearing a small creak. Someone is trying to open the kitchen's window from outside. Jin can't see who or what it is due to the glass on the window being so dirty that it's not transparent anymore. The window now opened a bit more with another loud creak. Jin can now see a hand. He slowly picked up his spatula and stood in postion. Another loud creak and the window opened fully.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh" Jin threw his spoon towards Hoseok and he somehow managed to dodge it.
"Hyung it's us." Taehyung spoke.
"Oh my god I was scared to death." Jin dramatically placed his hand on his heart.
"So scared that you almost broke my head with a-" Hoseok turned his head back and looked out of the window to see what Jin threw
"a spoon."
"Ok whatever. Are you two alright? And where is Jungkook?" Jin put his left hand on Hoseok's shoulder and right hand on Taehyung's.
"We are fine. And Jungkook....." Taehyung opened and closed his mouth a few times attempting to say something.
"What Jungkook? Where's he? Is he ok?" Jin asked anxiously.
"Uh about Jungkook...." Hoseok tried to speak but he got confused about how he was supposed to explain the situation.
"He.... Jungkook.... Don't Tell me Jungkook....He is alive...right?" Jin's voice cracked.
"No No he's alive hyung, and he's completely fine." Taehyung shaked his head.
"Then why isn't he with you? Why didn't you bring him along?" Jin asked. He needs to know everything.
"Hyung actually, me and Hoseok hyung got selected as soldiers. Jungkook passed the test too but he-"
"He what?"
________________________________________________(Time skip )
"So he killed this Brute guy and the high officials here specially came to see him and and are now interviewing him a high security, soundproof, fireproof room?" Jin said in one breath.
"Bruce actually, and yes that's what happened."
Taehyung leaned his back against the kitched wall with filled with moss. It's ruining his military outfit but he doesn't care.
"At least that's what Taehyung and I heard on the way while sneaking out of there."
"Are they gonna punish him because he killed Bruce?" Hoseok added.
"No, if they were to punish him they wouldn't take him inside such a fancy room and interview him like a celebrity." Taehyung pointed out.
"Then what do they want from him?" Hoseok said while munching on a tomato he just found.
"We need to find that out." Jin said.
"How are we going to do that?" Hoseok's hands and clothes are now messed up because of the tomato.
"We will figure something out." Jin sat back straightening his back.
"Hoseok throw that tomato away."
R.I.P Jin's spoon 🥄 😔💐
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