"Is that a crystal reader hyung?"
Seokjin turned around to the familiar voice.
"Yea, I got plenty lying around," he replied to the brown-haired.
"Which ones have you got?" Taehyung asked with a curious tone walking towards the table Jin was standing beside.
" It's not a decent collection. I have mostly history, some biology, animal study, cooking recipes, and a few with entertainment things."
"Having a collection is a huge thing now. Whether decent or not." Hoseok chucked entering the storeroom.
"They don't make these readers anymore though" he added.
"These things are useless according to the current situation don't you think?" Taehyung said looking at the eldest.
"Yea but still, what if the situation calms down? People will go to work again, Children will go to school again. We might need these little machines to educate them then." Jin tried to place a reason to him still keeping his crystal readers with great care.
Although he knew what he said had no chances of being true. For the past few decades, people have been seeing nothing but war. He have been born while a war was going on. Humans had reached the peak of their development. They became so greedy for power that they lost their sense. Crystal Readers were still in use when jin's father was a kid. Crystal readers are small crystal boxes the size of a grown-ups fist. People used to store all sorts of information and knowledge in those. But due to the continuous wars the factories making them have closed. All the readers Jin has belongs to his father and grandfather. Keeping those were meaningless when people struggle for food. Taehyung, Hoseok, Jin were neighbors. Taehyung's family used to live somewhere else. But their hometown was also burned and destroyed. They took shelter in the abandoned house beside the Jung family's house 8 months ago. Seokjin and Hoseok's family helped them with food and medical facilities. It was awkward to help someone else when you are in need too and especially in the current situation. But humanity hasn't vanished yet.
"You wanna come over tonight? I found a reader which contains ancient songs we can listen to together." Jin asked the two.
"Yeah sure," Taehyung replied.
" I might be a little late though. I have to go to the field with my father." Hoseok said scratching his head.
"It's fine we will wait," taehyung assured.
"For now I need to clean this mess up. Help me" Jin ordered.
"Fine Fine," The youngest said picking up a box.
"What's this?" Hoseok said lifting a small rectangular thing.
It looked like a box but it was too flat and small. It was sheets that seemed tied up. The first sheet on both sides was a bit thicker than the ones in between. The ones on the first were brown and the ones in between were white, turned a bit yellowish probably because of aging. The sheets had weird signs on them.
"Is this paper hyung?" he asked
"Wasn't paper used by our grandparent's parents?" Jin laughed.
"What is it doing here then?" Hoseok asked furrowing his eyebrows.
"Maybe belongs to my dad." ¯(ツ)/¯ Jin said.
"I get it!" Taehyung said with a high tone
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Updated 59 Episodes
Moon Khan
You are a great writer!!!!!💜💜💜💜💜