
Jin opened his eyes and blinked a few times.

At first he thought something is wrong with his eyes. But it's actually dark inside the Van.

He felt a hand on his legs. He was about to scream but he saw it was Hoseok.

"You awake hyung?" Taehyung's voice came from a corner.

"Yea. Are you guys alright?" The older asked.

"Yep we are fine. You woke up at last hyung."

Jin heard jungkooks voice who was probably sitting beside Taehyung.

"Where are they taking us?" Hoseok looked at the cracking voice. It was a small boy curled up in a ball in a corner.

"As if we know." a familiar voice said quiet loudly."

Surprisingly it was Graus. He was sitting rather relaxed tthen the others. He looked annoyed at the fact he was with them.

Taehyung looked around. All the guys around were mostly the young guys of their village.

Most of them were terrified. Some were trying to get a hold of it. Some seemed to be still processing all of it. A few were crying.

He looked at Jungkook . He was looking down. Probably sad because of this uncertain situation. Also he didn't get to see his family

Maybe for the last time? will they ever be able to go back? It was obvious no. Jungkook is the only earning person in his family. He has two little sisters. It's not safe for them to work. His mother is old and sick. All of these is just depressing. Jungkook was barely 19?

On the other hand Jin was the oldest. Jin's family has a stable financial condition. His father and his hyung earn enough . But Jin always had this habit putting others Infront of him . No matter what happens He always insured Hoseok, Jungkook and taehyung's safety and comfort first. He is confident and quite insecure at the same time. Even now Jin was repeatedly looking at the three. He needs for him too.

Taehyung believes Hoseok was actually born in the wrong time. He always had a passion for dancing. But in this situation practicing dancing rather then trying to earn was more like a crime. Especially his father never approved of his dancing. But Dawon Noona and his mother wete quite supportive. Hoseok is the most positive among all of them. He is a like a source of hope and positivity. But he himself can't fulfill his dreams. Dancing means everything to him

Taehyung's family was stable.But one day they woke up atmidst the sound of loud gunshots and people screaming. His dad was tightly holding taehyung's wrist in one hand and eun-june in other. His mother was covering both of them. That day Tae felt lucky to have a family. But at the same time he felt useless. Because he couldn't do anything. He was so shocked that he was just following his father. After running a long way they reached this village. With everyone's help everything was quite normal. Until today. But taehyung was glad that this time he was alone in trouble. His family was safe. Eun-june is still a kid. Graus tried to take her with him many times. He did the same with Jungkook's sisters. They are safe now. He wished they always remain safe.

"Get down you rats!" a harsh voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

Everyone started getting down from the van.

Hoseok thought they are probably taking them to some huge factory type building or something. But it was a huge field. It was silent . The only sound anyone could hear was the sound of the vans engine and light sobs. There were 5-6 men wearing all black . There faces were covered obviously. All of them had automatic guns in their hands.

"So," a middle aged man came forward and took a glance of every boy in front of him.

He was about say something but a Lean looking guy suddenly interrupted him.

"Where are you talking us?' he said.

"Nowhere." the man said expressionless.

"What do you mean?" the guy asked.

"We aren't taking you anywhere We are just gonna sell you." The man replied so casually it seemed like selling humans is a very normal thing.

"To whom?" a small boy asked.

"The dealer with the best deal and largest units." the man replied raising his index upwards dramatically.

"You can't do this You can't sell someone by force." Jungkook speaked suddenly.

"Who are you to tell us what can we do and what we can't?" the man raised and eyebrow still looking expressionless.

" Iam no one. It's a basic right. You don't have the right to do this to us."

" Listen boy , " The guy said stretching his arms. " Now, The person with power has the right to do whatever they want to do."

" Looks like you are a little backdated. That's why you had no idea about it." he added leaning towards Jungkook.

"This rule applies everywhere now." He said standing straight.

"I've also started this." Suddenly a voice spoke .

Taehyung, Hoseok, Jungkook and Jin turned to see it was none other than Graus.

"In fact , Iam the one who started this in our village." he stated proudly.

"Really? what did u do?" the man said lifting an eyebrow.

"I did. I took money from people by force. I captured their houses. Yesterday I was picking up a young girl too." He said lifting his nose in pride.

Jungkook clenched his fists as he realised that Graus was talking about his sister.

"Impressive." the man said nodding.

"You are totally a nice material." he said.

No one expected the incident that happened after this. All they could hear was a gunshot.

The man lifted up his automatic weapon and shot Graus right in his forehead.

"His brain is of no use. There will be no profit." He said poking the dead body with his boots.

Two of the man lifted up Graus's body and took it away.

"So I was saying, " the man continued as if nothing happened.

"Do you what's the thing which is lacking in this current situation?"

"Moral values and humanity." someone said in a low tone.

"What?" the man laughed. " No the thing in demand is weapons, soldiers and human organs."

"What do you need?" he asked

"What?" he repeated.

"We need to survive." Taehyung said clenching his fists.

"Exactly smarty." he scoffed.

"And for that, you need to abide by the rules. And whatever the man with POWER says is the RULE." he added more pressure on those words.

" After we sell you . Some of you will be selected for becoming soldiers, the lucky ones , the ones with strength and stamina. Others who have brains will be kept as Socrates. Although in my opinion, becoming a soldier is better then becoming a Socrates."

"Why ?" Hoseok asked.

"Do you know what they do with Socrates'?" he scoffed.

"Hahaha I heard they put something inside their brains called electrodes and do some calculations by sending impulses to use their intellects." One of his men answered.

Jin felt nauseous just by listening to it.

"And if you are Unlucky to have neither strength not brain, You organs will be selled for millions don't worry." The man laughed dryly.

"And if you are like super lucky,"

"You will be sold as a player of the game."

"What kind of game?" a soft voice asked.

"You will know." the man waved his hand.

"Follow me. " A muscular man ordered.



Moon Khan

Moon Khan

Omo!! what will happen next!!?!? I am soo excited for the next part!!!!!



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